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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Summer tiiiiiime and the livins easy

Haha dont worry, you know I can handle it ;) Hit me up on AIM yo.
Fucking stupid ass sidebar on FB Chat. It shows OFFLINE people. What the fuck is the point of that? Its supposed to show people that you interact with frequently and recently. Theres someone on there I havent talked to in months. And it doesnt show everyone that I have online. Fucking Facebook keeps becoming more and more of a failure. Fuck you.

Yes this is exactly the problem currently. I'm upset about it also. I made a tinychat for my FB friends but no body ever goes there.

I am

ANYWAY. I had a dream about nanchan last night. No big, no big. We was juss chillin'. Cruisin' in a car with kandi kidz all the way from Alaska to Seattle. Just cruisin'/chillin'.
Niiice. Got nothin tonight. I have Lucy tucked away in my closet though :)