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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Ibogaine/Iboga Thread


I have tried it . Got it throught a renagade Psychiatrist I know . I was not his patient , this was off the record. This is a bizare trip . Very introspective , not to visual .No eupphoria , In fact heavy disphoria. Memory retreival is unbelevable. I could remember being in a Crib(as a baby) while on the Iboga. ...THIS TRIP IS LONG Good 24 hours with about 2 days hang over time with amnsomnia. My hands shook for a week after. then I started to feel like myself again. I used it for theraputic uses and alcohism . No Long term changes . LSD is more practical of a choice for a psychedelic for therapuic uses I think
I need a underground provider? Georgia USA

I need a underground provider?
mid 30's white female on 55 mg of methadone daily no heart prob or liver probs not alot os cash
There is a small underground circuit in the US and you could probably find one if you took time to make some contacts on the ibogaine sites, but your best bet would be to save up and head up to BC Canada and go to a legit (and legal) place. I'm a bit reluctant to suggest this, but you may want to look into methoxetamine useage for help with your problem.
I'm starting to think about heading over to Canada for this. It has a good reputation for absolving depression, and I'm the sort of guy who's after huge introspective life-altering trips. On the other hand, I've heard it said that that it kills about one in three hundred users. On the first hand again, I've never used heroin or any of the heavy stuff, and deaths tend to relate to still having those substances in the system.

I dunno... if I'm feeling desperate enough, I might just undertake it once I have a bit more experience with psychadelics. And a great deal of money.

Edit: Worth noting that I have a heart murmur; maybe this isn't a good idea.
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I'm starting to think about heading over to Canada for this. It has a good reputation for absolving depression, and I'm the sort of guy who's after huge introspective life-altering trips. On the other hand, I've heard it said that that it kills about one in three hundred users. On the first hand again, I've never used heroin or any of the heavy stuff, and deaths tend to relate to still having those substances in the system.

I dunno... if I'm feeling desperate enough, I might just undertake it once I have a bit more experience with psychadelics. And a great deal of money.

Edit: Worth noting that I have a heart murmur; maybe this isn't a good idea.

Any provider worth going too will not treat anyone with any kind of heart condition.
The deaths that have occurred have mainly been contributed to pre existing heart problems and people relapsing hours after treatment (ibo does reset tolerance I can vouch for that personally)

I would think about it seriously and do lots of research before taking if you have a murmur.


Www. Heroinjunkie.blogspot.com
I'm starting to think about heading over to Canada for this. It has a good reputation for absolving depression, and I'm the sort of guy who's after huge introspective life-altering trips. On the other hand, I've heard it said that that it kills about one in three hundred users. On the first hand again, I've never used heroin or any of the heavy stuff, and deaths tend to relate to still having those substances in the system.

I dunno... if I'm feeling desperate enough, I might just undertake it once I have a bit more experience with psychadelics. And a great deal of money.

Edit: Worth noting that I have a heart murmur; maybe this isn't a good idea.

How about something like ayuhuasca as an alternative if it's the heavy trip your looking for?
Also I quite enjoyed datura a long time ago. Although in very small doses


Www. Heroinjunkie.blogspot.com
Also I quite enjoyed datura a long time ago. Although in very small doses
recommending datura or the like is very irresponsible period. the amount of alkaloids in the plant matter can vary extremely, so it's next to impossible to find a safe dose.
just because it worked for you doesn't mean it does for someone else.
recommending datura or the like is very irresponsible period. the amount of alkaloids in the plant matter can vary extremely, so it's next to impossible to find a safe dose.
just because it worked for you doesn't mean it does for someone else.

Where exactly did I 'recommend' it?

Blimey.. so much attitude here, no wonder i never bother posting
ok, point taken.

but to be honest, i'd rather also mention the massive risks if i were you. also the "Although in very small doses" suggests that it is easy to dose the stuff (imo).

this is a public forum and you cannot know which inexperienced kid might read your post...
Any provider worth going too will not treat anyone with any kind of heart condition.
The deaths that have occurred have mainly been contributed to pre existing heart problems and people relapsing hours after treatment (ibo does reset tolerance I can vouch for that personally)

I would think about it seriously and do lots of research before taking if you have a murmur.

Turns out I don't have a murmur; what I actually have is a form of supraventricular tachycardia relating to electrical activity in the heart. Diagnosed as harmless, but as you say, it probably is not worth the risk.

Also wow, you liked datura? This is the first I've heard of someone enjoying it. Perhaps the low dose helped. I may try ayahuasca instead as it has its own reputation as a healing entheogen, but I was very enthusiastic about ibogaine when I first heard of it, so it's a shame. But you know, at at least $3,000 for treatment, even financially speaking it was always going to be an unlikely prospect.
Turns out I don't have a murmur; what I actually have is a form of supraventricular tachycardia relating to electrical activity in the heart. Diagnosed as harmless, but as you say, it probably is not worth the risk.

Also wow, you liked datura? This is the first I've heard of someone enjoying it. Perhaps the low dose helped. I may try ayahuasca instead as it has its own reputation as a healing entheogen, but I was very enthusiastic about ibogaine when I first heard of it, so it's a shame. But you know, at at least $3,000 for treatment, even financially speaking it was always going to be an unlikely prospect.

Theres plenty of experienced underground providers around that im sure could help.. join the ibogaine mindvox mailing list.. best place to ask any questions..

I believe Ibo prolongs qt interval or something along those lines...

Re Datura.. yes Ive heard all the horror stories.. tbh we only smoked a tiny bit, and were tripping on mushrooms at the time too..

I distinctly remember being transported as fast as you can click your fingers between the tree house I was living in at the time (newbury bypass) to my mates living room in london, haveing a conversation and then clicking back to the tree house..

I def wouldnt reccomend datura..I was simply tryin to think of strong ethnogens..

DMT Ibogaine and ayuhuasca I guess are the main ones... Peyote?

Flyagaric made me ill...


Im planning on using Ibogaine extract to help me wean myself off a 6mg/day Subutex habit. Ive read that the HCL extract is far less potent than the total alkaloid extract which I plan on using. The visualisation, duration and thus overall potency of effect are more pronounced as one would expect given the chemical soup in the natural product.
Im planning on using Ibogaine extract to help me wean myself off a 6mg/day Subutex habit. Ive read that the HCL extract is far less potent than the total alkaloid extract which I plan on using. The visualisation, duration and thus overall potency of effect are more pronounced as one would expect given the chemical soup in the natural product.

Am also keeping Ibogaine or Iboga as an option but it doesn't look too promising with that most subutex users not being successful with Ibogaine..So far Ive seen 5 people who were on subutex do the Ibogaine only to relapse because of PAWS or withdrawals returning after a while..

You're best bet would be to taper down slowly to 0.2 or 0.1 and then see how you feel, whether you need Ibogaine or not..To be honest with so many unsucessful stories of Iboga from longer acting opiates is putting me off and it's alarming too.
I just read a full report on ibogaine as I am signing up for it. It doesn't kill the receptors but it brings them back to a 'naive' state which means for the lady who did the heroin, she probably did her normal dose, but because her receptors were 'naive' she took way too much for her body to handle. She no longer had the tolerance she had while doing H.
I'll be the first to admit that I have no experience with Ibogaine, and despite my interest in dissociatives and my 'issues with opiates' I have no intention of ever taking this horrifically toxic sounding drug....but....

Am I the only one who suspects that Ibogaine is a huge crock of shit? I'm sorry, but it all just screams of snake oil- this crazy african drug that is little understood, incredibly dangerous and cannot be synthesised (as far as I know-I can remember Shulgin saying once that he'd have no idea of how to go about it) that will CURE your heroin addiction WITHOUT withdrawals! All this for only...thirty thousand dollars. You're asking HEROIN FUCKING ADDICTS for 30K? Fuck you.

If this actually fucking worked and it was all that fucking simple (considering I can know where to buy this shit extracted on the net, and although its pricey it ain't 30K pricey) it wouldn't cost 30 grand, it'd probably be free. Snake oil, fucking snake oil- the only thing worse than an opiate addiction is being taken advantage of and fucked over because you ARE an opiate addict.

Anyone in the U.S. with enough money to get a few fixes of Heroin, can get themselves to Mexico or Canada and order some Iboga root bark extract for not even a few hundred dollars. In fact, a few hundred dollars should get you enough root bark for a few people. You don't need anyone there to hold your hand while you do this. I have done it three times and never had any problems. Sure, there are tests that some people say you should do for your heart, but this all sounds over rated to me.

Further discussions with people lead me to believe that Ibogaine extract is vastly inferior to Iboga Root bark taken raw. It is really not that hard to do!

Iboga is not snake oil. It is a very powerful plant teacher. Do it at least once properly and then get back to us.
Suspicion is reasonable, especially with so much money involved. But data shows that it works. And as folias says, you don't have to go by supervised treatment if you don't feel it's necessary.

Iboga root is more dangerous, statistically, but I wouldn't be surprised if the alkaloids in it create a more wholesome experience.

Personally, I'm planning on taking about 1.2g of ibogaine, or the equivalent in root form, at some point in the next year. I will be hiring a friend to watch me for 24 hours. I have a harmless irregular heartbeat and no substance addiction.
Hi! This is my first post, and while I've visited bluelight for some time I was motivated to register in order to share regarding a dvd of Bwiti traditional iboga initiation and other dance and music from Gabon I'm associated with. More on that later in the post.

While I haven't read this full thread, like most discussion of ibogaine in the west it seems focussed on ibogaine's potential in curing drug addiction. Here's my 2 cents on this. A friend I knew well here about 20 years ago underwent ibogaine treatment, can't recall but might have been in Mexico, in order to quit smoking which he'd been trying to do without success for 20 years. He succeeded and immediately completely stopped; but 6 or 9 months later thought he could smoke one cigarette and so resumed his tobacco habit. - A few years ago in Gabon I visited a couple bwiti groups and spoke to a number of Westerners there. Their stories completely convinced me that iboga is indeed effective for SOME people in quitting narcotics. One of the people I met there was Dimitri Mugianis, I think NY based who gave ibogaine treatments to quit drugs, and he told his own story, which I found very believable and compelling. In sum, from personal conversations with 6-10 people who used ibogaine including a friend I knew well, there's little doubt in my mind that ibogaine can provide amazing help to SOME people in quitting addictions. But as my friend's experience with tobacco shows, this cessation is not necessarily permanent. I also have little doubt it does NOT work for everyone, and what percentage of people are helped I have no idea.

Certainly such treatment is quite expensive, in the thousands of dollars - the drug itself is expensive and high-dose use is incapacitating and dangerous enough it shouldn't in my opinion be attempted without monitoring therapists over at least 2-3 days. But the $30,000 mentioned a few posts back is too high. There are at least 2 Bwiti groups in Libreville Gabon which provide initiations lasting I think I recall about a week for the full course for a few thousand dollars including everything but airfare. There are or were western therapists providing ibogaine treatment for around $5000 last I checked. While this is obviously too expensive for recreational drug use, it doesn't seem that different from costs of other addiction-quit therapies, which also are of questionable effectiveness.

Anyway, my own interest is more in traditional usage as an entheogen and ethnobotanical. Iboga's traditional usage derives probably from pygmy tribes in southern Gabon, Bwiti moving north in the last century or so to Gabon's capital Libreville, probably the Bwiti cult's current center, and into southern Cameroon. Bwiti is widespread in Gabon, with 90% of the population connected to the cult at least peripherally, and iboga is officially a national treasure there. Large dose iboga use in Bwiti is for initiations and some special occasions; low dose use at perhaps 1/20 the dosage is common during rituals. It seems to function somewhat as does peyote in the Native American Church to connect members to society and reduce destructive behaviors within an experienced cosmology.

I've visited both Ebando and Mbeng-N'Tam, two Bwiti groups near Libreville, Gabon who each have a French member who's arisen to the status of a nganga or elder. Presumably under the influence of these adopted outsiders, both groups while in essence very traditional, have opened to outsiders over the last couple decades in novel ways. I'm priveleged to be involved in a new dvd,Mbeng-N'tam: Bwiti Iboga Music and Dance from Gabon, just released and available on amazon. This disc features genuine Bwiti iboga cult initiation and other music and dance by the Fang Bwiti group/family Mbeng-N'tam, based near Libreville, the capital of Gabon in Central Africa. Mbeng-N'tam was founded in 1998. This authentic Bwiti group of about 60 men, women, and children is innovative in its openness and desire to share the traditions of Bwiti with outsiders. Besides their ritual activity, they have performed concerts of Bwiti music and dance in Gabon, Canada, and France. The troupe has won First Prize at the Fetes des cultures a Libreville, Gabon in 2001 and 2002 for costume and masked performance, and First Prize UNESCO at the same venue the following year for best instrumental traditional performance.

The first hour is amazing and lively dance and music from a public performance; the 2nd hour much quieter instrumental music performed during genuine traditional initiations. The disc is unlikely to be of compelling interest to those whose interest in ibogaine is simply as a possible aid in quitting drugs, but is fascinating and unique documentation of a living entheogenic tradition, and likely to be of interest to those who love traditional African music and dance.

Mods, I've read the FAQ and don't see this info as verboten but my apologies if so - and let me know if I should be posting in a different forum. Thanks!
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I don't believe it destroys receptors as some do relapse or continue using. What it does is offer insight & show you what you're really doing w/ opiates then gives you the gift of grace.. Like a protective bubble after it's over that takes away wd's & lets you see past the very screwed up lens of opiate slavery. You still get to choose but the choice is more obvious & easier at least for awhile. That's what I've heard anyway.
Changed the thread title. I'm sorry but I find it very hard to call a 10 year old thread 'new' =D