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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy "Psychedelic Use Affecting Cannabis Highs" Thread


Mar 7, 2011
This is the main thread for discussing how psychedelics have affected your cannabis highs since you began using them. This is not for discussing combining psychedelics and cannabis - you can discuss that here :)

Original Post:

So yesterday, I took two waterfall hits of some fairly potent cannabis. For 10 minutes I was nice and high, but shortly after that I experienced extreme nausea, vertigo, and just very lightheadedness.

Now I know there are times when you can just get "too high", as this has happened to me before. But as the nausea went away, the experience felt more and more "lsd-ish". I was starting to feel a little better, but I really felt like I was tripping for about 10 minutes. There were floaters in my vision, I was getting some mild visual distortion, things looked quite colorful. And weed is a pretty natural thing, but this high felt very synthetic and chemically for a few minutes. And I really felt like I was on lsd. About 40 minutes after I smoked I was feeling better, not sober, but my high felt more normal.

As far as my history with psychedelics is concerned I first used psychs about 2 and a half years ago. My first experience was mushrooms, and I have done those many times since then. I've done dmt 6 times, and 2ci twice. I have a very love/hate relationship with lsd, as I have had more difficult trips with that as opposed to any other psych. I have done that 10 times, and my last trip (two weeks ago) was the most difficult trip I've had.

So has anyone had a similar experience? If so, have you tripped since then? Have you gotten over it, or has weed triggered flashbacks (if that's what it was) more and more?
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It does not sound like a flashback at all, there are many misconceptions about flashbacks and it is understandable if you have not had one before: experiences quite out of the ordinary can get that label.

Flashbacks are not a measure of intensity of tripping (like tripping harder than is thought to be normal or possible on a certain drug) but rather a re-experience of something that happened before. In a flashback you are totally reliving a specific experience - so... if you only have very intense effects from weed but not reminding of a specific trip then it is not a flashback but it can have something to do with psychedelics... namely that by tripping you can get more sensitive to getting into a trippy headspace, it opens you up more - the doors of perception are more easily opened so to speak.

Considering it has been a pretty long time since you have taken a psychedelic I don't think it was that either and in short I agree with Sega: you just got really high.

Cannabis can be very psychedelic but often it is not due to a number of reasons like tolerance, not getting high enough fast enough (creating another form of more acute tolerance, a ceiling effect) or the method of administration... meaning eating space cake can get you significantly higher than smoking it.
Vaporizing refined cannabis products rapidly can get you very high not only because it is so fast that it happens before acute tolerance sets in but more refined processed forms of cannabis also may contain less cannabinoids like CBD or CBN that are not really active by themselves but they attenuate the effect of THC. It can give you more of a body high or have better pain killing qualities or other effects associated by CB2 agonism. The more pure THC you have the more CB1 agonism you can get thereby getting a psychedelic high.
Some synthetic cannabinoids can also get you trippy high, also for the reason that they have a better CB1:CB2 proportional affinity and a generally high affinity.
frequent high dose psychedelics changed my weed high?

there was a period of time, about 4 months where i grew intimate with lsd, dmt, and unfortunately 2c-e. before that i smoke weed and got "high". the typical happy "la la la" high, after those 4 months my weed high is now highly psychedelic, ++, +++ by the shulgin, 3 by the erowid scale. i had a 2 month hoatus from smoking, and it's been a while since i last tripped (6+ months).

anyone have any info, or related info to psychadelics changing highs?
I'll send this over to Psychedelic Drugs for you.

anon >>> PD
it goes away if you don't trip for a while.

dunno why you think the 2c-e was unfortunate. LSD has always been way more likely to give me a "flashback" when i get high the next day.
After a full trip I always have trippy residual effects when smoking, for a week or so. Like I smoke some weed and think " holy shit I'm tripping again. "

It goes away over time for me, I never worry about it anymore.

When I was younger and first into psychadelics I remember I would eat some shrooms one night, and then smoke the next night, and the smoking would send me almost back to where I was on the shrooms.

Nothing to really worry about, in my opinion, the psychadelics just opened your mind for the time being and when you smoke you're more open to weed's psychadelic properties than before you tripped. Especially since you took a 2 month break.
Yeah, this is pretty normal. If I've been tripping often, herb can get pretty visual.
Used to find this a lot, then discovered that nitrous made it even more distinct
Even thought my tolerance to cannabis is quite high I always seem to notice I get heavy CEVs when i've previously taken psychedelics.
Weed is a minor psychedelic on its own btw, and your hiatus from it also prolly caused the increase of psychedelia from the cannabis.

If I take shrooms or something I notice OEVs from marijuana for the next week or so.

DMT really does it though,
I smoked some good sativa one night before bed, after a week of dmt binging and even with my tolerance HOLY BALLS
Marijuana that gave me more CEV's than the dmt, I couldn't believe it.
Crazy Flashbacks From Various Psychedelics When Using Marijuana

Recently SWIM has been receiving flashbacks to his prior psychedelic usage whenever he uses Marijuana.

SWIMS drug history consists of LSA 1x (20 months ago), DXM 2x (most recently 8 months ago), Benadryl 1x (7 months ago), Mushrooms 2x (most recently month and a half ago), LSD 1x (3 weeks ago), MDMA 3x (Most recently 2 days ago). And Marijuana countless times but never quite like this.

SWIM has previously had minor flashbacks to psychedelics when smoking within a couple days of use, however never like this.

When SWIM smoked approx .5 g of marijuana 1 day ago (this being the night after the night of most recent MDMA usage), he had a crazy flashback. Not only did SWIM feel like he was rolling but his pupils also got insanely big, much like on MDMA. SWIM was also obscenely twitchy and sex was amazing, but climax was unachievable (which SWIM hears is whats supposed to happen with MDMA, although SWIM has never personally had sex on it).

SWIM also just remembered that SWIM smoked approx .3 grams earlier in the day so that SWIM could eat. SWIM felt nothing unusual from this except for munchies and sleepiness (which is most of the reason SWIM smokes weed, as eating disorders and insomnia suck)

Thinking it was some fluke from coming down and normal flashback status SWIM marked this occasion as not too special.

However. The next night SWIM smoked approximately .8 g of bud. Which is a normal amount to get SWIM nice and blazed. After that shit got insane. SWIM had similar flashbacks to MDMA again which were easy to deal with as long as SWIM gave self light shows. Later SWIM stopped giving light shows and started having panic attacky episodes (Slightly reminiscent of part of SWIM's bad experience on Benadryl) where SWIM couldn't move. Eventually SWIM got over that and sat in bed and started listening to music as that happened SWIM started to acheive fractals and see things very similar to LSD. Eventually SWIM swore his Girlfriend was sitting in bed with him and started to have a conversation with her, however after approx 20 minutes SWIM realized girlfriend wasn't actually there when roommate started mentioning how SWIM was talking to SWIM's self. The only time this has ever happened to SWIM was in the happier part of Benadryl (it had a very dark part and a decently bright part). After this SWIM got girlfriend to come over because shit was too weird. With her around SWIM continued to cycle through various mindstates until SWIM fell asleep.

SWIM knows his weed was pure, SWIM has been smoking it for weeks without any similar effects. SWIM knows his molly is pure because he has used it 2 of the three times hes used molly and also had friends who used the same molly with no adverse effects.

It's good that SWIM flashbacked to everything except DXM as one of the times SWIM used DXM he was in the midst of a suicide attempt.

SWIM has also smoked weed every time he as used psychedelic drugs except for with Benadryl and DXM.

This shit is too weird for SWIM, if weed doesn't return to normal SWIM will be quite displeased because as much as SWIM likes tripping SWIM also really likes weed.

Has anybody else heard of this kind of flashback?
If you smoke weed on psychedelics, then there is big chance you will trip, when you smoke. Only way to get rid of that feeling, is to get used to it, or to stop smoking for some time.
since i tried LSD none of my marijuana highs have been the same, they have become marijuana trips... on hash its ok, but on high grade weed i trip out, and get intense flashbacks
Your just stoned d00d.
This was way too different from any experience I've ever had for me to accept that. I was quite literally in another world for the entirety of this experience. And I have smoked a lot of weed in my day, which makes this difference super weird.
since i tried LSD none of my marijuana highs have been the same, they have become marijuana trips... on hash its ok, but on high grade weed i trip out, and get intense flashbacks
And Iunno, I've smoked a lot since I tried acid and once again never like this. But then again, MDMA seemed to have changed for me post acid, so maybe by sequence of events weed could have too....