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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Early Gurning Center

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speaking of weed, got some white rhino.

god im so fucking high. realised last night as well if i just smoke a tiny bit of weed it's good for socialising with large groups. don't like large groups when im really high cus i like to chill.

and yeah this colourful static stuff is more noticeable when high, kind of cool. was talking to my mate today and he has the exact same thing but no tinnitus. he's abused mephedrone to fuck and used to smoke weed erryday, do dunno if it's cus we both do drugs/weed
I am meant to avoid any medications that may induce and or cause Urinary retension .

I got the spasms and pain whilst on md, and then after a couple of hours i did some K, but this was the other week, no more now.

Weed, Diaz and codeine.
Thats all i can do really.

Mxe doesnt cause me pain there in fact it elimates it.
na i dont really touch codeine, it would be the Diaz i would worry about.

Id rather save the codeine for if i go dentist or something, then i can be dosed up the eyeballs to stop the pain lol.
yeah as long as your careful though you'll be fine, last thing you want is any kind of addiction to deal with on top of everything else.

fuck im so blazed, love this strain.
<3 ive been stoned all day nearly, i love weekends. I love weed.
go easy on the codeine mate don't want an opiate addiction

I'm not even completely sure if it's possible to get psychically addicted to codeine lol...

I've been waiting all weekend for some dank ass weed... now it seems I'll be getting hash though. Just smoked a joint made from the roaches of like 10 other joints lol, that worked out nicely.
well the one time I tried it I frikkin loved it though. and I only took like 30 mg too...
weed is beautiful.

and foley i don't know shit about opiates and prescription painkillers really. if it's hard to develop an addiction to codeine maybe i'll try it out after reading up about it a bit.
well the one time I tried it I frikkin loved it though. and I only took like 30 mg too...

Yeah... it's not bad, I like it. But an opiate with a ceiling dose would be retarded to get addicted too lol...

^ You certainly CAN get addicted to it, but I mean there isn't a huge problem with opiate addiction unless your using them very often. Unless you start doing it everyday it's pretty much impossible to get addicted to them... opiates have a psychical addiction, so unless your body has time to get used to the drug, it's not a problem.
Yeah I have to look out for xanax though. I took one for the first time last week and noticed an almost instant relieve especially during night time when trying to sleep... Very high addiction risk there, will keep it limited for stimulant crashes only lol.
I really like weed now. smoke it with friends makes me more sociable its nice, you can eat on it.

hmm I have friends who punch a J before work, at lunch, after work then before bed.. I dislike the smell and find it just puts me to sleep every time which isn't exactly sociable
Yeah I have to look out for xanax though. I took one for the first time last week and noticed an almost instant relieve especially during night time when trying to sleep... Very high addiction risk there, will keep it limited for stimulant crashes only lol.

Benzos sure give you a sense of relief... but with little to no euphoria, I don't think I could ever get addicted to them lol...

My problems lay with stimulants... I <3 neurotransmitter release

^ Sounds like you're getting some low quality indicas... Sativa strains are quite stimulating IMO
I know but its monday.. I shouldnt be high all day lol im waiting for a phone call for something.
Trying to stay responsible with my use hehe
Yeah. Fuck off CI.

If you can find ONE post where you told me not to call him Lassy, I won't hate you forever. But I've already looked.

THERE ARE NONE. So you can fuck off with that shit about "warning me". How is one word the same as him posting complete LIES about myself? Fucking bull shit.

In other non made up news, I got myself a nice half gram of molly. Gonna be throwing a mini party on Friday to test it out haha. This is going to be a long week lol..

Telling someone to "fuck off" is abuse... next time iwill issue another infraction.

What lies have been told about you?

this is abuse
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I know but its monday.. I shouldnt be high all day lol im waiting for a phone call for something.
Trying to stay responsible with my use hehe
Just doo iiiit sammy lol. Join me and let's be high all day lolz
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