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The Healthy Living Photo thread!

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I'm a little backwards, and my before pic is the more fit one. I have decided that youth, sex, and romps in the forest make me the fittest. One of those I can't get back. I happen to build muscle like crazy!

It's funny though, now that I don't have a bike or steady place to live (i'm rather homeless and traveling) I find it hard to keep a constant regiment (duh!) and therefore I'm "softer", less conditioned, and inevitably a bit "crazier". Cardio is great for mental health, emotional stability and all that. Good thing I carry my jump rope with me everywhere. Can you believe that I have been at military check points where they search my bag until they get to the jump rope...then they ask incredulously if i "exercise" when I reply yes, they stop the search. Ha! i guess I can't be a threat and work out.

But seriously, I found this thread to be my first motivation whilst traveling.

Any body weight, creative, non gym workouts (I don't even have a pull-up bar) are appreciated. This year is about travel fitness/nutrition.

Theres a book called building the gymnastic body that has everything youll need. You can torrent it I believe.

Tree branches can sub for pull up bars.
Newest pics...slimming down slimming down! :)



wow. That is by far the best I've ever seen you KSober.

By far.

Great work. How are your legs coming along?
I appreciate the comments you guys. Red, it's funny because I"ve been hitting legs really hard lately. What sucks is, it's hard to find pants that will fit me correctly. My legs have gotten bigger, but my waist has gotten smaller. All the damn jeans nowadays are "skinny jeans" which don't really go with my body type. :X :)

Kstoner- You look SO awesome! I am proud of ya dude!

This is me since I've gained 25 lbs since October (much needed muscle and fat)
^ looking good becklee and kstoner! What's your current weight and body fat % kstoner? I know what you mean about skinny jeans hey.... everywhere here at the momment :/ I'll stick to boot-cut thankyouverymuch!
Becky!! where the hell ya been?? :) Lookin good miss.

Belarki, I had it checked with one of those hand held pieces of crap, and it was 11....but the lady said that it could be +/- 3 % so who knows. I'd say around 9.5 or 10. I weight right around 204. i'm 6'3 btw.

lol yes bootcut relaxed fit plz :D
hey kstoner! I've been UNhealthy, so therefore have been MIA, but am getting back to the eating right and exercising, not drinking and drugging... I keep on chugging!
^^ Lookin' good meng!! %)

I'm so proud to actually be able to post in this thread again. After multiple sports injuries I have been M.I.A for aaaaages. Too long.

But thanks to pilates I've been getting my metabolism going again. It makes my back muscly =D

n3o you look amazing! <3
been doing ab-work with swimming, NIA, and kickboxing; you can kinda see here:

PS- I'm glad I can post on here again too! The last few months, not so much...
But thanks to pilates I've been getting my metabolism going again. It makes my back muscly =D


Freakin toned back man! ;) I'm glad the injuries have finally healed up and you're feelin good!! <3

been doing ab-work with swimming, NIA, and kickboxing; you can kinda see here:

Yes, I can see :) Glad to see you posting in here again BLee. Tell that dog to get his nose outta there too lol.
BeckyLee you have the ideal body. Grr. ;)


Obviously not a body shot or anything, I just thought it belonged in healthy living because i look so happy and healthy!!!
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