• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

The Large and Nifty Not-quite-advanced Drug Chemistry, Pharmacology and More Thread

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MT agonist like ramelteon, plus bonus 5-ht2c antagonism which might be helpful for anxiety. That said, if ramelteon was of little use, then agomelatine might not be either. But if the 5-ht2c antagonism is able to reduce anxiety somewhat and thus the need for benzos, then part of the self-reinforcing cycle of anxiety and sleeplessness can possibly be considered reduced.
could always go the micheal jackson route. If you can't sleep with propofol, something is off.

seriously though, bromomelatonin is interesting, and an effective aneasthetic, but I believe it it's quite safe, unlike propofol.
Not sure, no one is even quoted. I don't doubt it though. By now it's well known that alcohol is primarily responsible.

Pubmed shouldn't be your first search for a recently published article from the UK.
shibireru, the answer to your woes is pregabalin. Trust me. Take a good (at least 500mg) dosage and you will be happy as larry, and sleep is deep, refreshing, and restorative. Be careful though, because it can be addictive. And space your usage out by at least 2 days between each use otherwise it will lose its effect, although in ur condition you may have to dose it constantly.

One thing to take note of is that after ingestion, it will take 2 hours to have an effect. I know this because I have seen it in myself and my friends every time we take it. It obviously has a very slow action in the brain.

If you want to extend ur usage of this drug, it is excreted almost 100% in urine, so you can either drink any urine that you produce to extend the action of the drug, or you can freeze your urine in order to use the drug another day (it is fucking expensive).

I know of an online site from which you can order it, if you need assistance then pm me. Trust me, this really is the answer to your woes. It kicks benzo's in the ass for sure.
Does anyone know the mechanism by which NMDA antagonist tolerance develops?
Is an aryl nitro group (Ar-NO2) stable under acidic conditions, under basic conditions, under either acidic and basic conditions, or under neither acidic nor basic conditions?
re: 2-amino-indane (sp?):

A cursory search for articles indicated 'partial generalization' to d-amp in animal experiments. Does this indicate anything in terms of neurological action?

Well, anything more interesting than, "It shares qualities with other stimulants!" ;)

Is an aryl nitro group (Ar-NO2) stable under acidic conditions, under basic conditions, under either acidic and basic conditions, or under neither acidic nor basic conditions?

Stable enough, though this depends loads on the compound in question.

nitrazepam- stable.

trinitrotoluene - unstable.
I need some help, i have the tools just not the knowledge. Im hoping someone can help.

A mate ordered some JWH-018 and we eyeballed doses, just popped what looked to me well below a mg onto a cone and smoked it. We got stoned but we dont know whether it was the green or the white.

Now its a white powder with rather sticky properties. It is far more methanol soluble then acetone. 25mg in 4 mls of acetone wouldnt dissolve but after adding .5ml MeOH it dissolved. Now for your view pleasure i have a fuck off saturated hplc trace, it was run under a EPS C18, with acetonitrile / h2o + 0.01% TFA.


Now the envelope that it was sent in had clear signs that it had been opened prior to me receiving it. The side had been razored and then tapped. Im not sure if this was quartine or a posty.

Any opinions welcome.

Also the place that sent it, returned the payment. Im not sure as to the bearing of this but i feel its worth mentioning.
the UV spectrum of JWH-018 is available in the THCpharma spice analysis paper, though most JWH compounds will have practically identical UV spectra.
the chromatographic system conditions are also in the paper. I'm sure they used C18 Reverse phase some kind of commercial ODS column and AcN water mobile phase, so with a very small amount of work the conditions can be duplicated then the material identified by retention time.
you will of course need to reduce the sample loading by about 10-20 times to get decent peak shape and a sensible height.
also dissolve the sample in the starting mobile phase don't use additional solvents because they screw things up.
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You also might want to get the chromatogram up a bit higher than 190 nm.....say about 280 to 350 nm....looks like you have a maxima around 325 nm. Try that. (Since you've used diode array, you can probably extract that chromatogram from your existing datafile.) You'll have lower response = less saturation of the peak & less baseline drift. Once you get above 220 nm, you can start using acetate buffer with your AcN and still have a flat stable baseline.

its very annoying to me that there are no refrences in this article, a search on pubmed turned up nothing. does anyone know what study is being discussed in this article???

The article in question:

Hywel Hughes, Rachael Peters, Gareth Davies, Keith Griffiths
" A study of patients presenting to an emergency department having had a 'spiked drink' "
Emerg Med J 2007, 24, p.89
DOI: 10.1136/emj.2006.040360
Objectives: To assess the scale of drink spiking in our area and identify which drugs are being used to spike drinks and also to assess whether there is a problem with drink spiking in any particular establishment.

Methods: A prospective study of all patients presenting to an emergency department with alleged drink spiking over a 12-month period. Samples were analysed for levels of alcohol and drugs of misuse. Information was collected as to where the alleged spiking took place and the involvement of the police.

Results: 75 patients attended with alleged drink spiking over the period of 12 months. 42 samples were analysed and tested positive for drugs of misuse in 8 (19%) cases. 65% of those tested had alcohol concentrations >160 mg%. The alleged spiking took place in 23 different locations, with 2 locations accounting for 31% of responses. Only 14% of those questioned had informed the police.

Conclusions: Most patients allegedly having had a spiked drink test negative for drugs of misuse. The symptoms are more likely to be a result of excess alcohol.

Full article requests can be placed as usual.

Cheers! Murphy
I want to say it's an impurity of meth manufacture. atleast that's what my searches say it is.
Would the stereoisomer fairy exist for chemists working in 4 spatial dimensions?

In 4 spatial dimensions yes, along with a whole bunch of other faeries.
bis = 2. Bis methamphetamine (Bis-(1-phenylisopropyl)- methylamine) contains 2 meth molecules joined at the amine(-NCH3-NCH3-). It's a known impurity with the Leuckart route.
I'm kind of new to Bluelight so hello every one! Wasn't sure whether to post in here but here it goes;
Could you theoretically use methionine in the methylation process to change phenethylamine to methylphenethylamine (which i believe to be amphetamine?) or would you need another reagent such as iodomethyl, and also how would one go about doing this?
I've been doing a lot of research on the internet about it and can't really find much about it other than a mention in PIHKAL, it just seems strange no-one has experimented with this.
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Simple chem questions

Didnt know where this went, but i think OD is appropriate.

Some of you may know that you can cook epsom salts, turn it into anhydrous MgSo4 and put it in industrial solvents (acetone) to make the acetone anhydrous.

Can this procedure be done with OTC isopropol alcohol? would adding mgso4 into the solvent create anhydrous isopropyl alcohol
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