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The Negative Spiritual Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

^^ Great post, I agree with it on all points. Indeed, tripping is not good for everyone. I think many of the people who it's good for are drawn to it (especially these days, as it's so prevalent and available). Some are never exposed when it may have done them good, but we can't go around giving everyone psychedelics because a lot of people would not benefit from it, or would be thrown into a worse place (as you see happen plenty of time already... and then like you said, we have cases like Charles Manson).
Looking through all the posts, opinions and personal experiences on this thread is rather illuminating, and confirms my inner feeling that "It Is Different For Everyone" and there are no definite rules, or reliable 'guidebooks' to this matter. The only thing I am fairly sure about, based on personal experience, is that Spiritual development depends largely on the state of one's mind, not some temporary alteration of it by an intense psychedelic experience, or any long term 'peace of mind' dependant on regular taking of drug. My great 'Epiphany' when it came to a 'spiritual opening/revelation' occured when all but sober, and by sheer suprise... though I suppose it may have been different in other circumstances, I really don't know?

I suspect that my many and varied psychedelic experiences before (and since) may well have helped to open my mind to the notion of truly 'altered states', and helped with my subsequent ability to understand and comprehend what are possibly the most difficult things I have ever experienced understandingwise in my life. One thing I do know however, that depression, which I suffer from chonically and incurably, is definitely counteractive to my Spiritual sensitivity and clairvoyant abilities, and the medication I require on a regular basis to beat said gloom is therefore essential both spiritually and menatally - but that is just me, and what works for me. I'm quite sure large, regular doses of Amphetamines would not help most people to aquire, develop or maintain their spiritual side!

Each to their own... and may it harm none!
i've developed a fairly cogent analysis of neurotransmitters/drugs according to buddhism. buddhism sees suffering as an addiction to the pleasures of reality. spiritual joy comes from turning away from these and leading a good, simple life. thus it's fair to associate dopamine with suffering - the fix you get that leaves you empty and craving more, be it heroin or cheap plastic crap from mal-wart. i've found that when you avoid dopaminergic drugs and behaviors, including junk food (i'm vegan and i eat peasant food), you can feel serotonin much more intensely. every other day or so, i experience poignant, heart-breaking beauty and/or sadness, which i never noticed before. my blog/journal is all about this, beatnik buddhism...confessions of a weirdness magnet.
Nothing 'weird' IMO there Tantric, you make a good point. I have good friend who is a Bhuddist, happy, clever, relaxed and wise.. though he regularly drinks truly frightening amounts of beer at lunchtime - I have always been intrigued, but never felt it right to ask him why? I am very drawn towards Bhuddism, but being rather lazy, hedonistic and weak willed, have shied away from it, only paying lip service to its high ideals and inspired philosophy. You actually mention one there which has been a source of great trouble to me over the years - dopamine. My body definitely produces far too little, and unless I take (chemical) measures to boost 'production', I end up in my natural state which is acutely and miserably depressed and tired of being tired of being tired. In that state I am literally good for nothing, utterly anergic, negative and hopelessly low in mind, body and spirit to achieve anything worthwhile, or develop in any way whatsoever. If that is the 'suffering' which some say is good for the soul, I have certainly done my time during this life, and am heartily sick of it! Suicidally so I have to say, and the temptation to put an end to this incarnation has led to me trying just that, more than once... but obviously without success.

I actually have no fear of death, I know, quite literally, death is not the end, merely a change of state.. I've even seen it! Any ideas or suggestions would be most welcome?