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The fish thread

Yeah Fengtau, thats why I bought her... There are a couple of photos of my male earlier in this thread.

I am just waiting for him to blow a bubble nest, there are heaps of bubbles there but nothing big enough yet to support a shit load of eggs.

Havent seen them humping in real life only on youtube and in books. I am looking forward to it.

I knew she was ready because she is fat as a cow and her little cha cha tube is sticking out... Hurry up fightey!

Any ideas Fengtau how I could further encourage the male to blow a nest?

I have the female visible to him in a seperate tank but thats as far as I have gone. Maybe a water change?

I think maybe he is just a bit young, every other fighter I have had had blown nests all the time.

Seeing a lot of beautiful freshies, chichlids, mollies and the like, not to many saltwater pics though.

Anyone have a nice Salt or Reef setup they'd like to share?
My next paychecks going to just that.
Klue said:
Any ideas Fengtau how I could further encourage the male to blow a nest?

I have the female visible to him in a seperate tank but thats as far as I have gone. Maybe a water change?

I think maybe he is just a bit young, every other fighter I have had had blown nests all the time.


The last time I "encouraged" a beta humping was when I was about 12. I forgot what I did but as far as I can remember, I just put both of them in the tank and let love does its business.

Good luck!
Anyone had any experience with freshwater Angel Fish? I just added two koi angels to my girlfriends tank that is currently inhabited with a dozen or more dwarf gouramis of various colours.
Yeah dude, I have bred them before. I have photos of a pair that I had laying eggs somewhere.

If you start them off from very young (I have bought them as big as a 10c piece before) in a community with small fish, eg neons, they will be fine as adults with smaller fish.

BUT, like all cichlids they can be agressing and if they are raised by themselves or with other cichlids they will eat something as small as a neon.

So I guess it depends what stage they are at but if they are smallish or similar in size to the gouramis, things will be fine probably.

Such a lovely graceful fish. They are bloody pricey these days though, I remember when they were like 2 bucks each.

PICTURE: For those unfamiliar with Angels.

ADVICE PLEASE! - only if you know what you're talking about!

Ok...you guys have seen my previous posts about our fishys right?

We have a large assortment of platties and I was wondering about the getastation period and fry etc.

We have two spotted ones in amongst the 7 and one of the spotted ones has suddenlly over night ballooned out and I think she may be pregnant. She is incrediblly large and round.

We have had molly fry before but they all died unfortunantly so I was wondering what to do to ensure the survival of these guys.

Are platties live bearers or egg layers?

Right now she is in a tank with gourami's, foxes, tetras, clown loaches, convicts and lombardi's. So I'm assuming the other fish will eat the fry...

I only know...

* gestation is 20-40 days (?)
* sterile environment is required so am on the hunt to borrow a tank with filter and heater
*floating plants for hiding untill mother removed back to original tank
* feeding 3 to 4 times daily crushed flakes and pellets

What about water changes??

All i could snap was these dodgy photos cause i didnt want to stress her by going close to the tank...

You can really see the large belly in the first photo...



The 2nd photo doesnt really show how large she is but she looks like a golf ball from rear and front views.
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...oh and the more mature male platty is following her around heaps and she seems hungry as a hippo...
I cant give you any scientific/specialised advice SF69 but I will tell you that I bred them by accident. A breeder friend of mine gave me approx. 100 a few years ago and I put them into my feeder tank because at the time I had my turtle that i still have and a 2 year old Barramundi (RIP Barry) so they where costing me plenty in food.

So I was just taking a few mollies out every second day and sending them on the last swim of their lives and feeding them flakes. Then about a month or two later i noticed fry and the bred like crazy.

No regular water changes, just a small tank, an airstone and filter.
Klue said:
Yeah dude, I have bred them before. I have photos of a pair that I had laying eggs somewhere.

If you start them off from very young (I have bought them as big as a 10c piece before) in a community with small fish, eg neons, they will be fine as adults with smaller fish.

BUT, like all cichlids they can be agressing and if they are raised by themselves or with other cichlids they will eat something as small as a neon.

So I guess it depends what stage they are at but if they are smallish or similar in size to the gouramis, things will be fine probably.

Such a lovely graceful fish. They are bloody pricey these days though, I remember when they were like 2 bucks each.

PICTURE: For those unfamiliar with Angels.


Those two look exactly the same as the one i got. Your right on the money though, my initial worry was the fact they are cichlids and I was sure they would terrorise the gouramis.

However the aquarists I acquired them from told me that they are very unlike other cichlids and assured me that they would be fine with the gouramis given the age of them and the size of the gouramis.

He also told me that they are easy breeders and offered to give me credit points that i can use to purchase things in the store in exchange for the fry, so i will see how i go with that.

Did you notice anything perculiar about their diet?
eggman88888 said:
he is from the land of fried rice

are these Arowana's related to Saratoga's at least, they look very similiar

Yeh they are quite similar, split down the evolutionary tree millions of years ago though i think, there are Arowanas in Brazil so they existed a long long time ago.

As for breeding fighters - were breeding them here at uni quite successfully, the only advice i would give is to make sure youve got a spare tank to put the female in if the tank is less than 3ft, the male will pursue and kill once he gets her eggs into his nest. the offspring are easy to raise, get some liquid fry from the pet shop, its a suspension of fine food particles, feed for a few days then ween onto newly hatched artemia, then onto small particles of pellets ect. Pretty simple, and dont stress if you loose the first batch, they cna spawn every week if you feel your female right - plenty of high protien high fat frozen foods like mysis shrimp work wonders.
*starfalls69* said:
So an air stone to?

yeah just a small one

Mine was kind of obsured too by a few big rocks and i guess that help disburse the air without causing to much current
i bought a nice bright red male fighter last week.

unfortunately he died exactly one week later.

i think he was sick. i kept him in a fairly big tank for his size, but for some reason the water got so dirty i had to clean it three times!

fighter fish rule
I remember having 3 goldfish and giving them all my Christian name as their name. People found it a lot more disturbing that I expected them to
^^^ because that's a silly question?

Im a bit unsure as to whether my fish is pregnant or not now :\ She still has the belly but its not as big...
*starfalls69* said:
^^^ because that's a silly question?

Im a bit unsure as to whether my fish is pregnant or not now :\ She still has the belly but its not as big...

could be retaining food matter

how is it going in the water? Is it lethargic and tilting/favouring to one side?
SF69- That plattie is definantly preggers. They are live bearers btw. Platties, guppies, mollies and swordtails are all livebearers.

What will happen is that other fish in the tank will eat the fry or the parents will eat the fry so you have to seperate them. If you cant set up another tank you can buy little traps to put the female in that stop the other fish getting to them, but you have to take the female out also or she will munch them.

Good Luck!
