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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Guide to Rectal Administration (Plugging)

Hey, so I have done it two ways, plugging the freebase straight and converting to HCl. I have never tried converting to any other salt. I do find that the experience is a bit cleaner and nicer when you take the time to convert to HCl, but the difference is not major and about half the time I've done it, I've just plugged the freebase. When I did that, I would just put my dose in a gel cap, suck on the gel cap a bit to soften it up (but not too much or it will not maintain its shape for insertion), and then stick it in there (lotion works good). This can be easily done anywhere you have a bathroom or some privacy and a place to wash your hands which is part of the reason I did it this way.

When I would convert to HCl, it would be a more involved process. I would weigh out the dose and put it in a shot glass, add an oral syringe full of water, and then drop a single drop of hydrochloric acid in it (I used muriatic acid from the hardware store - it's pretty strong and it gives off vapors when you open the container, so be really careful to only use the 1 drop, I used 2 once and it started to burn and I had to "abort"). Stir the mixture and you can start to see the freebase clumping together and turning into clear crystals, and the dissolving. Even if it doesn't dissolve all the way it's okay. It also smells less bad afterwards. Then, pull it up into the syringe and do your thing... you'll have to lay on your front for a few minutes at least. As I said I prefer the effects this way somewhat but the difference is not very significant. Except it also comes on faster this way.

Lol that post was old and TBH I NEVER expected to get a reply from you due to your long hiatus but I figured if anyone could clear things up it would be you. Anyways after plugging aMT there's just no going back, the quality of the experience is simply WAY better plugged vs oral. I've never tried converting to the HCL but vinegar works fine and when done correctly there is zero irritation or urge to defecate.

BT if your gonna plug the aMT an hour or two before the experience why not just go the enema route? I'm able to walk around litterally minutes after plugging with an oral syringe. The problem with sticking a capsule up your ass is there's not much moisture to break down the capsule which means thw duration of onset will be increased as will the irritation. You honestly don't need to convert the freebase for plugging but doing so makes it less irritating and IME makes the experience smoother. If you stick the aMT in your rectum in a plain capsule it will work but in the end I feel it will be far more irritating the the lining of your rectum which doesn't sound like fun in a party environment, just plug it with the proped technique and you'll litterally be free to walk around within a matter of minutes...
Has anybody tried plugging a mescaline analogue such as proscaline, escaline, methallylescaline, etc? How successful was it? I have a small sample of MAL and am wondering if this is a worthwhile ROA with it. I haven't really heard of anybody plugging them and I don't want to waste any precious supply figuring out if it does work. I'm just hoping to speed up the onset and reduce any possible nausea
Has anybody tried plugging a mescaline analogue such as proscaline, escaline, methallylescaline, etc? How successful was it? I have a small sample of MAL and am wondering if this is a worthwhile ROA with it. I haven't really heard of anybody plugging them and I don't want to waste any precious supply figuring out if it does work. I'm just hoping to speed up the onset and reduce any possible nausea

There's discussion on this topic several posts above, apparently they work according to robot-ripping, at least proscaline... read post #308, discussion starts at #306.
There's discussion on this topic several posts above, apparently they work according to robot-ripping, at least proscaline... read post #308, discussion starts at #306.

Wow, I completely missed all of that, That's kind of embarrassing. Twas trippin on MXE at the time however. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
I started out doing rectal when my rigs would break a point after I done drewback. This happened alot when I kinda had a speed habit, so I quickly got used to the method. I now try every new thing I get with this ROA, usually among oral, IV, and possibly nasal/smoked if possible.

It is my preferred way to dose 2Cs...oral takes too long and is gassy, IV is easy to overshoot and even in sweetspot still overly-anxious, nasal burns like a bitch for quite a while, but rectal is just right.

Lot of times I prefer to do dissociatives and opiates this way (I rarely bang opiates). I've heard you got more opiate receptors in your ass, and I think the same is true with dissociatives. Seems to bring out more of an opiate character in MXE.
Today I officially joined the Uniao Do Rectal =D

I weighed 30mg MXE and put it in a shotglass. Then I took a 10ml syringe (leftover spore syringe lol) without needle, let the hot water run and drew 2ml. I squirted it carefully onn top of the powder and stirred to dissolve, then loaded the syringe and squirted the air out. I buttered it up with diet margarine. I lay in bed naked, warm, relaxed, on my left side, knees up. I calmly inserted the syringe, moving it a bit, until it was all the way in, then carefully pressed down and retrieved the syringe. Success! It was in.

But what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. MXE rectally is a completely different drug than orally or sublingually. It is much more anesthetic, you are just filled with a peace that is indescribable. You feel it in minutes and descend into a super comfortable MXE bliss that feels SO GOOD, the feeling was akin to being a little kid again, after an awesome day, lying in bed and being overcome by sleep. It was so peaceful and euphoric! It felt almost twice as strong as the dose would have been orally, but with much less side effects and I stress, much more anesthetic and euphoric.

After an hour and a half I did it again, and it happened again, so wonderful and peaceful, now even more psychoactive. I emerged absolutely gobsmacked. I been using MXE sublingually and later orally since 2011. After these two uses of rectal use, I don't want to go back to oral. This is harm reduction at its finest. You use almost half the dose so you reduce organ stress (liver, kidneys, bladder), its more satisfying and the dosing is more involved so you use it less often and more thoughtfully and you can get almost twice the bang out of every gram! This is needle use results without needle use dangers.

I heard it was good but dayum, this is GOOD. That "whole different drug" thing is for the better. You are high sooner, higher, and longer. its more potent and more awe inspiring.

I am so GLAD that I literally gave it a shot, who'd have thought that a different noninvasive ROA would be so superior. I don't want to go back, later when I was back on earth I went online and ordered a set of syringes without needles. Why give your body extra organ stress and waste more by using a less efficient dosing method?

2ml liquid feels like you're holding back a wee little fart for 20min, then its dissolved. And so are you =D Theres no sting, it just itches a little bit.

Discovering oral was as good as sublingual was a sensation, but rectal use is a revolution, its so much better, and this without invading your body with a needle.

I had so much resistance to overcome to use a drug rectally. I mean stick it up your ass, and using a syringe, even without needle, it caused great resistance in me. But now that I tried it and saw what it does, oh my I'm a believer.
Yeah it's amazing how effective it is, isn't it? I agree that MXE is a like a different thing rectally. Most psychedelics (most substances really) have the bodyload and dosage substantially reduced, but they still feel pretty much the same in character.
Very soon, youll be plugging just about everything you get your hands on. ;) I know I used to before I started using drugs intravenously (the latter probably being the best decision ive made in my life^^).

In all seriousness though, if you enjoy MDMA/MDA you should definitely try to plug that sometime. It's so fucking good.
I think I'm probably well past the point in my life where I would be experimenting with such things, but have a bit of info that could be useful...

If you're having trouble getting hold of small oral syringes many baby products come with them. Paracetamol/ibuprofen syrups often have a 2.5/5ml squirter, and baby vitamin drops tend to have smaller ones. My kitchen is currently full of 0.5ml syringes with 0.01ml gradations on them. Handy for titration too I imagine.
Ximot, it's very easy to convert freebases to salts. I just put a few milliters of distilled H2O in a clean shot glass (well, like 5mL for AMT because it doesn't dissolve to a very high concentration and the whole point is for it to dissolve. Plus more water equals no burn I've discovered). It will float on the top and maybe sink a bit as you are familiar with. I then drop 2 drops of 30% HCl (muriatic acid) in the shot glass and stir vigorously for a minute or so.
Careful with the amount of HCl... I've found 2 drops to work well without leaving excess unreacted HCl in about 5mLs of water for doses from 30mg to 80mg, although with 30 and below I use about 1.5 drops if I can manage.

Much better to use acetic acid (distilled malt vinegar - the clear stuff) as it's less acidic (less burn if in excess) and acetate salts are usually as soluble as hydrochlorides, if not moreso. My AMT up the jacksy doses have all been with AMT acetate made in this way

Can someone post measurements for the vinegar method?
Just add it a drop at a time and stir, and when it's all dissolved you're good.
I believe citric acid would work too, and forma citrate salt, but vinegar definitely will.
These two posts seem to contradict each other. Can anyone provide some input. Maybe this was already addressed. If it was, sorry..

9. Go somewhere where you can be alone, and yet occupied, for instance, lying on your bed watching T.V, reading a book, playing a video game, etc. Just be sure you're lying on your side, and have something to do for the next 25 minutes or so. I'll explain why in next step.


12. Continue to insert the syringe almost until it reaches the plunger part of the syringe. You pretty much need to get most of the syringe in there to get past your anus so it can get in your anal cavity where all the veins are.


According to John Derricott (UK harm reduction specialist), the closest to IV is shafting - injecting (no needle) a drug solution up your bum so it is absorbed into the lower portion of your rectum. Apparently 3 veins drain fluid from the bowel at this point - 2 go back to the heart, 1 goes to the portal vein. So you should get 2/3 dose in about 30s (applies to water soluble drugs only)

I think it's meant to be interpretted: 'closest thing not involving needles.'

So, the first quote speaks of lying on your side for 25 minutes and sticking the syringe up there as far as it will go. The second quote says the solution should be in the lower part of the rectum and says 2/3rds will be absorbed within 30s....
12. Continue to insert the syringe almost until it reaches the plunger part of the syringe. You pretty much need to get most of the syringe in there to get past your anus so it can get in your anal cavity where all the veins are.

I see this posted a lot.

You don't have to put it in that far, with a standard 1ml oral syringe you don't even have to stick it halfway in. I don't really think going in further would make a difference though.

As for how long it takes before it's safe to stand up: 10 minutes should be fine but not totally required. If you have it up there just walking around isn't going to cause it to dribble out without some force (like a fart).
Yeah liquid that you put in there will travel up anyway, especially if you lay down on your front afterwards. It's really quite easy, usually I just stand up within 30 seconds now and walk around and it's always fine.