• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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What was your binge on? Guessing a stim? The posts kinda confused me. lol.. it's early. My BrAiN gotta wake up.

Love gabapentin tho.. was on 1600mg/day and once i asked my dr for an increase due to "tolerance" he took it away from me lol.
I no longer have that dr.. he was an asshat. Tried to taper me down off 5mg clonazepam/ day with 25mg chlordiazepoxide (librium) 4xday. Needless to say, it didn't work n i got sick.
That was a while ago though.

Anyways.. enjoy the pentin.

What was your binge on? Guessing a stim? The posts kinda confused me. lol.. it's early. My BrAiN gotta wake up.

Yep, I got my adderall scripts the other day. Sorry that it confused you.. I think i was being intentionally vague because i was tired and lazy look lol

[] quaintlyLove gabapentin tho.. was on 1600mg/day and once i asked my dr for an increase due to "tolerance" he took it away from me lol.
I no longer have that dr.. he was an asshat. Tried to taper me down off 5mg clonazepam/ day with 25mg chlordiazepoxide (librium) 4xday. Needless to say, it didn't work n i got sick.
That was a while ago though.

Anyways.. enjoy the pentin.


Sucks that he basically ref flagged you as an addict.
Just wishing everyone a good night who reads this!!
Or a good morning if that's what's happening at the moment :)

Remember life is good.
Welcome to Bluelight, newbs <3 it's a lovely, thriving forum with a vast amount of knowledge n good harm reduction advice. Hope you enjoy it here <3

If anyone's from UK, African or Europe we would love to have you visit us in EADD (European n Africab Drug Discussion. We discuss many different substances as well as have friendly chilled threads including the main one; Gibberings.

We're basically a small community within a community who care n look out for one another n the more the merrier :). All the other sub-forums are ace too.

Hi everyone. Newbie here from ontario canada. I find myself googling info semi regularly and it seems I always end up reading posts on bl. I'm fairly new to opiates thanks to a medical condition. I Figured I'd join the community and share some of my knowledge in other areas while I gain knowledge where I need help.
Hi everyone. Newbie here from ontario canada. I find myself googling info semi regularly and it seems I always end up reading posts on bl. I'm fairly new to opiates thanks to a medical condition. I Figured I'd join the community and share some of my knowledge in other areas while I gain knowledge where I need help.

Loving your ID, Blueivy. Welcone to the Bluelight community <3 please don't hesitate in asking someone if you need help with anything :)

Hello Bluelight. I thought I'd stick my neck out there. I've been hiding in the shadows for a while, just doing research. I'm a novice chemical researcher, very new to the game. I'm looking forward to some great experiences and have been helped immensely by some of the information provided on this site.
New to all this. Guess u can tell by my name where I'm from. Just have general ? ? Y hay alguien que hable castellano?
Hey! First post:)
I'm currently a film student from Oregon but I enjoy a lot of other art mediums as well. The broad focus of my work is what it means to be a human
Curiosity brought me here, I love to hear about peoples' experiences and views on just about everything.
Hiya ~ sorry I have not been om this social thread in ages. Lovely to see people posting here greetings to all you newbies ~ I hope that you're all enjoying the site n getting out from it, what you need. It's an informative, knowledgable site full of warm, caring, supportive n friendly people. Been on the site years n have received support n information.

Hey Bluelighters,

i've been lurking psychotropic chemistry info on bluelight for at least the last 8 years, so i thought it was well overdue that i said Hi. So hello there fellow psychonauts =].

I've always been drawn to bluelight by the sense of community and compassion/support displayed on the boards so its nice to finally join you guys.

.........and there is no need to "SWIM".....

keeep it real

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