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The Drug Culture Video/Documentary Thread

Thanks for clearing that up. Crazy shit man... can't remember what state they said it showed up in, maybe Minnesota?
Krokodil is like the trailer-park meth version of heroin in Russia. Instead of pseudoephedrine pills to make the meth, they use codeine pills to make desomorphine. They're different drugs entirely.

The problem is, there are tons of impurities left over that aren't properly cleaned during these cheap syntheses. But people are so addicted to the stuff they'll inject it anyway. The impurities are what leads to the lesions, amputations, and rotting that people get from krokodil.

If they were injecting pure desomorphine, I imagine it wouldn't be anymore dangerous than other IV opiates. But the population of Russia is just so addicted to opiates, and krok is just so cheap/easy to make... That's what the addicts turn to.
It went away as quickly as it came, the US doesn't need to worry about a krokodil epidemic. Codeine is prescription only and we've got an abundance of pharmaceuticals and cheap heroin. When synthesized properly using professional equipment Krokodil isn't harmful at all, well at least no more harmful than other potent opioids. It's all the impurities from poor synths and missing shots that cause the gangrenous like flesh wounds.

Edit: I see royce already covered this :)
Haha. Well I agree the us probably has an abundance of heron (I was in rehab with 50 people , all heroin addicts, I was only alcoholic ) and christ getting a script for benzos is easy as shit even with my medical record ... and opiates!
Last days here is a pretty good doc about lead singer of pentagram
It stills amazes me this dude pulled thru
Funny Opiate Withdrawal Depiction Video

Hi All,
I'd viewed loads of stuff on this forum for the last half year or so but only just became a member. Posts from the forum had helped me in a lot of ways since loads of people share useful information on here... stuff the docs won't tell you. After severe viral arthritis hit me at age 24 and complications of hand foot and mouth disease hit me at age 25, I was given Vicodin to take for about a year. I didn't abuse the stuff but coming off of it STILL sucked unbelievably. I did it cold turkey and without help and did NOT feel great even though I only ever took it semi-regularly. For years I'd had a Youtube comedy channel where I just post whatever is relevant to me... so instead of feeling ashamed of my struggle, I decided to make a couple videos about prescription opiate painkillers.

Here is my video "Opiate Withdrawal - The Musical" ---

It's a sequel to my musical video about what taking various opiates felt like (and also a bit of a middle finger to the American pain management industry as they essentially did NOTHING to alleviate my illnesses but merely get me hooked on awesome pills) ---

Hope you enjoy. My channel is by NO means popular so I'm not looking to promote myself but thought I'd share since doing these vids helped me feel a lot better and creative in a pretty lousy time. Hope anyone detoxing from opiates can find some humor in them.
I liked the withdrawal depiction in "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" lol...when he's in bed and says something like "I need more blankets AND less blankets!" When I saw that I thought, whoever wrote this scene gets it, lol...
I liked the withdrawal depiction in "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" lol...when he's in bed and says something like "I need more blankets AND less blankets!" When I saw that I thought, whoever wrote this scene gets it, lol...

Because it belongs in this thread. Which has been bumped to the front page, people will see no worries.
I know this is an old topic, but for anyone who watched the black tar heroin: dark end of the street documentary and was wondering whatever happened to the kids in the film, I just watched an update which was released in 2004. Jake, the gay kid with AIDS who was turning tricks, overdosed and is deceased. Jessica, the young punk chick who turned to hooking and had AIDS went missing for a number of months and then word came that she was found dead of an overdose. Oreo, the one half black half white guy who rode around on the skateboard is missing and no one knows where he is. His girlfriend who was shown in the documentary died of an overdose. Alice, the girl who moved back to Washington has been clean for some time now and the other girl Tracy got clean and went to school to become a drug and alcohol counselor. Her boyfriend who was shown in the documentary, the abusive guy who was shooting up in his neck, also died of an overdose. The update was made in 2004. I know this is an old topic, but it seems a lot of people watched the documentary and were pretty affected by it so I thought I'd share the update with everyone. Good documentary and follow up for anyone thinking of trying heroin.

If anybody out there is looking for an update on what happened to the subjects of the Black Tar Heroin: Dark End of the Street documentary, then I've spent quite a bit of time pulling together an update. Included is a recent photo of Oreo, who is still alive.

See: Black Tar Heroin: Where are they now?

Loads more drug documentaries on that site to watch too.
I would say you could freeze your lips off sucking from the metal piece without an attachment
^From a 'cracker', yes (need to release the gas into balloon to let it heat up for a bit). If you're using a refillable/rechargable whipped cream cannister. In this case, the cannister itself can serve as the 'balloon', meaning that the N2O can be inhaled directly from the refillable/rechargable whipped cream can.

(I didn't watch the vid, so if they were using a 'cracker' in the vid, you're very right and it is indeed quite dangerous. (A 'cracker' is a small piece that you can screw the N2O capsule onto. It then punctures the capsule & releases the gas straight in the air (or, more commonly & usefully, a balloon, or... If you're not too bright you can release it directy into your mouth & lungs. But that's very dangerous as it's freezing cold when compressed - Don't do it)!
I used to do it, love it. Even had my own home made cracker for the bulbs. Always amazed me how it could create frost all over the metal from how cold the released gas is. So yeah, don't be releasing that shit straight into your mouth. If it's making ice straight from the water vapor in the air around it then it must be super fucking cold.
When you release the cartridge into the canister, it can cool down that entire metallic lid piece