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The Drug Culture Mega-Merged-Locked Threads Thread!

Yo, Im disappointed in you two. two mod posts n its a fuckin picnic in here still. Closed fools! :D;)
It was too big a block of text, so instead of reading it I just assumed it was a short essay on Cambodian Microeconomics.
not sure about this broadcasting thing but I did come to believe that I was dreaming that I was awake once while on shrooms and lsd, that was weird.

edit -- to make that more clear, I had started to wonder what would happen if I had been in some crash or the like and I was in a coma. And that my waking world was only a part of a dream. I mean how would you know?

got kinda scary before it was all over with.
I suppose I should have figured this was the response I was gonna get. Its a secret network and to even talk about it is break the rules of even an open discussion forum such as bluelight. I'll have to seek else where for information about this secret broadcasting network that seems to be working its way with me. But anyway it will come for you as well, and then you will see what I am talking about.

I have seen the truman show, and it is almost exactly what I am experiencing except he is contained in a small area. This place I am talking about interacts with the environment and everyone you interact with becomes the network and plays tricks on you. like movie magic. But maybe the network hasn't come in your area, or your just acting like the actors and denying it and making sure no one talks about the secret network.
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There is a way to stop the cameras. It's a drug called Thiothixene. See if you can get a Doctor to prescribe it to you.
In a metaphoric sense, I'd say this is just your perspective on some great philosophical truth.......maybe something the human mind can not even comprehend.

You not speaking in the metaphorical sense though, are you?

So I'm gonna go with, get some sleep, maybe?
yeah yeah I know not original, but I plan on becoming a Budtender in the coming months, starting salary is $50,000 a year...but really any job can be a good stoner job...if you work with stoners=D
This means that parents are in need of REAL drug education, because the kids sure as hell aren't going to get it unless they are getting it here.
qft. It seems that a lot of parents these days are really good about teaching their kids about safe sex, taking them to the doctor for birth control etc but when it comes to drugs, are kind of helpless and underinformed. Granted, it's not exactly the same given that sex isn't illegal, but still.

basically I'd much rather my kids know they can come to me for advice/information/money for testing kits/etc than have them hide their drug use from me and OD and die because they didn't know any better. I'd be a fucking hardass about responsible use though.
i did valet all coked up at a club. but my friends did barback for the club. so they would go pick up trash and shit in the club then when they go outside to throw it away they would hit up the pipe. i always would stop for a second while i was running to get a car to take a quick toke. plus they always found drugs in the club threw the night while cleaning.
But maybe the network hasn't come in your area, or your just acting like the actors and denying it and making sure no one talks about the secret network.

I used to actually run the network, and can assure you it got cancelled a while back and replaced with Friends.
brainslookfunny said:
I used to actually run the network, and can assure you it got cancelled a while back and replaced with Friends.

well if the show was canceled does he relay exist or is he merely a series of memories of his former self stuck in some forgotten rerun?
CloudyHazeD said:
In a metaphoric sense, I'd say this is just your perspective on some great philosophical truth.......maybe something the human mind can not even comprehend.

You not speaking in the metaphorical sense though, are you?

So I'm gonna go with, get some sleep, maybe?

If our eyes are the camera, and our brain is the recorder then we can all be in the movie at the same time. This would mean their are many cameras and angles and when you don't think your being watched, someone is watching you even at times you think you are completely alone. This is why we are alive, to entertain everyone for their amusement. Unforanutely, no one knows this its part of the Forever Broadcasting Network is shun by everyone even the great mods of this website that deny its existence. We are actors now in it, and its playing as we speak and it will visit all of us in our darkest moments when we are looking to have fun, and indulge in our bad habits. I dont know why I can only see this network or broadcast on it when I consume this precise chemical, but I can ensure you its all real and we are all here acting on it. I really wish my time was longer but I feel maybe, I am going no where with this network and will have to discontinue my thought, for even I think I have completely lost my mind. but in the morning all my thoughts will be pieced together and I will read my posts and say what I normal say after a beatiful night, wtf was I thinking.
DemonXstreeM said:
well if the show was canceled does he relay exist or is he merely a series of memories of his former self stuck in some forgotten rerun?

hehe good question... I surely don't know!

seriot: you got a pretty unique way of imagining reality, but then again, don't we all :)
These senseless drug laws are really getting to me...

What happened today shows how many of this countries drug and paraphenlia laws cause more bad than good. Today I woke up totally dopesick and made my way over to the dopespot to get a half gram of black tar. There is a needle exchange around where I live but it is a good half hour away by car and I was riding the bus today and all I had was an old needle I have used more times than I can remember. So I get my half gram and proceed to the bathroom stall at the gas station and fix up a shot. The point on my needle was so dull that I literally had to push with a good amount of force just to break the skin and more force to break into the vein. I still have pretty good veins and no matter which vein I tried to hit, my needle just wouldnt register. I would try and try and eventually both of my arms were dripping with blood. I finally gave up and just muscled the shot because I was so sick. Now my entire arm is totally swollen up and I have a feeling I'm going to have an abscess tommorow. So I got home and really wanted to do another shot, so I dug around my room and found another rig I had, but this one was also pretty old and the plunger would break off from the black stopper. So due to me being a junkie and wanting to get high real bad and wanting the dope in my veins this time, I busted out the super glue and glued the plunger back onto the stopper. Then I took out some lotion and put some on the plunger so it would slide back and forth and finally did my shot, this time getting the dope in my veins. I know this post is long but I just wanted to show how our stupid laws which dont let pharmacies sell people needles without perscriptions is causing more bad than good. I will probably have an abscess on my arm tommorow from the first shot, and luckily no super glue got in the barrel of my rig and I didnt end up shooting super glue into my veins. I mean shit, I'm sure if the pharmacy clerk knew everything I had to do today and how I probably could have almost killed myself reusing the needles, she probably would have sold me a new one. Sorry, I am probably rambling here, but I just had to vent how frustrated I am over such rules. There I'm done and do feel better now lol.