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The fucking friday thread: C'mon you know you want to!


Bluelight Crew
May 30, 2010
Well it's Friday!!!! For most of you smug bastards that means the "weekend is upon you" I at least have Sunday off....

Also found out that I got my holiday week approved. I'll be spending Shams birthday with him and cannot wait! I'd give up every weekend for that!

Enough of the soppy shit, what's everyone up to this weekend? C'mon, I haven't taken drugs for years aside from my holiday in August, I must live vicariously through someone...... What are you sexy bastards up to this weekend>??????
Well we had an easy(ish) night last night so woke up feeling half way human which was a great change. We went out for a drive along the coast and then went for brunch, its a gorgeous day here today so it was nice sitting out in the sunshine enjoying our food and a coffee.

Lazy afternoon enjoying the sunshine and a couple of drinks and then were going to have a bbq later on this evening. Depending on how we feel tomorrow when we wake up we will probably be going out for lunch and a few pints.

Have a great weekend everyone

Just had a cheeky line of crushed up subutex, now I'm looking for a film to watch. Doubt I'll move from the computer tonight. Going to the pub to watch the footie tomorrow and there's a house part with a DJ, so I'll be going out saturday night only. Tonight is sitting at home with a warm glow night.
I do wish it really was "Fucking Friday", alas, the fucking shall be as non-existent as ever over here.
The drugs though? Yeah, is that ever a surprise? =D

Just had a cheeky line of crushed up subutex, now I'm looking for a film to watch. Doubt I'll move from the computer tonight. Going to the pub to watch the footie tomorrow and there's a house part with a DJ, so I'll be going out saturday night only. Tonight is sitting at home with a warm glow night.

Might do same tonight with some codeine, fancy a warm glow kinda evenin, was gonna get some beer but can't be arsed with a hangover.

Got the weekend and most of next week off, no real plans as don't get paid til next week. Figures, the one weekend I have free.
A cheeky 10 x 2 mg vape of the 3 to start the day. Nice and relaxing day but alas as of 6am tomorrow I'm on paternal responsiblities so this ones gonna be a quiet one. Well depending on which way I look at it ?
I do wish it really was "Fucking Friday", alas, the fucking shall be as non-existent as ever over here.
The drugs though? Yeah, is that ever a surprise? =D


It's Friday, the repo is locked for a beta build so I can't check my work in, I've banked enough flexitime hours to not have to work any more this week anyway, so I'm just listening to happy hardcore tape pack rips on YouTube, going to be leaving work shortly! :D

I've somehow managed to save a bit of ketamine for this weekend but I have to do it tonight because I have a gig Saturday night and then a fairly important cross country training session on Sunday morning, followed by the last chance to go to the pub with a mate before he becomes a dad the second time.

Toughest decision I have to make is whether I have a bit of mdma first or not. Mdma and ket was one of my fave combos at uni but I've not done it for 10 years. Keep meaning to do it but I've always boshed all my ket by the weekend. I'm not sure I want to do mdma tonight though, got loads to do before the gig tomorrow. First world problems!

Have a good one y'all :) <3
I'm doing shag all and taking shag all drugs. Don't get paid till fuckin Monday :(
Still, come Tuesday I'll be making up for lost time I can assure you =D
No drugs somehow, despite making all the correct preparations. Having a cider and reprogramming laptops.

FUBAR does the fact you attribute 3-FPM to possibly having something to do with your loss of sight, not even slightly put you off? :\
FUBAR does the fact you attribute 3-FPM to possibly having something to do with your loss of sight, not even slightly put you off? :\

Well Sid, I am now of that age where deterioration of near sight is to be expected, so I'm hoping it's purely coincidental - and as no-one else (to my knowledge) has reported permanent vision impairment from 3fpm use (not even Sprout - who may not have used it as regularly and consistently as myself, but binges on much larger amounts than I do), so to be frank, no it hasn't put me off in the slightest and I can't wait to get that foil out again..