The Lounge now a hidden subforum

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How much would you bitch if they got rid of tds? How much do you think anyone will bitch if you get rid of their favorite online community. It's stupid if you think just loungers would bitch about losing their community. But, you did fail rehab so maybe it's beyond you.
Not everyone does the depressing TDS show, but you can always get on staff and post in their nudie thread.

Or just hit me up with pics in the C7, imhe.
Some people from the lounge probably complain while they are climaxing. I love how it was stated that TDS are a bunch of crybabies. The lounge throws a big but hurt when it get what it wants. Free to behave in the manor you choose, erupts in a fury of whining and complaining. bitch, bitch, bitch.

im over it.. in fact its a joke.

so is the armchair psychologist joke of a forum you maintain, but you dont see members that dont participate in it lobbying to have it shut down. people deal with their emotions very differently as bluelight has proven over the years. some laugh, some cry, some bury themselves neck deep in addiction its all relative and important within the role and mission of true harm reduction.

The lounge was the best harm reduction forum on here for me. Thx lounge for being awesome and pulling me out of depressing shit.

Phrozen, got a friend at work who wants to race me with his z06. I'm like "dude I already know you win"
Where's Smoky? I just took some photos. Was gonna post them for her. Looks like now only dikes and dudes are active here atm. Lemme know when she cums back
I feel like this whole ordeal is much like a castration. Bluelight was castrated. I feel castrated. brb cry.
so is the armchair psychologist joke of a forum you maintain, but you dont see members that dont participate in it lobbying to have it shut down. people deal with their emotions very differently as bluelight has proven over the years. some laugh, some cry, some bury themselves neck deep in addiction its all relative and important within the role and mission of true harm reduction.

*insert hand clapping emoji*
Yeah, a previous gen z06 would probably win, at least that's where my money wold be without knowing the course and driver skill.

Race him at beer a label drink-off, you got that, girl.
so is the armchair psychologist joke of a forum you maintain, but you dont see members that dont participate in it lobbying to have it shut down. people deal with their emotions very differently as bluelight has proven over the years. some laugh, some cry, some bury themselves neck deep in addiction its all relative and important within the role and mission of true harm reduction.


Awww.. im so hurt. I think ill go kill myself. Then again I don't give two shits what you or anyone else think.

It is kinda funny how I have to clean my 1000 count PM box out every couple of weeks because it fills up with thank U notes.

Contrary to what some of you may think I had little or nothing to do with this.

The forum is not shut down, so i guess I don't even know what that statement means.. so I guess its just fiction. overact a little more huns.

Sorry the lounge is going to have to put on its freakshow to willing participants. This forum involves many aspects.. MAPS included. If you all want to behave in off color and politically sketchy ways, have at it, but its best done in a way that protects the rest of the forum and its affiliates from potentially negative consequences.

You all may be anonymous people on the internet, but MAPS has the courage and confidence to thrown down with their good name on BL.

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I'm here (going into coffee houze tho now). I'll be back… look forward to pics Waff
I'm here (going into coffee houze tho now). I'll be back… look forward to pics Waff
I'm kinda outta shape and hairy. Shoulda seen me months ago. I forgot to manscape, so I'll send you some dilly shoutouts later baybs
? when will it be tyme? Want to dump a load of dilly shoutouts like ye ol times

Man i want some fuckin acid. AAA-
Awww.. im so hurt. I think ill go kill myself.
such a silly response.

Then again I don't give two shits what you or anyone else think.

It is kinda funny how I have to clean my 1000 count PM box out every couple of weeks because it fills up with thank U notes.
thats nice.

Contrary to what some of you may think I had little or nothing to do with this.
so foreigner is a liar?

The forum is not shut down, so i guess I don't even know what that statement means.. so I guess its just fiction. overact a little more huns.
which is why members of bluelight can freely access it in the same regard as other sub forums?

Sorry the lounge is going to have to put on its freakshow to willing participants.

This forum involves many aspects.. MAPS included. If you all want to behave in off color and politically sketchy ways, have at it, but its best done in a way that protects the rest of the forum and its affiliates from potentially negative consequences.
so blatant ignorance and racism is fine when confined to ce&p (in the nature of intellectual debate of course) but is taboo in other areas of the community?

You all may be anonymous people on the internet, but MAPS has the courage and confidence to thrown down with their good name on BL.
youre both a spokesman for maps AND bluelight now?

lol @ message that senior staff decided and so far senior staff deny being involved. Lololol
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