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The Big & Dandy DXM Thread

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^not him silly, his rabbit. :)

to michael$$, try getting a hold of Robitussin DM cough gels. There 15mg DXM only little red gel-caps. they rock.
Hmmm, I saw someone earlier in this thread say he took DXM with prozac, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE DXM WITH SSRIs/SRIs/DRIs/etc, it can lead to serious health complications even if the few times you do it nothing happens. Most anti-depressants inhibit CYP-2D6 which is needed to turn DXM into DXO, the more recreational and safer compound. Not to mention many anti-depressants can cause serotonin toxicity when combined with DXM.
^not him silly, his rabbit. :)

to michael$$, try getting a hold of Robitussin DM cough gels. There 15mg DXM only little red gel-caps. they rock.

Yeah but there only 15mg compared to 30mg every 10mls of the robitussin syrup. Id need to buy heaps of the cough pills & it would cost a fortune
Yeah but there only 15mg compared to 30mg every 10mls of the robitussin syrup. Id need to buy heaps of the cough pills & it would cost a fortune

Not to mention they are the most nausea producing form of DXM available, IMHO. The gels literally expand and explode into little strips in your gut, causing nausea if you eat too many of them fuckers.
Ive tripped many times since then and all have been fun. I recomend that you dont do it by your self with a bunch of other people though because your feel stupid afterwards. Just a little advice on my experiences with dxm!

qft :)
And doing it with some other people together (all high on DXM of course) is a great idea.
Anyone know if the cough syrups with the expulgant(sp) for mucus is harmful? I see a lot of those as well, but in bigger bottles :)
dxm is cool when done occasionally but i can't say i'd want to try it anymore after watching my best friend get hardcore addicted to it
Keep the doses super low and maintain the flow. 30mg/day daily forever is maintainable safely. Plus it superpotentiates weed and makes super vivid often sexual dreams.
900 mg DXM

pretty good high....

something happened though that is really big but i dont know what...
Anyone know if the cough syrups with the expulgant(sp) for mucus is harmful? I see a lot of those as well, but in bigger bottles :)


Do you mean Guaifenesin? Which is an expectorant.

It causes nausea and vomitting.

Avoid any extra active ingredients at all costs.
best way to take 750 mgs

i usually have 600 mgs in 20mg wal tussin gel caps and the rest in cough syrup...

last time i took 750 i took it all at once and puked my guts up half way through my trip... how can i avoid this...

i have a pretty strong stomache... so im kinda baffeled as to why i puked.

should i space out dosage ? if so whats the recommended timeline ?
I used to take about 1/8 of my dose every 5 minutes. You'll have a longer trip that way but the come up is a lot smoother, and the high is altered somewhat as well, in a difficult to explain way.

Do you mean Guaifenesin? Which is an expectorant.

It causes nausea and vomitting.

Avoid any extra active ingredients at all costs.

expectorant, yes. Knew it started with an E :)

thanks for the info!
Abusing DXM is lazy and not worth it. Lazy because it's a thief's desperate way to get high rather than holding out for a fucking dime bag or something. Not worth it because the positive effects are VERY short-lived, some who take it -- or at least me -- start craving to take it again and again and again and will accept no other high, and it is vicious to the body. There is no reason why a drug user need become a thief, short of grotesquely amplified feelings of entitlement and of sneering short-sightedness.

I tripped about fifteen times in 10 weeks on DXM. Occasionally I would deviate from plain extended-release gels or syrup because I would get so desperate to be high on DXM that I would gobble down any cough medicine in the vicinity. This culminated with a trip on 300mg extended release Mucinex.

It took about ten hours to kick in, and lasted about a day and a half after that. The gels with the extra dosage and the "extended release" label were nothing of the sort, compared to the Mucinex.

I also lost a good deal of weight on DXM, a lot of it water weight because of how thoroughly the repeated dosage dehydrated me. I am 6 feet tall and male and was weighing somewhere between 110 and 115 by the end of my abuse.

Oozing pustules erupted all over my skin. My arms, my legs. My ass cheeks. They did not itch, but I clawed them anyway, because my mind was a shadow of its former self; I couldn't write right, I was totally oblivious to the world around me a lot of the time, I took solace in picking and plucking and touching and arranging and placing objects around me and my own scabs and sores. To this day I have purple scarring that looks like deep, deep bloodspots on my body, though glycolic acid has faded it.

I felt brain-damaged for three weeks after I stopped. I don't know how else to describe the feeling. It was as though great chunks had been scooped from my brain. Finally a feeling of normalcy and functionality creeped back in. I ate and ate and threw up and threw up and wiled away those three weeks because the feeling seemed like it would last forever and was a devouring nightmare of a feeling. Muscle had wasted from my frame and though I got back up to 145, which is somewhat heavy for me because I'm small-framed, it was all fat rather than muscle. And bloating, because my digestive system experienced some serious distress for a while.
Yours is a pretty sad case. But then again, what more to expect from such an overdose?

For months I've been taking microdose DXM (30mg per day) as both an anti-cough and potentiator for cannabis with zero bad effects and lots of good ones. This drug is a totally different beast depending on the dose. So long as the dose is very low, it can be easily metabolised without harmful effects, and is cheap.

Instead of being brain damaging like large doses, microdoses with piracetam have actually improved my sharpness the next day, even after months of daily use. I am more verbally fluent, have sharper vision, and have awesome dreams every night. Like last night, where I dreamed of this amazing big laserdisc which was actually burnable and had been partially filled with data; the dye was purple just like DVD-Rs. The dreaming potentiation continues even several days after the last dose.

I believe many in our society have a mindset that more is better, because wealthy societies are prone to think that way, being greedy as they are. In the case of DXM, more is not better - in fact worse - and it costs more too - both financially and physiologically. For example, my dosing regime of 30mg per day means a 100ml bottle of 15mg/5ml (3mg/ml) lasts ten days (10ml per day: two teaspoons). In a month I go thru only three of these bottles, and I could get a better deal on costs if I hunt around but am too lazy right now.

The best way to describe it is that DXM's benefits if graphed look like a bell-curve, with the topmost part peaking in the range of 15-45mg per day, at least when accompanied by piracetam. The declining side past that dose range is very steep and leads into a hell of nastiness.

For example, one day I tried 45mg and it was too much, in that I didn't feel quite perfect the next day. So I set in stone 30mg per day, and it will remain so forever more. The nice thing about microdoses is they only cause microtolerance, which itself doesn't rise like that of large doses, instead flatlining at a level which still allows excellent effects for an indefinite dosing period.

Use of DXM alone at the doses required to achieve a 'high' is permanently damaging and I'd advise against it - having done so myself more than a decade ago. It wasn't worth it on absolute terms or using a cost-benefit analysis. However, the situation with microdose is totally different. It is nice to ride the clouds long-term but one must be light to do so. Heavy doses make for heavy souls who must also walk on heavy soles.
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You might be right about DXM's application to your own life. But I have vivid dreams all the time too. I speak not when the need to grind my teeth or when the need grips me to spew communication that feels profound at the time but is actually nonsense, but when I have something to say, and it generally comes out just fun. Any drug, any time and I start failing to remember the right word over and over again, I run out of things to say much less a fluent manner of saying them ...

I find it hard to believe that DXM could help your vision. Vision has been known to improve naturally owing to good nutrition, but I doubt that DXM could have the same reparative effect on the body as nutrients that weren't synthesized in a laboratory a few decades ago that just happened to help some people, some of the time with their coughing symptoms.

Taking DXM in such small doses each day strikes me as akin to someone taking an aspirin or a Tylenol each day. Recent clinical research has shown that a hefty portion of those taking aspirin each day to prevent or ameliorate heart disease die sooner than those with similar baseline conditions who don't take it every day.

Even something with years of study to support its daily use in humans (aspirin) is now being revealed to harm a great number of the people it was believed to help. Becoming an experiment of one for the effects of daily DXM use on the body and by extension the mind does not strike me as prudent, but it is your life, and your choice. I do not want people to be pacified into a complacent attitude toward DXM, however, that could lead to the same type of misery that DXM brought to me.

How long have you been dosing daily on DXM at this level? I've just looked up piracetam and all the effects you're describing sound like the piracetam could plausibly be producing them on its own. So what reason do you have to believe that the DXM is making any difference at all? If nothing else it is an increase to the daily load on your body for which cumulative effects are unknown and unresearched.

In addition to potential chronic effects, I remember that multiple times early on in my explorations of DXM, before I started dosing on 600 or 900mg and kept to 150 or 300, my heart would often start pounding in such a way that it reminded me of the gasping noises of someone struggling to breathe. Probably 300 times a minute or faster, which I simply started ignoring because the DXM quickly took my mind off it rather than measuring how long it lasted. This has recurred with acid and even with just pot, and I suspect that it is not a harmless symptom of an anxiety attack; I suspect that the heart-pounding starts, and then anxiety sets in because, oh shit, I feel like I'm going to die!

I've rambled a little bit so I'll cut to making my point. There is no research into the effects of daily DXM use at any dose for periods of months or years. A few weeks are as long as the studies I've unearthed have lasted. Many people report a subjective feeling comparable to brain damage in the wake of or even during a trip. Accounts of hospitalizations from DXM alone or in conjunction with other drugs proliferate on such sites as Erowid. And it's f'cking cough medicine that doesn't even do much to alleviate coughing! Sobriety is more fun for me than being dazed and seeing shit and feeling like my heart's about to stop. And the nootropic you're taking is probably responsible for sharpened vision etc., not the DXM.

PS: I'm a druggie hypocrite. I'm on Ritalin so I'm writing so much.
Piracetam helped to increase the clarity and memory of my dreams, but the first night I took the DXM microdose with cannabis (oh yes even in such a tiny amount it totally changed the cannabis trip for me - for the better!) that night I had the most incredible dreams, ones which I hadn't had since perhaps childhood.

The primary reason for taking DXM was to stop the nasty cough from smoking such resinous buds which are available in the paradise-land where I live. DXM lived up to its name by not only preventing the cough but making my breathing much smoother even days later. It was not expected to have any mental effects in the 15-30mg range at all. Yet it did, but only when combined with cannabis and in a qualitative sense, totally different from those evil trips of bygone years.

Knowing how intense dreams tend to unpredictably appear, I assumed it was a minor quirk. But... the next night and more supervivid dreams! Then onwards two months later - still having supervivid dreams like the first night, and still enjoying all the positive potentiation that DXM provides the cannabis experience.

Oh and during this time I've stopped the DXM entirely with absolutely no noticeable withdrawal effects. It's amazing.

The dosing of a drug can make a huge difference as to its positive or negative effects. For example, coca has been chewed for centuries by various indigenous peoples of south America with beneficial effects. Yet when refined into a white powder and snorted, smoked or injected it causes many bad effects, especially to the myocardium (heart muscle).

It was with supreme caution and careful remembrance of those long-ago nasty trips on high dosages that I carefully tried the first small dose. It was a calculated risk and has proven its worth. My goal was to make it useful without being ruined by bad effects. So I said to DXM: "I'll let you back in but only into this cage, and my contract with you is that you provide maximum benefit at minimal cost. In addition, if you ever so much as try to claw me again you are out for good". A contract if you please.

Like a powerful lion that left scars on me, it is now a caged lion that performs useful services. I can hear it complain sometimes, asking to be let out of its cage. I just smile and tell it to keep pedalling on my energy generator. Just like fire can be a scourge by burning down houses, it can also be supremely useful in the cylinders of an automobile or the combustor of a jet engine. Often the danger and potential benefit are linked. Thus careless use is highly detrimental, and careful use is highly beneficial. Like a race car or a jet plane, careful driving and dedication of purpose are needed.

Whether it is bad or good depends on how, how much and for what purposes and under what circumstances it is used. It happens that DXM has a very narrow window of good effects versus bad. Alcohol is not much better as far as its therapeutic ratio, but I don't drink it at all. Because DXM has such a narrow benefit-window, I gave it a very small cage and a very tight contract, which has worked out very well for me.

On a side note, a large proportion of the population drinks alcohol, which disables the liver's ability to metabolise all kinds of stuff including DXM. That narrows DXM's safety window even further; luckily since I don't drink, my pleasure window is wider and liver is happier. At microdoses, DXM takes virtually no metabolic resources to break down. Though it means little due to political corruption from drug companies influencing approval, the label on my source says it is safe to take 15-30mg every 6-8 hours, without any other limitations.

Having taken it at a lower dose (30mg every 24 hours) for over a month, my body says it is totally OK. Absent regular liver enzyme tests, there isn't hard evidence for or against a safety argument, yet the gamble is as tiny as the dose, and from a relative standpoint far safer than drinking enough alcohol to get drunk, which many do regularly. The biggest problem as with many other drugs is taking a large dose which overwhelms the liver's breakdown ability and overwhelms the brain's re-adaptive downregulatory rate for ligands whose receptors are blocked by the agent.

Because DXM, like alcohol and benzodiazepines blocks certain receptors, particularly NMDA, withdrawal is a problem. Most or even all the damage happens during washout, and is caused by the brain's own upregulated ligand production and pool overstimulating formerly-blocked receptors. For alcoholics, this is known as Delirium Tremens, and can be lethal which requires slow phased withdrawal.

The brain will naturally down-regulate ligand production, but the speed with which it does so is slower than the washout rate of high concentrations of DXM. Below a certain threshold concentration times washout rate, the adaptive downregulatory rate of ligand production is sufficient to prevent receptor overload. That is why in the case of many depressants, the dose and regime can so drastically make the difference between no withdrawal effects, unpleasant effects and damaging effects.

Stimulants don't cause this problem - at least on withdrawal - because withdrawal causes depressed function which while unpleasant doesn't kill neurons. And they tend to not cause it on application because adaptive downsensitization of stimulant-sensitive receptors is faster than adaptive downregulation of depressant-receptor ligand production in the case of depressant drugs.

In metaphysical terms, I liken DXM to the Daturas, anticholinergic deliriants both natural and synthetic, PCP, solvents {alcohol and inhalants} and a small handful of other 'dark' plant powers. These are used to kill, and also used by powerful sorcerers for magic. However, even for those who understand them, they have a certain darkness. And they aim to kill their apprentices quickly, except of course those who hunger for power; because they are agents of death, they provide the ultimate power. Insanity is the outcome of reckless consumption. Allies such as these are particularly unforgiving, and one must be prepared for the consequences if one dances with them for too long times too strong.

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In all honesty, using a lot of DXM will fuck with your head. I did it 10 times in 3 months and after the last time I never wanted to see DXM again... my memory and mood and ability to speak well were strongly affected in a negative way and I was afraid it would never get better because it took about 2 years total before I was able to stop feeling like I had fried myself.

Just be careful. <3

I've taken over a gram of DXM a day for over six months straight and have had several hundred DXM trips. I'd like to say a thousand, but that may be a bit high. I've been dexing for a good 5 years now.

I've never experienced any of these lasting problems you mention.
And with that fascinating statement by KoreyS, we are led to the possible conclusion that, as for so many other drugs, there are individual genotypes which have drastically different responses to a single drug.

Some drugs are more uniform than others in their initiated host response. DXM tends to be on the more reliable side, but still many cases present of unusually high consumption without the commonly-observed decay of function, particularly brain function.

Possible differences may be:

1. increased metabolic rate in the liver or elsewhere,

2. novel secondary metabolism parallel to common metabolism,

3. differences in how the brain's structure as expressed by the genetically unusal host, resulting in increased tolerance, altered metabolism,

4. faster than normal ligand production rate decline (the compensatory system renormalization rate). This is the most interesting, because a neural system that had the genetic good fortune for rapid-recompenstion via a variety of mechanisms would be highly tolerant to DXM-outwash damage. The question of whether such a system would be advantaged against other similar agents such as PCP is next to be examined.

Differences in metabolism are not necessarily shared with other drugs of the same or similar class in the same individual. For example, KoreyS may find that he gets terrible damages from equivalent PCP use, or use of any other drug which has a similar receptor profile to DXM but has a different molecular shape which means that both receptor conformation changes and possibly in-solution global or local electric potential changes, as well as other nonspecific membrane-interactive effects will render his experience very different from DXM.

An example of an entirely different class of drugs, whose nonspecific actions are not fully understood is piracetam. Changes in membrane fluidity have been documented. Strangely, this class happens to have a significantly varied use response, though user-results form a few very distinct pools.

In order to more closely document the isoform-specific host response pool geometry, it is proposed that for a specific drug geometric surrogates be manufactured and tested against a population. Geometric surrogates are known to chemistry as structural analogs. By using structural analogs it is posssible to determine how in a population, response is varied between equivalent doses of structural surrogates.

For example, similarly-shaped molecules can have almost identical effect in a certain test population. If there is more than one response pool, then to the resolution of capable measurement the difference of response between host pools can be used to determine they strucural (expressed) differences and the inherent (genetic) ones too.

By decorrelating the raw data's dominant mode - which is the observed shared effects of both variants - it can be determined that the remainder contains information on several possible things:

1. Definition of host pools by differences in decorrelated responses.

2. Elucidation of the phenotype and ultimately, the responsible genotype, for all or select pools.

These studies are undoubtedly routine at Big Pharma by now, but weren't so when many drugs were approved. And of course even now, money decides what reaches the market.

The other, and much nastier method of finding out what kind of genes are responsible for unusual DXM metaboforms is to feed an entire population the stuff and whoever walks out sane and alive is then analyzed. That kind of thing is possible with a totalitarian regime on humans, or lab animals in polite society, but animals are very different in many important ways from humans, especially the brain.
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Today I was able to find something containing only DXM for the first time in months. My main source was the Robitussin gels, and damn Target (the local one, anyway) pulled them off the shelves for some reason. I know there's Delsym, but that shit's too expensive and isn't intense enough.

So today I go when I actually have money to spend, and thank God I found some Vick's containing only dex for half off the regular price...

Hopefully gonna trip tonight for the first time in forever.
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