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The Official Tramadol Discussion Thread

It was quite good at the beginning, then I started using Hydrocodone, the Heroin. After having experienced these opiates, somehow Tramadol started to give me very bad nausea and I never got nauseaus from even mainlining Heroin or Speedballs; tried to take it to keep the H withdrawal at bay but even 50mgs was enough to make me puke like hell.

It used to give me lots of energy and made me feel kinda happy but as I said it's over for me.
Yeah Tramdol is a weird drug. When I first experienced it I was high for like a month, suddenly tolerance came from nowhere and they feel nowhere near as euphoric as they did. I thought I found a drug that would change my life at first so I know how the lovers of tramadol feel. I still use it for pain but mainly out of habit and for a little energy and clear headed feeling. Still good for pain though, and if I take it continuously throughout the day it keeps my codeine withdrawals at bay (dose evry 2 hours or so). I much prefer codeine- no seizure risk, much more predictable feeling. Sometimes Trams can make me edgy- sometimes self confident.
My dog told me Tramadol kicks ass. so i traded him some for some norcos.

then he licked his nuts & walked away
yeah i noticed tramadol makes me really edgy every once in awhile i do it. it is really unpredictable, sometimes i feel pretty good off it and get a slight inkling of an opiate feeling. ive noticed lately its also made me clench my jaw a lot.
I hereby officially rechristen this as the Tramadol Discussion Thread, and will begin folding in new questions and discussions about the generalities of Tramadol and its use. If any of you are subscribed and want no part of this, now's your chance to unsubscribe. :) Not sure if we're going to try B&D/Megathreads here because of how fast the board moves, but I thought we'd give one a shot since Tramadol is something we get a lot of questions about, and we'll see how it works.
I like Tramadol because it keeps both my pain away and it gives me an energetic kinda high. There is the seizure risk though and I would rather progress up the opiate ladder because of breakthrough pain but the mood lift and even nodding is something I enjoy a lot (I guess it is possible with some benzos, I certainly had a few nods in my Tramadol career).

Tramadol + Valium is a very nice 'newbie' combo IMHO :)

Peace o/
Best unscheduled drug for me. Good for any minor-moderate pain, it also gives a physical opiatey feeling and it takes any depression away. Doesn't cause any euphoria if I'm not depressed but hey, you really can't ask for more from an unscheduled drug.
I recently 'inherited' a bag full of Tramadoland others such as Lyrica. about 5 cartons of 60 x 200mg tram , from someone who had been prescribed them, but didn't take them because they made her itch. (in UK, you don't have to pay for prescriptions, and they were just getting given to her at the pharmacy each week.
Now I'm a regular coke user; only about 1g every 2 or 3 days, and have wanted to get out of the habit for a while. (I do it from 1st thing in the morning, only tiny lines)
taking 200mg of tram at 8am, then around 2pm helped me break the habit of coke for a week or so; so I am happy that I have proved I can actually go without it.
Now these Trams are SR. Is there anyway that I can speed up the release of these?
I have suffered generalised anxiety disorder for a few years. Tried standard SSRI's (Luvox, Lovan) but couldn't tolerate them. The i accidentally discovered Tramadol when my doc prescribed it to me for back pain. Oh my God how it has helped my anxiety! Gives me a nice energetic feel and clarity of mind and takes away the anxiety completely. I take 100mg SR once or twice a day. Ive read what people rekon about withdrawl and i find it hard to believe that its so addictive and has such allegedly bad withdrawl. Its not an opiate and closer to SSRI's so then how do people stop taking proper SSRI's which are heaps stronger? This drug has helped me heaps in a good way. I would welcome any feedback....
^^that's quite the comment

I love tramadol when I have a low tolorance. alot, it's great for shit tons of things but I wouldnt say that it's better than oxy or heroin.
It's a drug that makes me very emotionaly stable, I'm NEVER sad or depressed on it. Nothing can phase me, and the body buzz can be pretty good when I dont have a tolorance.
But, when it comes to a real genuine buzz I'd say oxy or H are better.
Tramadol is my 2nd favorite drug. I've done EVERY drug. It's better than MDMA, by far. The opiate effect is what gets me with the noradrenaline effects and the SSRI effects. It's the best. Ever...Forever.

haha. never in a million years. i have an endless supply of tramadol and i could never compare them to a roll.....that's just silly :\
haha. never in a million years. i have an endless supply of tramadol and i could never compare them to a roll.....that's just silly :\

What's silly is for you to try to tell me what I know to be true for myself and my body and mind. MDMA has never been a very fullfilling and outstanding drug for me. Even pure, tested MDMA powder in high doses. Fun? Sure. But you can funtion every day like normal on Tramadol and be high as shit without anyone knowing. That, my friend, is the true upside.

I compare them to rolls, because, honestly, I've done pure MDMA many times, and it ain't great. MDMA is a far over-rated drug unless mixed with LSD.
What's silly is for you to try to tell me what I know to be true for myself and my body and mind. MDMA has never been a very fullfilling and outstanding drug for me. Even pure, tested MDMA powder in high doses. Fun? Sure. But you can funtion every day like normal on Tramadol and be high as shit without anyone knowing. That, my friend, is the true upside.

I compare them to rolls, because, honestly, I've done pure MDMA many times, and it ain't great. MDMA is a far over-rated drug unless mixed with LSD.

You're using way too much hyperbole. And MDMA isn't that great? Far overrated? You have never had good MDMA dude, and if you say otherwise you are full of shit.
Haha i got lucky and found one on the floor!! 50mg :[
(chewd it up, tasted extatic bitters fuck)