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the official 'pets and drugs' thread

Hey I thought this topic was originally for good ol stories of gettin your pets high. Sure drugs arent good for dogs. thats a given. but its not like theyre good for us too. But im sure no one thats posted here has actually heard scientific proof of what damage it does to certain pets. for all we know it could be horribly bad but it could be allright for them.
When your high and your pet walks in, to some people it just looks like the greatest idea ever because its FUNNY.
And if youre going to criticize people (calling them sick human should be jailed crazys), to everyone that doesnt share your opinion, theyre just gonna think you should be locked up and kept from bothering people. just please everyone keep theyre opinions real and back em up if you can. if you do know some substantiated info on weed bieng really damaging, sorry i havent heard any. And so far its been really funny every time i do it and my dogs still normal.
SLM: I was just arguing for arguments sake. The point I was trying to make was that the argument about "we know better than animals, cause they're stupid and they're not" just doesn't stick with me. But, I love my cats and love them enough to keep them sober. I've never got my kitties high, and I'll be damned if I start now.
That said, there are a few LEGAL herbs in my garden (catmint and the such) that I suspect they get hammered off... So maybe it's just a bad anyway.
I never said I thought animals are stupid.
Personally, I think my cats are pretty smart and sometimes I think the ferrets might be smarter then some of the humans I live with. That doesn't mean I think they are able to make life choices. They do need me to keep them safe and healthy. That is my job and I try my best to take care of them in the way I think they deserve to be cared for.
As for anti-freeze, guess what...dogs and cats have been known to drink it when it is left out where they can get to it. They do not know that it will kill them, so they don't know any better. That is why we, as caring people put the antifreeze away, where they can't get it.
There are plenty of examples of things our pets would eat that can harm them, so don't tell me they should be able to make choices for themselves.
I do have concern for animals that are abused and neglected, I don't sit around thinking about people giving drugs to animals. The post was here. I didn't start it, I replied to it.
As for children, had someone posted about getting a baby high, I would be just as sickened and angry.
some of you people are pretty fucking sick...I don't think that you should force anyone or anything to do anything or anyone for that matter, but if they like it and jones on you...what the hell you might as well share...if you don't you are only being greedy
my cat has been expirementing with drugs for just about as long as I have...right now he is 15years old and still is pretty active.
when I smoked bud he used to love it. he would actually suck small bits of smoke in his nose (from a small concentrated puff I would let out of my mouth) and he would let the smoke come out his mouth...(yeah! he was actually inhaling)
I have quit smoking weed now but my cat will occasionally smoke with my brother. he actually reported(my brother not my cat) this to me and was like "what the fuck is wrong with your cat" he is actually inhaling my smoke"...he seems to like it(the cat, as well as my brother)
also for you people who are saying that it is so bad to get the cat fucked up...people have been doing this for years even before you were getting high....did you ever here of catnip...that shit been around since the 1800s and people have been getting their cats shit-faced with it
Also my same cat (Samson) would get so tweaked on catnip...he had an addiction for awhile but he has since kicked...he was using about $7 worth of the shit a week...fuck! lucky for him I was the one paying for it....I hate suporting someone elses habit
there are also some more stories...like ; he will fiend for ketamine so bad...but I don't think he should go down that path..I won't let him...well at least not yet...he doesn't seem that he's ready for it...I mean he has had it before but only under advanced supervision at the vet and so forth
he was also on a small dose of lorazepam (.1mg) for a couple months when he was about 5. this was before he started smoking dope so he needed something to calm himself down... He would do shit like jump off the refrigerator at you in complete darkness when you walked by.
he was also on a cycle for awhile...yep steroids after a raccoon accident....
my mothers cat is on some type of benzo, not really sure what it is...I'm going to call her to find out when I get done with this message...she got all wacked (the cat not my mother) after she was raped by my mother's neighbor's yellow lab
Damn, I'm starting to rant but cats do use drugs...some for recreation and some for treatment.. and who are you to say they shouldn't
my dog eat an 1/8 of weed when it was in a bowl on the floor :(
when have been smoking heavily in a room which has got quite smoky, the dogs (2 little fellas) didn't seem to mind and never left the room and would sit there nice and chilled in the basket. But the cat didn't seem to enjoy and would go outside and bring me mice in too try and catch at some stupid hour.
cats and drugs

not sure if this is the right place for this but if not then feel free to move.

but i'm sitting here pretty fucked off shrooms and my cats acting reallly fucking weird.

it kept on trying to jump on and each time i knock it off it quickly leaped up again. now its sitting underneith my chair with acid looking eyes being all wierd.

anyone else notice how cats act really weird when your on halluicons.

sorry about any mistakes i'll fix it up when i'm straight as it im tripping right now and the screens breathin
roll a very strong joint, toke in and imediatly spit the smoke on your cat's face, putting your hands around, making sure he breathes the smoke. After some of these, he will not be able to even stand up, he will not bother you anymore LOL
I think he's talking about how his cat is reacting to him being on drugs, not giving his cat drugs.

Anyways, my cat does the same thing when i'm frying. She'll suddenly become really lovey and won't leave me alone. Several of my friends have noticed the same thing with their pets, we attribute it to them being able to pick up on some sort of brain wavelength that you give off when under the influence of psychedelics. Don't know of any scientific backing to this, but the fact remains that animals seem to know whats going on and emphathize with you.
cats are always tripping..

think about it..

they're the weirdest fuckin animals.. but they're awesome
Wait.... the CAT reacting to HIM?

Now.... cats are strange no doubt, but might you just be reading into the cat's behavior a little much considering you are on mushrooms?

I mean, this may be a leap......

it kept on trying to jump on and each time i knock it off it quickly leaped up again

Well.... that seems reasonable to me. It wanted up, and continued to try and do so after 'knocked off'. Not particularly bright... but not particularly strange in terms of 'normal' cat behavior.

now its sitting underneath my chair

Again... perfectly reasonable.

I think it was all in your head man...... hehehehehe ;)
alasdairm said:
^ don't give your pets drugs.

maybe this is a pet hate of mine but giving animals drugs when they can't consent is poor behaviour.

Whenever I lit a joint, my cat feels the smell and comes to me, and he keeps doing that lovely "rromm-rrroomm" sound they do when they're happy, and then I give him some smoke. He likes it, so I can't see why it's wrong. I even have a friend who has a dog that gets really mad at him if he sees him smoke a joint all by himself and doesn't give him nothing. Some pets like cannabis, believe me :p

(putting 2 drops of acid into a dog's mouth, like I've seen in my teenage years is a diferent thing. It was my friend's dog and my friend's acid, I said he shouldn't do that but he did. I had to leave in a few minutes though, they say the dog got pretty stupid and they had to attach him, but I can't say if it's true :\ )
toxiku said:
He likes it, so I can't see why it's wrong.

you'll never truly know what's going on in your cat's head. this thread is not about giving animals drugs - it's about how animals behave when we're on drugs. let's not drag this off-topic.

i have very strong feelings on the subject - if you'd like to pick this up, PM me.

let's keep this on track.

in anaswer to En_warp's original question, your cat does not appear to be acting strange to me but then i don't know your cat and you were on drugs at the time.

jumping around and sitting under a chair don't seem like strange behaviour for a cat to me...

ok i'm back to normal again now.

my cat is a tripper as it is but i know my cat very well.

i'll explain what happened. when i got home i let my cat in. i walked to my computer and put it on. when i came back my cat was on the computer desk mewing(spelling?) at me, which is something it has never done.

when i sat down it jumped on me (something not that strange) but when i put it down it tryed to leap on me about 3 times simutalenously(spelling?- sorry a bit tired). now that was weird as normally it would just fuck off and try again in like 30 mins. when it went under my chair (something it doesn't do) it looked like there was something wrong as i wasn't letting it sit on me. after 30 mins of that it moved about 1 meter from me and was staring and mewing at me.

my cat always acts weird when i'm shit, whether it's mdma, weed or even speed, but when i'm on shrooms it acts the wierdest.

sorry if my point wasn't clear as i was pretty fucked when i wrote it but my question is does your pets do weird stuff when your on something?

it started to fuck with my head a bit last night.

i forget to mention the cat slept in my room later on through out the night till i woke up, something that is semi normal but it hasn't done it for like a month or more.

cats are acid
How strange...

Whenever it my cat walks by me, itll stop, sit down, and stare at me until I push it away. And it always finds its way back, and stares...

It used to creep me out, now I think its funny
you know now that you mention it when I took acid my cat kept looking at me and when it kicked in he went on a 5 minute screaming fit. Oh no not meowing (I'm not sure he knows how to meow to be honest) but this strangest squealing was coming from him. Maybe I was just hearing things cuz when I got a look at him (he went to the other room upstairs before he started screaming, then walked back) he wasn't furry anymore. Ahh damn the drugs!
my friend has a bunch of cats. they ALL start acting funny whenever any of us are tripping over there.

i cant quite organize my thoughts properly cuz i'm a bit trashed, but what i think is that they are more in tune with being able to pick up emotions and shit than we'd like to think, and they will act accordingly to how we feel. while on psychedelics, you are in an unnatural state of mind. the cat would pick this up and become confused. or hell, maybe your altered brainwaves affect the cat's and it is tripping because you are.

hmm... pet mind control... think of the possiblities ;)