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The most ghetto waterpark ever...anyone remember action park? read for a good laugh

omf i went there when it was both action park and now mountain creek and when i was a little rug rat and it was action park still i went down that 90 degree slide and i swear the tower you walk up to go on it sounded like it was gonna fall over any second, not to mention the insane wedgie i was served after going down thatthing. also went down the pitch black water slide tube thing and for some reason though i was gonna get like sliced in half by a razor cause i couldn't see shit haha i was pretty shook haha also one time a kid half drounged in the wave pool, which fucking kicked ass but was tough as hell to SOMEONEWHOISNTME in (for any length of time)
The black tunnell was scary as shit becuz u didnt know that it dropped out out like 10 feet above the fucking water and you fly thru the air. How the fuck do they not tell you that before you go in???!!oneone
srsly. i know you don't know exactly what its like to get that "drop" feeling in your balls like when you hit air in your car (being that i assume you dont have bals amirite) but i distinctly remember getting the worst baldrop feeling of my life when i hit that drop in the black snake moan tunnel, and i musta been like 10 and barely had 'em yet. scary shit yo. thats a good enuff reason for me to shut the shit down ha

LOLOLOL. This thread is so funny. It makes me wish I was from the East Coast! I want to go to Action Park! Sounds Adventurous, I like doing things that I'm not sure I'm going to survive. :D
^ place was danger will robinson. i'm a paraplegic and i eat with my feet because of this place
LMFAO this is fuckin funny as shit. im reading this in class and cracking up. picturing someone gettin stuck in the loop-de-loop waterslide is just too much... hahahahha
bad form to quote myself? go fuck off in a ditch

omf i went there when it was both action park and now mountain creek and when i was a little rug rat and it was action park still i went down that 90 degree slide and i swear the tower you walk up to go on it sounded like it was gonna fall over any second, not to mention the insane wedgie i was served after going down thatthing. also went down the pitch black water slide tube thing and for some reason though i was gonna get like sliced in half by a razor cause i couldn't see shit haha i was pretty shook haha also one time a kid half drounged in the wave pool, which fucking kicked ass but was tough as hell to SOMEONEWHOISNTME in (for any length of time)

haha so here is the fucking wedgie-giving sunnvabitch 90 degree straight down slide i was talking about:

my older brother had to practically put me under threat lf death to get up there with him (i was like 10 heh) the whole think looked, felt and shaked like it was coming down.. right then and there!


It is a ride of legend and fantasy, a waterslide that never totally was. Its 360-degree loop loomed over park-goers as they entered Waterworld, taunting them with both its inaccessibility and improbability. It supposedly dismembered test dummies and maybe even a few park employees in trial runs. Employees who tested the ride reported that if you entered it going feet first, you'd come out of it head first, and vice versa. One person got stuck in the loop, necessitating the construction of a hatch that could be opened to extract people from that part of the ride. According to one employee who spoke with the Herald, “There were too many bloody noses and back problems” that resulted from riding the Cannonball Loop. It has long since been dismantled.


yeah so somebody died, again. what else was new at this joint? haha, ohhh class action park, do i dooo miss youuuu! Action Park. (REST IN PIECES) Opened: 1978, Closed: 1996. Reopened (Mountain Creek) 1998. Total fatalities: Atleast over 90008o. I can now honestly say, looking back on my many exciting times at the park, i have never had so much fun in my entire life.. with the exception of that one time that i was robbed at gunpoint
Holy 'old thread' Batman!

I used to love this place, the one time I actually got to go. . .
imust be loosing my marbles i coulda swore there was two action parks
1 in jersey
and one in pennsylvania

