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Misc The (LOPERAMIDE) diaries...

Yes, been a good 10 days since I last had a sub, was able to acquire a couple roxi30s 2 nights ago and was actually able to feel them decently. It was a good night. Got with a girl I've been after for 15 years lol. Then nothing till today and I felt decently shitty. The 12 lopes are taking the chills away, some stomach discomfort but not too bad. Still don't feel great though. That's nothing that seroquel and a bowl won't take away later tonight.
Wow, well I am impressed that you made it ten days with only 2 Roxi 30's and 12 lopes...that isn't bad!
With methadone I felt I was out of the woods at day 10...with subs the WDs lingered for weeks.
I should mention that I held out a good 8 hours to redose on the tia and, once again, no effect upon first dose...I literally upped it 3 more times before now each 1/2 hr til I felt decent enough. Seems like my tolerance has skyrocketed overnight somehow and this is not good. I can't make it til Wednesday...maybe if I'm lucky. Guess I am just going to start taking low, low, low doses tomorrow while back at work at see if I can get by. Sigh.
Definitely going to sleep soon too...wish me luck.
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Yea I'm just stuck in this lingering sub WD period right now....sucks big time. Every once and a while I can get something like a couple 30s and feel good for a day or so. Basically I'm just making the WD linger on longer whenever I do that though.
Hi skodeo,
Sorry to hijack your thread, but reading about your use of tianeptine has piqued my interest. A couple of quick questions if I may; are you using the sodium or sulfate version? Also, what doses are we talking about with regards to mitigating withdrawals/producing 'opioid-esque' effects? I understand tolerance builds quickly etc. but I just wanted to gauge a rough idea.
Thanks in advance :)
All the very best with your taper & here's hoping you knock this thing on the head.
Yea I'm just stuck in this lingering sub WD period right now....sucks big time. Every once and a while I can get something like a couple 30s and feel good for a day or so. Basically I'm just making the WD linger on longer whenever I do that though.

Dude, I know how that goes. It sounds like you're off opis more often that not, so I don't think you're setting yourself back too bad. When I was on methadone and would go periods without it I know I was taking whatever came my way here and there much like you. It aided the whole process and although it may have extended the WDs I believe it was only slightly and what a sigh of relief it was to have those comfort meds in between to take the edge off...if even for a short while.
Are you done with subs now or just waiting to get more or what?
Those lopes still doing you decent?
Hopefully sleep comes easy and anxiety/depression stays at bay.
Good luck on your journey, friend.
Hi skodeo,
Sorry to hijack your thread, but reading about your use of tianeptine has piqued my interest. A couple of quick questions if I may; are you using the sodium or sulfate version? Also, what doses are we talking about with regards to mitigating withdrawals/producing 'opioid-esque' effects? I understand tolerance builds quickly etc. but I just wanted to gauge a rough idea.
Thanks in advance :)
All the very best with your taper & here's hoping you knock this thing on the head.

Hey there Rayve,
I am taking the sodium. Still have yet to try the sulfate, though I'm thinking I'll invest in it for my next shipment if the sleep disturbances continue.
In regards to your second question...everyone is different and I have no idea what your sensitivity to tia may be, where your tolerance is at, or what you intend to be coming off of if you were to invest in tianeptine.

<<<Do tell please.>>>

Roughly I can say a good starting dose would be 30-50mg at a time to initially experiment (Stablon pills scripted overseas are 12.5 mg 3x a day...you probably know that). That's an amount up to 4 times more than what is normally prescribed. You can always work your way up by gauging how you feel.
My first time was approximately 150mg+. I just now invested in a milligram scale, so I couldn't even say what dosages I have been taking for certain. I have been using a little scooper that instructed me that one flat scoop was equal to 50-70 mgs + or -. My primary 150mg experience was less than optimal. I thought,
"Oh, shit. This stuff makes me feel really strange...it isn't going to cut it."
In fact, I disliked what I was feeling so much that I attempted to force myself to nap it off...the whole while crazy thoughts flowing through my brain causing an anxious eery sensation. I felt an opiate glow, but the rest seemed quite foreign and unacceptable. The next couple days I proceeded with a lower amount at 100mg or less about 4 times a day since my first go wasn't what I expected. It didn't seem to help, but I was on an array of incorrect comfort meds and fresh off lope for my first time in ages. The 3rd day I found my nitch in dosing for nearly 100% comfortability and relief....oddly enough by exceeding the 150mg mark that I first dreaded.
Tianeptine, you'll find, has a relatively short half life coupled with its tolerance building...more and more sooner and sooner. I try to spread my doses out as long as I can, waiting a MINIMUM of 4-5 hrs, but usually more around 8-10 hrs depending. Some nights I have been able to sleep straight through without dosing for 8-14 hours. Some nights I sleep for 2.5-5 hrs and wake up requiring a wee sample to allow sleep's sweet embrace to engulf me. Hence my desire to try the sulfate.
Any other questions you have for me?
Reply to my initial questions if you so please.
Ta ta, you.
Morning all...
Nearly 5am. Had a hard time getting up this morning and the first thing that came to mind was "I don't wanna work." My tummy feels super upset like it normally would being off lope for a number of days. Apparently tia can't touch the bowel issues, first thing I did was go to the bathroom.
We will see how I fare today. I slept as late as I could and still feel as though I could have remained in dreamland for hours. Time to cut back on the tianeptine, still waiting to dose...think I'll do that now. Send your prayers the next few days.
Here we go...
Morning all...
Nearly 5am. Had a hard time getting up this morning and the first thing that came to mind was "I don't wanna work." My tummy feels super upset like it normally would being off lope for a number of days. Apparently tia can't touch the bowel issues, first thing I did was go to the bathroom.
We will see how I fare today. I slept as late as I could and still feel as though I could have remained in dreamland for hours. Time to cut back on the tianeptine, still waiting to dose...think I'll do that now. Send your prayers the next few days.
Here we go...

If you do run low on Tia whatever you do dont fold and revert to taking lope....no matter how much you justify it to yourself it would undoubtedly be a huge mistake...
I know, I know. We will see how this goes. I took slightly more than an average amount of the tia without redoing like I had the past day. My spirits have risen.
Dude, I didn't realize how much I went through yesterday alone. Now I am seriously going to have to cut my doses to about 1/5 or smaller of what I normally take and see if I can get by.
Sitting outside work now...my mind says I have got this, but there's a little devil on my shoulder who just stares at me while chuckling, "Muahahahahahahaha...." and rubbing his palms together.
I think as long as I have even a small amount of tia consistently in my system that I can get through this til Wed and hopefully somewhat drop my tolerance in the mean time. It may not be the easiest work week ahead, but I think I can power through.
No loperamide.
Positivity, Positivity.
Really can't afford to redose til I get home 9 hours from now and it's going to have to be tiny.
Holding on tightly. Time to start this day... One minute at a time.
Its all mental mate.....you've just got to tell yourself to "man up" and get through it.

The number of times I felt exactly like youre feeling now and had to do a 12 hour shift in an accident and emergency ambulance... You just have to tell yourself that this isnt permanent and it will get better.....it's not easy but if it were there wouldn't be people like us talking about it online...

Just try not to dwell on it and get through it...

You'll be fine mate...
Thanks man... It's lingering In the back of my mind. On first break and beginning to lag, back pain initiating.
I think I had more mental strength back in the day. You're correct.... It sucks, but I will See it through. Over 5 days no lope again, three days to reup on tianeptine and I don't have the cash to place another shipment til Friday. Lyrica will hopefully be here by two weeks from tomorrow. I will def have some days of hurt ahead, but the worst of the lope has to have passed through my system by now.
On lunch, 3 hrs and 15 minutes to go. Feel a bit better than when I was on my first break.... 5.5 hrs without tia and counting. I double checked and I have about 2+ regular doses left. I really wish I could use one right now. Today has been super easy so far. I'm hanging in there. Trying to hold off as long as possible. Ideally I'd like to not take anymore til tomorrow morn and see how I sleep without anything in my system. Probably won't happen, but never say never. Back to the grind!
Dude, I know how that goes. It sounds like you're off opis more often that not, so I don't think you're setting yourself back too bad. When I was on methadone and would go periods without it I know I was taking whatever came my way here and there much like you. It aided the whole process and although it may have extended the WDs I believe it was only slightly and what a sigh of relief it was to have those comfort meds in between to take the edge off...if even for a short while.
Are you done with subs now or just waiting to get more or what?
Those lopes still doing you decent?
Hopefully sleep comes easy and anxiety/depression stays at bay.
Good luck on your journey, friend.

I am jumping off subs for good. Not getting anymore. It sucks, but it'll be worth it in the end.
I took another 24 mg of lope today, feel somewhat decent... Nothing I can't handle.
Last break... Under an hour and a half to go... 5.5 days off lope and over 7 hours no tianeptine. Feeling the best I have all day besides the hour after my morning tia kicked in. Strange how that works. Doing good. The most stressful part of my day is this last bit...then a two mile walk home in the sun. Cheers!
I took another 24 mg of lope today, feel somewhat decent... Nothing I can't handle.
Good for you, mate! You got it. In good spirits? You have to work at all? Nothing I can't handle today too... Work day 1 nearly completed.
I held off til now....nearly 12 hours. Well, more like just over 11. Drained today man, feeling a depression set in when I wait this long. Physical symptoms are on the lower end of the scale, but noticeable...days are easier than nights.
the heightened state mentally you're in, with having to redose - i'm sure is partial due to the loperamide withdrawals, i've said it a thousand times, even with morphine i still felt the lope withdrawals, i'm on day 16 no lope and today was the first normal day i had. . . i mean it. . . even with Oxy's ( i broke my foot if you recall from a loperamide fainting spell 4 weeks ago ) did not take the edge off.

the effect loperamide has on the opiate receptors as well as calcium channels, i think there's more to it than that, but the lack of research i suppose. . .

you're almost in the clear zone for loperamide withdrawals...