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The female dealer - an Aussie phenomenon? your thoughts/views/experiences...

50:50 where I come from.

I know NZ is the same though.

I would say it has a lot to do with the gun laws, and the general good nature of us southern dwelling folk. :)
^ yeah you're 100% right. Not all chicks are their boyfriends little runner either, I know many-a-female that is in it for the big bucks also. One I know is rolling it in .. all in it for herself. The guys respect her big time, probably been in the game even longer than most of them.
Yep. I can say I know a few who sustain a living from illicit wheelings & dealings. It all depends on the person really - some folks only need a couple of hundred bucks a week to keep afloat. lol
I've seen some pretty loud mouth female dealers in the valley in brisbane. all peaked up and shouting about the price of their pills to someone
whose business acumen is based on watching Scarface several times

lol... couldn't have said it better. I ran into an old friend at the supermarket earlier this evening with his two kids, someone who sold product for at most a year during his party days. He was always a very highly disciplined individual and did so with the sole objective of paying off his credit card debt, as soon as he did he stopped dealing.

In general though, for male dealers; that level of discipline isn't common.
They usually have a lotta guys behind 'em and if you fuck with them - you won't be walking for awhile.

When I went to raves in the late 90's and early 00's in Toronto there were many female dealers and the above statement applied to all the ones that I knew. My raving friends all knew never to fuck a female dealer/or any dealer (just not respectful). And honestly, I wisher there were more. The female dealers I've dealt with have always been really friendly and cool, and have never been stingy with prices or counts etc. Mainly they dealt E, crystal, coke, and K.

I've always been a sucker for chick dealer ;) I think they could charge me more and get away with it if they tried lol :)
I know more male dealers then females but theirs defintly a fair few female dealers out their. Selling all types of different drugs and from different ethnicities. I have also noticed from my experience the older ones are usually female
Ive known a few female dealers in my few years in the scene, all of them were between 35-60 years old. One was this woman who was bout 35, she was nice but a bit weird, only went there a few times when I was about 14. Second one was the wife of a rebel(bikie) but I didnt like going there, I got other people too, and the other one was when I was about 13-15 I went to this older lady who used to be a heroin addict, she ripped me off hard with weed me not knowing at the time of course. Oneday she put a used syringe next to me for a second with who knows what was in it, I never went back, that scared me a lot lol there has been a few dealers who are chicks here and there but most of the time its in a g/bf or husband and wife type thing. Most times the chicks are fucked up from drugs or fighting or just plain psycho...I stick to my calm friends lol
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I've only ever had a few fulltime dealers that were chicks. All sold pot except for one who dealt meth. She looked fucking haggard from smoking the crack pipe way too much. I used to think to myself how easy it would be to snatch her eightball and just walk out. But like most people on here have stated, she knew alot of mad cunts and Rebel bikies to boot. She started getting greedy and jumped on her gear too much. I ended up getting a half weight on tick that was shitty and told her to get fucked and didn't pay her.
only ever known two chick dealers , one who had the biggest blade of shard iv ever seen in my life, shit lookd like a iceberg
the other just a small time club scene juice dealer
my mates old girl is a bud dealer, she's pretty old and all I can say is, she has connects. She's rarely on but when she is, i'll go to her over anyone else. Pure skunk.

Come to think of it, now I have heard of quite a few older women in the choof business.

Could be a generational influence, at least in part. ;)
lol. One of the guys in my aquantences mums deals pills to all of our mates, and now her son is dealing with her too. Mind you, she is about 40 and still coming out to nightclubs around where I live.
I had a 50 yearold grandma gypsie pot dealer. She sold small but always carried. One time I even chance saw her at the supermarket and brought some pot off her right there in the meat department.