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The Healthy Living Photo thread!

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^That's more than understandable - hahaha. And thanks!

I think I would probably save until I had a million dollars (or Rands, that'll take a lot less time) and then offer it to you to visit you. Wow.

My diet... Hrm. Well. About that... I have all this tummy fat accumulated from when I used to eat to silence my quite serious depression - as much processed, high-in-carbs, sugary food as I could get my hands on - and although I eat healthily now, I seem to shake it last.

I still love food but am going about losing weight as quickly as possible. I start the day with a small breakfast (usually a boiled egg, some cereal and a slice of tomato), two or three fruits throughout the day and veggies and sometimes some carbs, like rice (or potato if that is my only option) for lunch. I just stay away from potato mostly, pasta, dairy (except skim milk in my cereal), all sugar (except in the fruit I eat), pastry, fats... The problem is that they don't give us a choice in the dining hall at my residence at university - vegetarian options are all filled with pasta and potato and drenched in oily cheese and white sauce, or they are just plain labeled "Veg Fast Food" which is disgusting. If you want something healthier, like a salad, it is going to have tuna or chicken or ham in it. Ugh.

Next year, when I have my own kitchen, VEGAN FUCK YEAH.
Waking up with the sun and going outside to experience the cool, dewy calm of the morning - definitely a healthy habit!

...now that the sun is getting out of bed at 05h30-06h00, though, I don't know if I'll be able to make it on time so often anymore.

No I don't but I could take a pic right now that would suffice. I did not really lose weight but gained muscle which of course put me at a higher weight. I have regressed and gained 10 lbs in my breasts (good) and stomach (bad) in the past 3-4 months.

ten pounds in the breasts? Pics please
hahaha if I felt sexy in my skin this week I would post pics
once I fit back into my pants comfortably I will be pic whoring up the place
^ Please do ^^
Sorry for not being here for quite sometime guys . Real life beckons. I
hope to be posting more regularly from now on.

Two recent pics of me with assorted fluffballs:

Hi dear...no, I only wear blush [Benetint] and lipgloss, and sometimes oil-absorbent pressed powder [for teenagers!] but in such humid weather, I sometimes just use baby powder on my face. Thanks for the compliment :)

PS. VCO !!! VCO!! ;) =D [i am the coconut queen]
This is me, about 10-15kg down from 75kg in about two-three months... With many, many breaks in self-discipline!





[So proud of myself for finally being able to do this, haha... I never could!]



Good job miss!!!!
NEW HAIRCUT! Wooooo! First time I've cut my hair in a year.


I lost a ton of weight from having the flu all this past week. :( Bleh.
This is me, about 10-15kg down from 75kg in about two-three months... With many, many breaks in self-discipline!





[So proud of myself for finally being able to do this, haha... I never could!]



Wow, I think you're absolutely gorgeous and you look cheeky, mischievous & fun. I like you =D
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