The New & Improved Links Database is now OPEN for business!

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Mar 16, 2001
The new links database is now online!

You might have noticed "Links Manager" under MrGeezer's name....he has been coordinating the changes and did a LOT of work to get this thing going. skydancer did all the technical stuff and this new database is a big improvement over the old links page. Please remember this database is a work in progress....most of the 286 links were added by moderators or copied over from the outdated links page.

Enjoy what you find and add your own bookmarks if you get the chance. Include good descriptions for your links, and if you aren't sure where your link should go, put it in the "Don't know where your link belongs? Then put it here!" category. Someone can move it for you later. You can add any type of link that doesn't break Bluelight's User Agreement. This database is also meant for stuff outside of Bluelight, so please don't add any links to specific threads or posts.

If you want to suggest a category, make a reply to this thread and it can be added for you. If you find any broken/inappropriate/redundant links, please post the details here so changes can be made. You can also email MrGeezer ([email protected]) and/or myself ([email protected]) if you have any comments or questions.
FUTURE: Right now all the technical people are very busy working on other parts of Bluelight and Pillreports. In the future the ability to create sub-categories will be added, as well as the ability to arrange categories in a specific order. (Right now categories appear in the order they were created.) A "report this link" feature will also be added (just like the topic report button) so you can directly report bad links.
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MrGeezer will be along soon to add some more comments....again, his diligent efforts made this possible.
Can someone snip the last link out of the Required Reading link entitled ""? Pleeeease?
I added it without selecting a place to put it.
^ Removed your link.
Also changed the select-box so you HAVE to choose a category (and it won't end up in Required Reading by default)
Wh00t! Finally it is alive :)
Thanks to Skydancer for actually making it happen - we salute his uber geeky programming skills n' stuff.
We now need lots and lots and lots and lots of links. Please add as many as you can.
Also, the categories and layout do not necessarily have to remain like this forever, so if you have any comments or suggestions on how to make it better, please feel free to let us know.
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