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Misc The (LOPERAMIDE) diaries...

Man, I wonder what happened to OP, skodeo? I hate to speculate, but it was one hell of a precarious line he was walking. Whatever happened or didn't, please post an update when you can. The only useful personal experience I've had with lope, I would take between 40mg-50mg for 3 days or so to stave off opioid withdrawals but it made me feel so weird/off that I could only bear a few days on it. I would also like to know how Calpurnia is doing? Any updates on your end?
So I had my first back surgery at 16 years old and my second at 18. My issues started 06 at age 14. I was eventually diagnosed with bulging discs, arthritis and degenerative disc disease is my lower back. First surgery they put rods and screws in my lower back (went thru my back), second one they went thru my stomach to replace one of the discs that was still moving around creating pain. The surgeon told me if I still experienced pain after that, that I will be one of the unlucky ones that will just "manage the pain" the rest of my life and that there was nothing else they could do. Of course I've been to all kinds of doctors, pain management Drs and I'm now almost 24 and been "managing" with my pain for 3 years on pain medication. I've tried smaller and larger doses of hydro, fentanyl patches, oxy, tramadol etc. nothing ever gets rid of the pain fully, but since my experience with oxy when withdrawals get was sooooo bad, I won't let myself go above norco. So my current prescription is 10/3.25 Norco 5 a day but I run out early every month and go thru a week of withdrawal before getting my next script. I hate doing this to myself but it's something that is almost impossible to Not do, due to my constant severe back pain. I can't fill for another 5 days or so, so I tried the Imodium thing to help with withdrawals (RLS, anxiety, nausea in the morning so far) because I have to work most of the days I'm without my meds. It seems to be working, this is my first day of Imodium use. I took 20mg around 2, and then 16 a few hours later. Will this help with sleep? I also have Valerian root which i don't know what dosage I should take, but I'll try anything OTC. I'm just trying to get thru the week at this point, until this happens again. I just feel like I need help and opinions on my lifelong battle I'm going to be fighting and figure out a way to make my meds last thru the whole month. Any help appreciated and I will answer any questions

Also what helps best with the dehydration from the lope? Like I'm waking up during the night because my mouth is so dry
I'd be careful with the immodium if I were you. While it does help people it causes a whole host of problems on its own. Just read through this thread at all the problems skodeo was having (wonder what happened to him by the way). It can cause dangerous heart problems in high doses (extended QT intervals) and has a nasty withdrawl of it's own which is worse that that of hydrocodone.

If you do decide to try it don't to crazy with the dose as some people have and try as small an amount as possible before increasing it. Also bear in mind that people who have used it to help withdrawl generally report that it seems to take a day or so to really start working so don't be tempted to take more and more if you don't feel any immediate relief.

Take care <3
Hey how's it going? I am sorry to hear about your back. I have used Lope in the past and it definitely helps for the physical wd's. Just be careful though because it can be dangerous. Have you ever tried Tianeptine? It has some use for pain/opiate symptoms. Remember that the lope can take a long time to kick fully in so give it a good 1.5-2 hours before you evaluate your situation. If you take too much it will suck and you will feel like shit. The doses you said you took sound just about right so you should be okay. I wish you well with you back and everything and if you need help or anything just ask there are people here to help for sure. Take care and good luck!
Okay so I have actually now on my third day of lope and haven't had any physical withdrawal symptoms, but my anxiety is still there. I only plan on using this until I get my next script in 3/4 days. I ordered Kratom which I'm getting in the mail tomorrow, so hopefully that will help with my anxiety.
Yeah when I've tried lope for withdrawl it didn't really help with that horrible anxiety that accompanies opiate withdrawl. The temptation is to take more which is a mistake.

I think low dose lope combined with a low dose of a benzo would be more suitable (of course while observing the inherent dangers of combining opioids and benzos) than higher doses of either one on their own.

Combating withdrawl symptoms seems to require more than just one medication as there isnt really a cure for everything (except more of the original drug).

Kratom can be detrimental if trying to get completely clean but since you're just trying to avoid withdrawl until your next script it will probably be helpful to have that to fell back on.....much safer then high dose loperamide anyway.
I wonder what happened to skodeo..... anyone know? Hope he's alright.
I wonder what happened to skodeo..... anyone know? Hope he's alright.

I've been wondering that myself. It was frustrating reading his trials and tribulations and his going round in circles etc. but I really liked the guy.....he seemed so genuine and honest.

Its probably a fair guess that he went back on the loperamide and didnt think it worth updating this thread to say that. He was on and off all the time and didnt seem to have a concrete plan as to how to get himself off and was just using other meds ad hoc and randomly....

I hope it is just that and nothing bad has happened to him....like I say I thought he was a really pleasant guy.

If you're reading this skodeo mate pop your head in andet us know you're ok......
I've been on 40 to 60 mgs of lopr for a year and a half. I'd say it's much better and safer tHan suboxone at these doses. I drink magnesium and go to mtgs and find my health and well-being much better than when I was on suboxone. AFter a few month long detox 's and me needing to work I decided to stay on lope. I think if used reasonable its a better option. I like that the withdrawal is almost purely physical too
Magnesium...oxide for straight up constipation relief but the natural calm by natural vitality if you want constipation relief and benefits from magnesium as well
I def only recommend if you've given yourself a month or two off opiates. Also the times I used lope and herion the high was way more dopey and noddy and I didn't like the feel of it the same. It def helps with cravings though. I wish I knew how bad for you long term use of the doses I've been taking is but I know my sex drive stays in tact and I'm not emotionally numb like I ended up like from suboxone
I've been on 40 to 60 mgs of lopr for a year and a half. I'd say it's much better and safer tHan suboxone at these doses. I drink magnesium and go to mtgs and find my health and well-being much better than when I was on suboxone. AFter a few month long detox 's and me needing to work I decided to stay on lope. I think if used reasonable its a better option. I like that the withdrawal is almost purely physical too

how is taking loperamide safer than taking suboxone? you must be joking or just ignorant to how suboxone works. Saying that an anti shit pill is a better long term substitute than an ORT like suboxone blows my mind. Maybe this kid is a troll....

Im am so sick of people abusing this horrible toxic diahera pill why won't people realize it is toxic? get on subs or methadone.... there are better alternatives than shit pills. I really hope the FDA does what they did with pseudo and require driver licenses to purchase loperamide and limit purchases. I actualy believe they are already looking in to doing this so...
of course every junkie would rather have suboxone, problem is it takes weeks to get into a program, then they want you to see a shrink, stop smoking pot, stop drinking, etc.... i wish suboxone was just OTC or available from a pharmacist to anyone obviously in opiate w/d... i guess that'd be bad for the kids, or people who actually get high off subs. personally i have take 32mgs of suboxone and it felt exactly the same as 2mg...
Hey Mr now you dumb shit. I was on subs for 6 Years. They are much more harmful to your sex drive and well-being than the lope doses I am taking. You can take your opinion and shove it because it's not based on anything
I was forced off suboxone due to it causing depression, numbness and symptoms of low dopamine. After two month long detoxes I still didn't feel right and had to take lope to feel normal. It's allowed Me to function and not go back on opiates.

The high doses def arnt very healthy and there's proof of that but there's not any proof that the 30-60 mg range has long term issues. And like I said I feel away better than on subs. Subs and methadone are not a better option.You might as well just sell your soul because eventually that is what the long term effects are. They are great for short periods but long-term wreak havoc on your body and brain and good luck ever getting offf.

Pretty much every drug can be used in a helpful way and there are downsides when used improperly. In my personal experience lopr feels healthier and I don't care what anyone says