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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy MIPLA (Methylisopropyllysergamide) Thread

Yes the analyzing lab was EC, I will share the actual in depth analysis results when i get them, for now i have just their word.
I really don't want to accuse anyone, just thought that people would like to know this. Preferably someone else would also send their MiPLA for testing so we have more data points.
By all means if you can prove your claim then it must be so...please let us know when you have a link for the results.
By all means if you can prove your claim then it must be so...please let us know when you have a link for the results.
Actually, upon checking it looks like EC does NOT have a listed database with date, location of sample sent, and what the sample was expected to be and what it was....I was sure I've seen something like that ...I guess I saw something else or I'm mistaken.
I'm extremely skeptical that mipla is just 100ug of LSD.
I feel if that WAS the case it would have been a much bigger hit than turned out to be.
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I think one of the problems with MIPLA (as a product) is that it has the exact same molar weight and constituent atoms as LSD (same number of hydrogens, carbons etc). I wonder if EC got tripped up by that. I don't know EC's process for analysis and if this is even reasonable that they could make a mistake because of this, nor have I sat down and calculated the molar weight and counted the atoms, so I could be repeating nonsense. Maybe someone with more chemical flex can chime in.

I heard (on here probably) that one of the reasons they made 1p-MIPLA was to distinguish it more clearly from LSD to avoid this kind of confusion.

The one time I sampled MIPLA, it seemed distinct from LSD for sure; shorter, lighter, very easy. I don't discount the possibility that it was just tricks of the mind though.
^ That would make a lot of sense. If they are doing HPLC/MS , and don't have a standard for MiPLA, the two compounds would be almost impossible to distinguish. Maybe even with a standard. I'm not completely sure, but I think the only way to differentiate the two of them would be by NMR.
^ That would make a lot of sense. If they are doing HPLC/MS , and don't have a standard for MiPLA, the two compounds would be almost impossible to distinguish. Maybe even with a standard. I'm not completely sure, but I think the only way to differentiate the two of them would be by NMR.
This is what I am suspecting. AFAIK, they are using GC-MS and HPLC-MS.
^ That would make a lot of sense. If they are doing HPLC/MS , and don't have a standard for MiPLA, the two compounds would be almost impossible to distinguish. Maybe even with a standard. I'm not completely sure, but I think the only way to differentiate the two of them would be by NMR.
yeah that makes sense. maybe you could do a fragment analysis using one of the more "destructive" MS methods to get the structure right, but if they use soft ionization and some TOF method, they won't be able to discern it from LSD I believe.

NMR is probably too expensive to have set up, these facilities are very pricey, iirc from my BSc.
I can inquire, but they're not super quick to respond.

Actually, @gno why don't you send Marc an email to follow up about this. He's pretty good about doing so.
Actually, upon checking it looks like EC does NOT have a listed database with date, location of sample sent, and what the sample was expected to be and what it was....I was sure I've seen something like that ...I guess I saw something else or I'm mistaken.
I'm extremely skeptical that mipla is just 100ug of LSD.
I feel if that WAS the case it would have been a much bigger hit than turned out to be.
So just as an update...it looks like the place with the database of verified substances is ecstasydata.org not Energy Control.
Edit: looks like Ecstasy Data is now called https://drugsdata.org
This is where we should be sending samples in for testing so the public can see the verified results.
It's also anonymous but they do list where it was sent from and what the drug was expected to be vs what the results say.
Was 400 mics of this stuff significantly visual? How was the body load?
I suspect this chemical shines at 400-600mics but I've not had any trials with it so it's pure speculation.
I just see many posts about how one tab is just ok...

I have never had visuals from mipla, nor body load. I might try 500-600 mics next time but that probably won't be until next year. I have done a lot of LSD from mini half hit trips to massive doses, I have a hard believing it is just acid. It feels like its in the same class of drugs but that is it, it didn't feel like a low dose acid trip.
Does anyone know if this is ever coming back? I had some at a festival over a year ago and really want to try it again.
I didn't realize this one was gone. I kind of doubt it would go back into production, it's one of those ones that's a bit understated, so not necessarily very popular, and it has a higher dosage compared to other lysergamides, so more expensive to produce per dose.. I imagine it was produced at a financial loss originally, so might be unlikely that it will see the light of day again anytime soon I'd guess.

I really liked it the one time I tried it, so I hope I'm wrong!

I did notice EiPLA is around still at least, and people reported it being very similar, so you might want to grab some of that instead.
Does anyone know if this is ever coming back? I had some at a festival over a year ago and really want to try it again.

EIPLA is still available as 200 microgram blotters from a couple of vendors i believe. one i know of for sure. perhaps thats worth looking into if you like MIPLA. EIPLA is supposed to be slightly stronger too
I decided to not buy more EIPLA, it was ok, but it wasn't quite mipla. Though maybe that was all in my head. I wouldn't go as far as stating I could for sur tell them apart in a blind test, but I thought MIPLA was a bit happier. Eipla may well shine at large doses, i may never know. I can't justify spending money on it instead of 1cp-LSD. If someone takes 800 mics and writes a glowing report I might consider further experiments but we are running of of time, it won't be around forever. I thought maybe they both were custom synths since I only ever saw them in one place.
I also found MiPLA to be "brighter" and slighly more euphoric than EiPLA. I think their similarities (besides being short acting lysergamides, which obviously already give them a lot in common), are a little bit overstated.
I have, waiting for a response :)

Finally got a response, although nothing new really came up:
"the technicians did indeed confirm that, at the time of the analysis, the MIPLA you analyzed would have tested as LSD under HPLC/MS and GC/MS."

And here's the EC-report:

Have since asked for a more detailed report with spectra peaks etc., but no answer now for a couple of weeks.

This has now become of great interest for me to find out what the tabs actually are. If someone could recommend a (preferably cheap) place that does NMR-analysis/is equipped to analyze MiPLA, I would be grateful.
What should be certain though, is that these tabs that were claimed as 200ug were actually 100ug, as the quantity couldn't have been misinterpreted with the methods EC used.
Interesting, thanks for posting the results. That is shitty about the dosage, I wonder if they're consistently underdosed, or you just got unlucky? When laying blotters there is always the potential for hot spots and corresponding "cold spots". I'd hate to think the vendor purposely misrepresented dosage.