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The Official "Quitting the Scene" Thread

i am a fairly new person to this whole scene, and at the end of last year, through to the start of this one, i went a little hard, and i knew i started to scramble my brains a bit.
now after moving to a new city, and having been off the drugs and outa the scene, due to lack of money, and wanting to do good at my course, i am seriously fucking missing it.
everytime i go back to where i came from, i end up having a pill, but it is not that i really miss, it is just the bunch of people that i met and hung around with in that time i miss, cause they were some of the coolest people!!
so anyway i wont be leaving this scene on any permanent base for a long time, because the people you meet and the fun you have is what makes you who you are
I do not wish to quit, or have any plans to quit for a long time, as i only go out in moderation and i go out for the Music.
I have been quiting things since I was a wee young lad, didn't work back then, hasn't worked for 10 years. Don't think it will work now. Thank god I do things in moderation, otherwise I would really be upside down now, not that I am not upside down. Maybe I would be inside out. Oh well, you get the picture.
Still, to all you that are really quiting. Ciao good people, hope to see you around - "somewhere over the rainbow, way up high...! ;)
Hullo and kinda goodbye,
I am quitting drugs, or i have quit as of a month and a bit ago. And i am partially quitting bluelight.
I dont have time to be doing these things.
I will definetly still listen to the music and keep in touch with some of the mad people i have met, but i have decided that drugs aren't for me anymore. I am not sick of them, infact when i think about it, i look at nezo's post and that is how i feel. I love the feeling I get from drugs... but it is artificial, and i dont need drugs to be happy, if i continue doing drugs it could possibly get to the point were i do. For me it was just an experimentation, a great experience that i am now going to leave behind. I wasn't really ever too far in anyways.
Sure when i come back to melbourne i *might* get back in a little, like new years, but that is a big *might*.
So ya all have fun without me...
Bye now
I'm quitting the drugs for a while, but I'll never quit the scene.
After a particularily trippy experience last weekend I've come to realise that my life has boiled down to getting so absolutely fucked over that I lose touch with reality. This is not the reason to take drugs, and it's a very bad attidue to have towards drug taking.
I just need some time to rediscover my direction in life. To set some goals. Then once I'm happy with where I'm heading then I'll be back on the wagon.
Some people are getting 'Quiting the scene' and 'quiting the drugs' confused - they are not the same!!!
It's quite possible to stay in 'the scene' for a very long time without the use of drugs. In no way am I going to attempt to qualify what 'the scene' exactly means cause it means different things to different people, but i will say this: The scene is not just about drugs. If you disagree, then I think you're fucked. Pardon the french.
Okay so i am quitting the drugs and not the scene i guess. But then im sure i will make a few special comebacks :)
Im on my break..
I wonder how long its going to last this time. I managed 3 weeks b4 utopia.
Drugs are in many scenes. That is perhaps why you 'quit a scene', so that you can quit drugs.
I'm a derelict, free-thinking socialogical misfit. I belong to no one. No scene.
The scenery changes as you walk down that path. I pick the fruits of all the trees.
I'm not quitting just yet because there is one thing I just HAVE to find out, but one thing... Will nezo have his tooth in or out the next time I see him?
[ 08 August 2002: Message edited by: Munchee ]
gimme 4000 and I'll get it permantly fixed so that I can look beautiful for you again munch. But you just keep looking at my ass so there's no point anywayz. :D
people always say that drugs and the whole scene don't go hand in hand.
well when i met my current boyfriend, my life turned into constant peak, thats how happy i've been for the past months.
luckily we agreed that drugs had gotten a bit boring and cut down on clubbing. the sad thing is, that i can go anywhere and not do drugs but it's very difficult for him.
so that's pushing me out of the whole scene. i don't mind having some occasionally.. but it's not so special anymore. u peak, then u get tired and grumpy..then u feel like a fricken idiot at college cause u have forgotten important stuff learnt the previous week.
i mean.. it's cool to go to events with friends, but when everyone else is trashed and SO awake for 24hrs.. spending time with them straight and not passing out is so hard.
no, i don't really have a problem with it. i have other things to do :D
Just re-enforcing my post on page 2 - posted 30 April 2002 06:35
Don't go out every single weekend!!!! it's like all things.... M O D E R A T I O N
Well i have been drug free now for about 2 months.
I have times when i feel like i would like to do some drugs... like today... but then i realise its just coz im bored and thats a silly reason.
Neways i think i have changed since before taking drugs, in the last two months i have realised i am not as outgoing, confident and self assured as i was 6 months ago... and the sad thing is i really dont give a fuck... but still there have been changes that i attribute to my taking of drugs and i dont really like the idea of that.
Neways so i am gonna stay drug free for atleast a few months longer. Inevitably i believe i will make a return... this is both good and bad in my opinion... in some ways i would like to remain drug free forever... but ah well we will see what happens.
Bye :)
well i am not quiting anything just having a nice break to clear things up and stuff, but will definitely be at EARTHCORE so dont worry