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The Big & Dandy Psilocybin Mushrooms Thread

I wasn't saying mix Rue with the mushroom-lemon juice mixture. I was saying preload on Rue or Moclobemide then later drink the mushroom-lemon juice. Ground shrooms in lemon juice with splenda don't taste bad at all...tastes like regular lemonade, man.
The Dutch parliament finally decided to ban all Magic Mushrooms.

Really bad news if you ask me :(
Hey Wizard, there are two reasons that your mushroom lemonade kicked in faster. First, by grinding up the mushrooms you increase the surface area exposed to your stomach and thereby increase absorption rate. Second, by soaking them in water you dephosphorylate some of the 4-PO-DMT (psilocybin) into 4-HO-DMT (psilocin). This happens in vivo, but by doing it ex vivo you are speeding up absorption rates (since psilocybin absorbs slower than psilocin).


ps I enjoy your posts here a lot and don't have a problem with you asking about combinations (I think it helps a lot of us think about the pharmacodynamics of the drugs we are taking and thereby supports the harm reduction aspect of our forum).
ps I enjoy your posts here a lot and don't have a problem with you asking about combinations (I think it helps a lot of us think about the pharmacodynamics of the drugs we are taking and thereby supports the harm reduction aspect of our forum).

Well, its all good is S_S approves. ;) I however, beg to differ- as most of The Wizards post deal with potentiating psychedelics with either MAO A or B inhibitors and nootropics- thats treading on dangerous ground. Psychedelics present enough hazards as it is without modifying the effects in an unknown and largely unknowable way, outside of a lab.
No, I agree, it is dangerous ground my friend.

This forum is pretty good though, every step of the process that the wizard has suggested combinations that seem dangerous (not all of what he is talking about is dangerous) somebody has piped up and told him so. I myself have told him after his latest suggestion.

I don't quite get it honestly, since I blast my mind out on tryptamines and just those alone are QUITE ENOUGH...if I want to be higher then I take more tryptamines. Simple that.

No reason to look for potentiation that could possibly be harmful or deadly.

OK, I see your point more clearly now Willow. But still, I think it is interesting to think about combinations theoretically (as long as the caveat is in place that nobody should actually try this, ie it could possibly be very harmful).
OK, I see your point more clearly now Willow. But still, I think it is interesting to think about combinations theoretically (as long as the caveat is in place that nobody should actually try this, ie it could possibly be very harmful).

Oh for sure, I mean I am curious about how these products interact; its likely that by noting that, we will be able to extract more of the m.o.a of psychedelics and nootropics alike. Just have to make sure The Wizard is prepared to cop a lot of negative responses, ie. telling him NOT to do these combo's, even if he doesn't plan to- by writing about it, I assume he means to do it. Peace :)

ps. The names 'swilow' thankyou booby-man :) :D
Yeah, I don't mind the occasional negative responses to me. I'm not easily offended and appreciate harm reduction advice. I'd hope that by me bringing up certain combos that may be dangerous and people indicating they are that perhaps some thrillseekers here on BL will take note and not try them. As to why not just take a higher dose of Tryptamines- as I've said before not everyone has access to a large amount of psychedelics and some of us have quite heavy tolerances.

When one's stuck with not a high enough dose of a psychedelic to get a satisfying trip what are they to do? You could either not trip for a very long time, waiting for your tolerance to reset (and this doesn't even work if you've tripped a few hundred times; I find my psychological tolerance to be quite permanent and don't expect it to ever totally reset) or look into safe ways to potentiate your trip. Safe ways being things like tripping in interesting settings (nature, a concert, museum, dark room, etc), meditating, listening to the right music, etc. Additionally, if one can find proven safe substances that will potentiate their psychedelic like Cannabis why not use them?
Some people like to accumulate as much information as possible. I think The Wizard is one of them. :)

The Wizard said:
You could either not trip for a very long time, waiting for your tolerance to reset (and this doesn't even work if you've tripped a few hundred times; I find my psychological tolerance to be quite permanent and don't expect it to ever totally reset

Yeah, this is very true. Physical tolerance is only part of tolerance. When you've done enough drugs you're just always going to know what to expect to some extent, and I think especially with psychedelics, the surprise factor is very key to having intense experiences.
well, I've had about 100 trips (or more maybe?) and the surprise factor is still present. But, I've only seldomly used them more than once a week (usually limit it to 2-3 times a month, which is probably too much). Or sometimes I dont trip for a couple months.

I'm continually surprised by psychedelics, especially the powerful ones like LSD and mushrooms (and DMT). YMMV.

What has helped me is to stay active in my life, always experiencing new things and meeting new people...it really gives 'fuel' to my psychedelic fire.
I've got my eyes set on exploring Amanita muscaria, Salvia divinorum, Ayahuasca, DMT, 5MEODMT, and Peruvian Torch, as these all sound quite powerful, have long histories of shamanic use, often induce visions of entities (and one of the absolute most intriguing things about psychedelics for me is the fact they can induce hallucinations of other beings), and sound powerful enough that someone with my level of psychedelic tolerance should still be able to achieve satisfactory results. I also figure if I had a mindblowing enough trip on one of these it would make me step back and re-examine my overexcessive use of psychedelics and learn to use more moderation and respect for entheogens.
Amanitas are hit or miss, but right on with your other choices.

If you have a high level of psychedelic tolerance, try taking a break from time to time. I'm incredibly hard-headed, and because of repeated use in the last year and a half, my tryptamine tolerance is through the roof. I tripped for the first time last night (4-HO-DIPT) after a ~5 week break due to moving, and it was mind-blowing. Taking breaks to regain the magic and restore proper context to your trips is a vital part of psychedelic exploration.

I don't think the best way to re-examine your overexcessive use of psychedelics is to try even more psychedelics in potentially physically harmful ways (psychs + MAOIs).

If you want a one shot solution, smoke some DMT. It's like rebooting your brain, and after a good, strong dose you'll NEED to take a break just to figure out what the fuck just happened in your head. :\
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just wondering would shrooming 2 days in a row be a bad idea. Yesterday I did it and wasnt in the right envvironment (always moveing around haveing to do stuff and no one else shrooming). I was thinking of trying it again and getting someone to come with and do it today and find a place to just chill. do you guys think thats a bad idea?
not necessarily bad for you physically but a waste of mushrooms but you'll get dramatically decreased effects, also can be a bit rough on your mind... i'd wait 48 hours or so at least
I've had some very stressful mushroom trips when I tripped a day after tripping. It can get very stressful (for me).

Although I've had some really nice ones in there too.
ah well just such an unconclusive trip... I dunno if I really want to do it again or not. Just seems like it couldve been so mucch better if I had done it with some other people doing it and in a nice place to relax
just take it as a lesson learned & no biggie, save the shrooms you would've taken today for next weekend & try to create that setting, or better yet wait 'till the opportunity for a perfect trip thrusts itself upon you :)
lol I dont have any right now :p was planning to go get some if I did. I could get the right environment going today, but w/e its too confusing.
Wow do I love mushrooms <3

I want them inside me every week. Do you guys think that daily exercise could keep tryptamine tolerance down to a minimum? I've read studies showing that exercise bumps up neuroplasticity pretty good, and I've noticed that with weed, for instance, if I've been exercising regularly I get much higher on a consistent basis. Any other tips on keeping the tolerance down and maintaining the mushy magic?
tripping on 7 grams question

i had a great trip yesterday with 4 buddies (we split the mushrooms 4 ways) and went to this awesome park. A lot of really insightful thoughts and synchronity. We really connected and had a great time.

Now i replenished my supply with 7 grams. Took most of them just now, and saving about a gram for a smaller trip tommorow or a booster dose.

What insights have you gained from shrooms? I just get the feeling this is how life should always be, and i could easily function on a lower dose of shrooms daily.

lots of insights to the mind and the deva kingdom. I feel like i have my etheric vision restored and etheric guides helping me. They've helped me get my shit together, and gifting orgonite has worked wonders. In exhange for that much abundance and insight has fallen my way.

How do i maximixe the insight and values of this trip? I had dreams, but not actual auditory or visual hallucinations. My sensitivity of the ether was heightened.

Does anyone else have some experiences to share, or suggestions and advice?