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The News Thread v. Your Penises Are Too Large And It's All Our Fault

a bad way to go indeed. (but other than that, its not that bad of a way to put a corpse to use. i mean, might as well be part of the food chain...)
the victim might have been acting a bit stupid as well, dont you think? heck, im weary of getting too close to the monkey cages and even fear getting my had pecked by the ostriches
A bit stupid? Goes without saying... but tragic nonetheless. There was some suggestion he may have been leaning over the railing to take a photograph... perhaps something we should take note of. ;)

I'm glad I have a telephoto lens... no need to try and 'get closer'.
Easy on Evey.... If he fell in, then that's an unfortunate accident, we all make them.. If he jumped in, yeah, thats a daft idea. It does say he was receiving treatment for mental health problems, so it might of seemed like a top idea at the time, right up until the point when the tiger started clawing at him and biting...

Either way, its not stupid or idiotic, its unfortunate.
Devices being remotely wiped in police custody

All the data on some of the tablets and phones seized as evidence is being wiped out, remotely, while they are in police custody, the BBC has learned.

Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Durham police all told BBC News handsets had been remotely "wiped".

And Dorset police said this had happened to six of the seized devices it had in custody, within one year.

The technology used was designed to allow owners to remove sensitive data from their phones if they are stolen.

"If a device has a signal, in theory it is possible to wipe it remotely," said Ken Munro, a digital forensics expert with Pen Test Partners.

... =D

I've seen that option available for my iPhone but never thought of that application. I guess I'm never in trouble with the fuzz so wouldn't have. Idiot police should just learn to turn the devices off until they need to retrieve the data.

Other firms who anazlye for corporate clients seem to have the idea with radio-frequency shielded bags but apparently "the microwave is reasonably effective as a shield against mobile or tablet signals - just don't turn it on." . Win win for the coppers... they can have a cup of tea & biscuit & just pop the devices in the microwave until they are finished.
No-one anything to say on this Islamic State fandango?

Are they making a clear point, that they're a little pissed off that the US is bombing their innocent people and children? Or are they acting inappropriately, and should be bombed harder?

I don't know too much about it...can't watch/hear news so regularly these dayz.
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They should be bombed harder. Never yet failed. 1000000 Iraqi dead can't be wrong. Bombing works goddamit :!

(ideally from drones so it looks like you just won CoD)
Devices being remotely wiped in police custody

... =D

I've seen that option available for my iPhone but never thought of that application. I guess I'm never in trouble with the fuzz so wouldn't have. Idiot police should just learn to turn the devices off until they need to retrieve the data.

Other firms who anazlye for corporate clients seem to have the idea with radio-frequency shielded bags but apparently "the microwave is reasonably effective as a shield against mobile or tablet signals - just don't turn it on." . Win win for the coppers... they can have a cup of tea & biscuit & just pop the devices in the microwave until they are finished.

lol you have been able to do that on BB for a long time.

most of the gangsters in Canada have BBs that are configured to get wiped in certain conditions, often with a timer (txt a password to a certain # every so often or the phone gets wiped), or people just place a call to the office before the cops come in, and the IT guy wipes the phones.
Darwin award for crazy dope growing goes to..


Three men who ran a cannabis factory yards from police headquarters in south Wales have been jailed.

Dale Hart, 54, and Michael Smart, 37, both of Pencoed, and Christopher Bennett, 61, of Port Talbot, pleaded guilty to the production of cannabis.

Newport Crown Court heard police found 692 plants worth around £800,000 at Queens Court, Bridgend Industrial Estate, during a raid last November.

A proceeds of crime hearing will be held in October.

The court heard police raided the unit after members of the public reported a strong smell of cannabis.

Hart was sentenced to five years in prison, Smart was sentenced to three-and-a-half-years and Bennett was given four-and-a-half years.


Also up there is this one from my neck of the woods last year...


Officers attended an address on Haweswater Avenue to carry out a concern for welfare check on the caller.

When they arrived they found the occupant of the property had dialled in error - however, a large number of suspected cannabis plants were discovered in the front room of the house.

A 42-year-old local man has been arrested in connection with the discovery.

Local beat manager PC Shelley Woods said: "The circumstances around this call being made beggars belief. We don′t often find people in this position as accommodating to police enquiries."
'I was abducted by reptile aliens who raped me on the moon every night'

A former US Air Force worker has claimed she was abducted by reptile aliens who raped her on the moon countless times.

Niara Terela Isley, who worked as a radar tracking officer, said she was snatched by a "humanoid with a tail" and taken to a secret base on the far side of the moon.

While there, she said she was made to have sex with aliens and lift boxes.


Cos being raped by aliens (whilst on the moon) is one thing but being forced to do manual labour?!? It's a disgrace! 8(

Thoughts on this Volkswagen palaver?

In itself it's no big deal; but a lot of people will be angry when their car has less power and does less mpg post recall. If I owned one I'd opt to not do the recall until right before the MOT, and reverse it right after.
Here's why there are no 'good' or 'bad' drugs – not even heroin by Marc Lewis

From the fella whose book I recently recommended.

Before she found heroin, Allison could not get out of bed most mornings. She contemplated suicide. She saw herself as “a shitty lazy person who felt like crap all the time”. She was deeply depressed, and no wonder. As she explained in an interview with NPR last month, in slow, halting sentences, she’d been molested by three family members by the age of 15. One of the three was her father.

Listening to Allison recount the horrors of her young life, most of us feel great pity. If we were psychiatrists, we’d need little justification to prescribe any drug that might help alleviate her suffering. We’d probably start at one end of the long list of approved antidepressants – and keep going. But heroin?

Heroin, Allison explained, “made me feel as if I could get up and do something”. She could function. “I was great at my job ... and I was doing art on the side. I had energy for the first time in I don’t know how long.” In other words, she had vanquished her depression – with an illegal, highly addictive, “recreational” drug that she bought off the street.

It would be wrong to deny that many heroin users suffer great harm as a result of the position their addiction places them in. And I would advise anyone who experiences debilitating depression to seek professional help. But it would also be wrong to classify strong opioid drugs, and other substances currently disparaged by our society, as intrinsically “bad” or “evil”.

In some parts of the world, people seem to be getting smarter about recreational drugs. For a couple generations, “soft” drugs like marijuana and hashish have been increasingly tolerated, more broadly viewed as socially acceptable and, finally, in several European countries and a few American states, legalized.

And why not? These drugs help people relax, enjoy music and philosophize. In fact, pot is far safer than booze in every respect. It makes you silly but not aggressive, it has none of the well-documented health risks of alcohol, it’s far less likely to lead to accidents, and it’s not generally addictive, psychologically or otherwise. (Some people do end up with a cannabis habit that hampers clear thinking and short-term memory, but these effects disappear when they cut down or stop.)

Then come the psychedelic drugs: LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline and the currently stylish (in some circles) ayahuasca. There is ongoing debate about whether psychedelics are good, bad, safe or unsafe. But compare that dialogue to the tyrannical edicts of the 60s. When I was an 18-year-old in Berkeley, California, in 1969, my friends and I had wrenchingly beautiful interactions with forests, seascapes, music, and each other – on acid. Like Aldous Huxley and other intellectuals, we saw psychedelics as a gateway to a more inclusive, less self-centered sense of reality. We generally couldn’t share those views with our parents nor, certainly, with the police or the courts. Yet despite that, societal views were in flux.

In fact, the promise of psychedelic psychotherapy has intrigued scientists and clinicians for decades. A recent wave of research suggests that psychedelics can relieve psychological suffering, from depression, anxiety, PTSD and alcoholism to end-of-life fears. Presently, thousands of young people from North America and Europe are trying ayahuasca, a powerful psychedelic used for self-growth and healing by indigenous cultures in the Amazon region. Like their hippie predecessors, many of these “psychonauts” feel they’ve gained something essential from the experience: a broader vision of reality, connection with other people and cultures, a bond with the planet and a commitment to its wellbeing.

Well, maybe the soft drugs are better than booze, and psychedelics have greater potential for good than for harm. But what about drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine? In keeping with the punitive policies of the DEA, and the battle cry of the “war on drugs”, most of us still see these drugs as unequivocally bad.

Indeed, heroin and meth lead to addiction – and to misbehaviours ranging from lying and petty theft to full on criminality. After years as an addiction expert and a one-time addict, I recognize how dangerous these drugs can be. And I know that the cycling of desire, acquisition and loss leads not only to compulsive drug seeking (and associated brain changes) but also to a narrowing spiral of social isolation, shame, and remorse. Can there be anything good about drugs that are often too attractive to resist?

For Allison, the good was undeniable. Heroin helped her overcome a depression that very likely arose from her history of sexual abuse, a trauma that left PTSD in its wake and drained her life of joy, functionality, and any semblance of normality. Allison represents the rule rather than the exception. PTSD often triggers anxiety and depression, and substance abuse is as high as 60–80% among those with PTSD. In fact, the largest epidemiological study ever conducted found an extremely strong correlation between the degree of childhood adversity and injection drug use.

When Allison got tired of heroin, she was able to quit, as most addicts eventually do. She found a psychiatrist and learned to live without it, though she reports that she continues to rely on antidepressants. The point is that, for her, heroin was an antidepressant – a very effective one.

It shouldn’t be surprising that a powerful opiate can help people overcome psychological pain. Opioids are critical neurochemicals, helping mammals to function in spite of pain, stress and panic. Rodents play and socialize far more easily after being given opiates. Opioids are even present in mother’s milk: they are nature’s way of ensuring an emotional bond between infant and mother. Opiates might be too attractive for some people some of the time; obviously addiction is a serious concern. But that doesn’t make opiates intrinsically bad.

I doubt whether there’s much to recommend meth for today’s youth, and clearly meth and coke can destroy lives. But coca leaves were used to overcome fatigue in Latin America for centuries before Europeans figured out how to turn them into cocaine. Like opiates, it seems that stimulants can be of benefit in particular contexts.

It becomes impossible to define the “goodness” or “badness” of drugs according to drug type – in the abstract. Rather, the balance between potential help and potential harm depends on the person and the circumstances.

The human nervous system is an incredibly complicated chemistry set, and we experiment with it continuously through our actions, our loves, the things we eat and drink, and, yes, the substances we ingest for that specific purpose. Tinkering with our nervous system is a direct expression of our ingenuity and our fundamental drive for self-improvement. We’re not likely to give those up.

The failure of the “war on drugs”
should help us recognize that people will never willingly stop taking drugs and exploring their benefits and limitations. It’s ridiculous to deal with this human proclivity by labelling most or all drugs as “bad”. And it’s absurd to mete out punishment as a means for eliminating the drugs we don’t like.

Instead, let’s expand our knowledge of drugs through research and subjective reports, let’s protect ourselves against the dangers of overdose and addiction, and let’s improve the lives of children raised in ghastly circumstances.

Then the problem of “bad drugs” will no longer be a problem.
Waiter Snatches a Woman Bald-Headed

Police in Savannah, Georgia have decided to drop the charges against 58-year-old waiter Antonio Babasto who admitted to “snatching a woman bald-headed” after she repeatedly ignored him as he tried to do his job. Last month at the popular riverside eatery Lampposts, Babasto approached his customer, 42 year-old Linda Dixschlapper to tell her the specials of the day and see what she would like to drink.

“I asked her how she was and she just answered Diet Coke,” claims the veteran server. “That kind of thing just really irks me, but I let it go.” Throughout the course of the meal, the woman continued to ignore Babastio who was simply asking her how her food was and if she needed any refills. Says Babasto, “She acted like I wasn’t even there. After a while, I decided to make it a game and see how nice I could be to her just to try to get her to respond to me. But she never did. That’s why I snatched her bald-headed.”

(linky to rest of article)

I have to thank my Good Lady for bringing this gem to my attention. We are still wondering whether it's for real or not - so funny on so many levels =D
Jesus, poor Dixschlapper. It will take a while for her hair too start growing back if old Babasto yanked them out root and all.
The Great British Bake Off has probably been the biggest news story of the week. It's a crazy ole world ain't it.
Kinda reminds me of when Deirdre from Coronation Street was in prison- yes the character was jailed in the show- and some tabloid had their front page as "Save Deirdre".

It was worse than that. PM Tony Blair commanded (yes, commanded) his then Home Secretary Jack Straw to look into the case. William Hague, for the Tories, determined not to be left out, also issued a parliamentary statement.

Last week, two kids in school asked me, in all seriousness, if Eastenders was real. They can hardly be blamed when you think about it.
Last week, two kids in school asked me, in all seriousness, if Eastenders was real. They can hardly be blamed when you think about it.

When I was five years old I went into hospital with a hernia. I refused to wear the blue hospital gown. They told me that, if I put on the gown, I'd go down in the lift to a big swimming pool where I'd meet all of the characters from 'Home and Away'.

I put on the gown, got in the lift, they gave me an injection, I woke up unable to get sick pay any more, I went back to cleaning windows.

It's a hard aul' life.
When I was five years old I went into hospital with a hernia. I refused to wear the blue hospital gown. They told me that, if I put on the gown, I'd go down in the lift to a big swimming pool where I'd meet all of the characters from 'Home and Away'.

I put on the gown, got in the lift, they gave me an injection, I woke up unable to get sick pay any more, I went back to cleaning windows.

It's a hard aul' life.
How do you get sick pay at 5 years of age? Clearly you were a player at a young age.