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The Big & Dandy DXM Thread

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id say mr grunge hit it with the 400-500, 450 is easy to dose most of the time so maybe try that. if you end up "too high" on dxm its not that pleasant,(has definitely happened to me with 600mg before, even though i can handle 10+drops of potent liquid acid it was tough to keep any sort of composure on 600mg of dxm. shit is strong!) best to work your way up in increments! happy tripping!
BTW I don't think there's any real evidence suggesting that DXM alone is harmful to the liver (I'd be dead by now for sure hehe). However, taking certain drugs that utilize the same enzymes can stress the liver a bit.
BTW I don't think there's any real evidence suggesting that DXM alone is harmful to the liver (I'd be dead by now for sure hehe). However, taking certain drugs that utilize the same enzymes can stress the liver a bit.

I did an OCD amount of research about this topic before getting into DXM (after many LSD and other traditional psychedelics actually)

Conclusion I came to was this...

There was a set of mice that received high IV dosage of DXM and had an occourance of brain damage.

Now, no matter how much they gave mice in any other experiment oral DXM there has been literally zero negative long term effects.

Also nothing has ever been found to be damaging to humans, even at massive recreational doses and frequencies...

DXM is much more safe than most people believe... honestly the worst case scenario is people acquiring an odd tolerance that leaves the drug being less than fun after to many trips.... but amazing till that happens, always. (DXM = disassociative, ketmamine has this same tolerance issues so I feel its due to the type of drug, a much more "psychological" tolerance rather than psychological, its just not the same after you become "used to it" rather than it being novel and fresh...)

Love DXM though, absolutely love the trip when it is at its best.

Dissociatives excel because they allow you to view yourself subjectively from the view of "another"... Not even LSD can compare to its ability to let you see yourself from another perspective and this usually leads to amazingly positive changes in your life.
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I did an OCD amount of research about this topic before getting into DXM (after many LSD and other traditional psychedelics actually)

Conclusion I came to was this...

There was a set of mice that received high IV dosage of DXM and had an occourance of brain damage.

Now, no matter how much they gave mice in any other experiment oral DXM there has been literally zero negative long term effects.

Also nothing has ever been found to be damaging to humans, even at massive recreational doses and frequencies...

DXM is much more safe than most people believe... honestly the worst case scenario is people acquiring an odd tolerance that leaves the drug being less than fun after to many trips.... but amazing till that happens, always. (DXM = disassociative, ketmamine has this same tolerance issues so I feel its due to the type of drug, a much more "psychological" tolerance rather than psychological, its just not the same after you become "used to it" rather than it being novel and fresh...)

Love DXM though, absolutely love the trip when it is at its best.

Dissociatives excel because they allow you to view yourself subjectively from the view of "another"... Not even LSD can compare to its ability to let you see yourself from another perspective and this usually leads to amazingly positive changes in your life.

As far as losing the magic on dissociatives go, I had such an experience on my last time using 4-meo-pcp, and think I can pin down exactly what changed. It's not that I get bored of dissociation, it's that there was suddenly no ego dissolution whatsoever, no matter how much I took, even though I had achieved it just fine a week before. So that just left the physical side effects, inebriation, and time dilation, which wasn't really fun.
not a big dxm fan. i dont like body loads or any nausea-like feelings or vertigo. dissociatives tend to make me sick, restless and uncomforable no matter how much i take. id say start off with no more than 200mg to make sure you like the way it feels... if u dont it will take hours for the effects to wear off at a higher dose
I loved DXM TOO much. It completely destroyed my mental health. I strongly advise anyone with bipolar disorder to stay the fuck away from it. It was the only drug to consistently cause mania every single time after use I have ever taken. Even meth doesn't do that to me. I'm assuming this is due in part to DXM's strong antidepressant properties.
I loved DXM TOO much. It completely destroyed my mental health. I strongly advise anyone with bipolar disorder to stay the fuck away from it. It was the only drug to consistently cause mania every single time after use I have ever taken. Even meth doesn't do that to me. I'm assuming this is due in part to DXM's strong antidepressant properties.

Were you a frequent user? Say, more than once a week or so? I've been really interested lately in the effect of frequent DXM use upon one's mental health. Did it make your bipolar disorder 'worse' in any way? Or was the mania temporary and unpleasant? I don't mean to pry, but if you could elaborate a little (even in PM) that would be great, as I have a friend who is bipolar and really interested in trying DXM, but has a bit of an addictive personality. I'm trying to decide if I should talk him out of it or not.

Personally, I find the antidepressant effects of DXM to be amazing. It's like a little reset button for your brain. If I dose on the weekend, my week becomes significantly better because my depression symptoms seem to abate. Still, I'm wary of suggesting any serotonergic drug to someone with bipolar disorder.
As a message to your friend: 60% of bipolar people develop substance dependency in their lifetime. I wish I had known that before I started experimenting with drugs. I have been addicted to several, ODed many times, and was an intravenous user.

I'm actually still recovering from a nasty dependency to it (I am no longer dependent on any other drug) I've had for about two years now. I started using occasionally around the age of 15, having had "just" unipolar depression for 4 years at that point. I was fine with DXM then, had wonderful afterglows and a sense of gained knowledge from that drastically altered perception. It was still just temporary though, my depression was severe enough to warrant a hospitalization after a botched suicide attempt by hanging.

Bipolar I (severe) was diagnosed when I was 18, SSRIs being the direct cause of my first manic episode and therefore the diagnosis. DXM use started getting more frequent, but I could still stay off it for a while with only a twinge of cravings if I wanted to. By the time I reached the end of age 18, the ball really started to get rolling for chronic dependency with me struggling to keep up the limit of twice a month. In my 19th year of life I was institutionalized a further 5 times in that one year - all due to manic/psychotic episodes. However these were not acute drug-induced except for the last one from DXM, which was my first drug-induced psychosis. Nothing else has induced ever psychosis in me. This period of time I started doing it every week was whenever I wasn't in the institution and began noticing even more manic episodes occurring after the trip had ended. After I got out of involuntary commitment to rehab for "polysubstance dependency."

By then it developed seriously enough for me to start stealing so I wouldn't go completely broke and that all my attention was basically focused on the DXM and not really much else (though I would take them if I had the opportunity anyway). Once that phase started, I got manic EVERY single time and was having persistent psychotic tendencies (not schizoaffective). Somehow I managed to avoid any further institutionalizations because I was not violent.

I stopped 2 months ago. As an example of how potent DXM was at inducing mania, I've discovered methamphetamine and occasionally use it. I never acted manic during the high, which is normal in and of itself. This indicates to me that long-term chronic use of any drug is what fucks bipolar people over and that DXM is the only serotogenic drug I have tried outside many psychedelics, none of which ever induced an episode, presumably due to its very specific mode of action. Now that I am clean (well, I still chip every once in a while) I am doing better and noticing depression coming back for the first time since my dependency started, which is actually a good sign. I undeniably have bipolar disorder though as I already had it for quite a while before fucking around with drugs (diagnosis took about two years of observing its development), and that I almost got hospitalized/jailed yet again the other day for manic symptoms (which are still present and obvious with the length of this post) despite having done no drugs for the longest time since I can remember.

I don't really think DXM caused my disorder, but it aggravated it to a great degree and made it progress waaay faster as it is a disease that gets worse with age.
Wow, that was a lot of info, lol. But thanks for the reply, it was very enlightening.

I study psychology at a university, so I consider myself fairly well-informed regarding bipolar disorder. As far as I can tell, my friend's bipolar condition is fairly mild, and I don't think I would quite place him even into a Bipolar II categorization, but a lot of the symptoms are definitely present and his mother was Bipolar II. He smokes cannabis regularly (every day) and claims that it helps mitigate those symptoms, but I have my doubts. I don't think a single, or even occasional use would produce any severe psychological reactions, but I'm hesitant. I know he's experimented with plenty of other drugs, but has never used anything more than a few times over the course of the past few years. My concern is that, if he does really enjoy it, then the fact that it can be found pretty much anywhere might coerce him into doing it more than he should.

Anyway, thanks again. Glad to see that you're recovering well. Be safe, dude :)

Cannabis has been a godsend to me. So many people (half who don't even smoke) have noticed it to the point where they actually recommend me use it medicinally. It has antipsychotic properties, strangely enough seeing as it is also a psychedelic. I know two people personally who use it exclusively for Bipolar II disorder and they seem just fine. However, I think bipolar is over-diagnosed and since you study psychology at a university, I'm prone to take your opinion as seriously as those I know well who are not educated on it.

And thank you.
The problem with his particular case is that he also has a predisposition to schizophrenia, and marijuana has been known to cause symptoms to present earlier than they may have otherwise. So it's hard to be sure exactly to what extent marijuana has affected him, there are too many variables.

And I agree about Bipolar being over diagnosed, along with ADHD (which he has also been treated for), but I'm fairly convinced of his having it. I've known him for many, many years and it's always very obvious when he's in a depressive or hypomanic state. But like I said, his symptoms aren't unusually pronounced, so I really don't want to get him hooked on something that might exacerbate his condition.
I also liked DXM too much for my own good. Between the availability, guaranteed dose/quality, and the actual experience, I found myself abusing this stuff literally every week for several months and ended up with a tolerance 4-5 times what I started with. Luckily, it never caused any issues financially or with friends.

Either way, be careful. It's really a love/hate relationship.
Grunge: I know correlation does not equal causation, but I know THREE people who were so hooked on DXM they had to go to rehab for it. Not like drug buddies, but the neighbor, childhood friend, fiancee's friend. All of them were severe. I think due to this, DXM's liability for dependency is way higher than reported. Ketamine and PCP are known to be pretty addictive, yet it's said not to be common in DXM. I call bullshit on that. It's just that DXM is cough medicine and I'm sure that's enough for people to be too ashamed to report it (though morphine and heroin were cough medicines too... it's a dumb drug culture taboo). Plus doctors are known not to take that very seriously and do nothing about it or even find it worthy of reporting over which could further impact statistics. Is your friend interested in psychedelics because that's the vibe I'm getting...

And lumini, I hope you can overcome your unfortunate situation.
I did an OCD amount of research about this topic before getting into DXM (after many LSD and other traditional psychedelics actually)

Conclusion I came to was this...

There was a set of mice that received high IV dosage of DXM and had an occourance of brain damage.

Now, no matter how much they gave mice in any other experiment oral DXM there has been literally zero negative long term effects.

Also nothing has ever been found to be damaging to humans, even at massive recreational doses and frequencies...

DXM is much more safe than most people believe... honestly the worst case scenario is people acquiring an odd tolerance that leaves the drug being less than fun after to many trips.... but amazing till that happens, always. (DXM = disassociative, ketmamine has this same tolerance issues so I feel its due to the type of drug, a much more "psychological" tolerance rather than psychological, its just not the same after you become "used to it" rather than it being novel and fresh...)

Love DXM though, absolutely love the trip when it is at its best.

Dissociatives excel because they allow you to view yourself subjectively from the view of "another"... Not even LSD can compare to its ability to let you see yourself from another perspective and this usually leads to amazingly positive changes in your life.

You seem knowledgeable about dxm, I have a question. I tried 350mg of dxm my first time, it was great but I had one side-effect. After the trip my chest was sore, it wasn't a heart thing but was a physical pain that depended on my position. I think it was a reaction to an inactive product in it, so would using gelcaps fix this? My reasoning is that nothing I am allergic to will directly go down my throat. I want to up my dose to 550 or 600, I won't go higher then 3rd plat for safety reasons though.
I also liked DXM too much for my own good. Between the availability, guaranteed dose/quality, and the actual experience, I found myself abusing this stuff literally every week for several months and ended up with a tolerance 4-5 times what I started with. Luckily, it never caused any issues financially or with friends.

Either way, be careful. It's really a love/hate relationship.

Ha yeah... I was like this when I first started with DXM. I never really got a tolerance, but my friends and I did a good binge, and lets just say after that week or so the effects did not entirely wear off (and I'm pretty small). I learnt a lot from it, but I think I had a little bit of a bipolar issue during that time.
@thereddfoxx - those robogels are the only way to fly imo. Nothing cleaner than those, never had any problems with them, even at insane doses over long periods. Sad will be the day when those things are banned.
@thereddfoxx - those robogels are the only way to fly imo. Nothing cleaner than those, never had any problems with them, even at insane doses over long periods. Sad will be the day when those things are banned.

Look for Zicam Cough Mist Max. It's a 15 ml shot for about 400 mg of dex. It's much better (and cleaner), imo, than eating several dozen plastic-covered gel caps.

Or you could get some DXM powder. Either/or, really.
Zicam is about 510 mg I believe. I think its great though, much quicker kicking in and very clean. Haven't gotten the damn sick feeling or robo itch either.
^ It's actually 391.2, but because the formula is so concentrated, there can be some variability. I've had bottles with 2 or 3 ml more than advertised.
^ It's actually 391.2, but because the formula is so concentrated, there can be some variability. I've had bottles with 2 or 3 ml more than advertised.

yup, sometimes there will be a dirty zicam and you will get really dexxed out :) bonus!
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