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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy DOM Thread

fastandbulbous said:
My experience with DOM (not much, only 4 or 5 times if you count my initial 1mg dose) is that 5mg is easily enough for ypu to find out everything that makes DOM different to the other DOx compounds. Above 10mg and you've got an amphetamine like rush to deal with on top of the onset of a serious psychedelic - def not good for first time with it (well 8mg had me very worried for a while with how fast everything was changing in my mind).

If amphetamine makes you nervous, it might be better to start with 3mg and take the other 2mg at about the 90 minute mark

listen to this man. He knows what he is talking about 99.9%. (I say this because you're a scientist ;), or at least have the knowledge of one.) I have NO idea really what my DOM dosage was when I OD'd on it and went psychotic, ending up in the hospital. But shit, before I took way too much, and the trip was at a steady +1.75-2, compared to all the other DOx drugs, (I have plenty of experience with all of them. 'Cept DON, which I dug up all the info I could on it, and then on DOM, and came to a decisive conclusion, based off research and "field experiments" :\ , that I had DOM..and let me tell you.. If you dose it "just right", you are in for one smooth LSD-like trip, only your headspace feels even more open...more lucid, if that makes sense, then LSD.

Like FB said, anything above 10mg(ish), based off body composition, etc...will give you a very strong amphetamine-like not really rush, but like an inescapable energy, that feels like you hit your funny bone ALL OVER YOUR BODY, like a pot of water boiling over the top with all that foam. Trust me...and other's advice on here...stick to a low(er) dose. There's no reason to psychedelicly dicksize yourself on here about how much you took, or to do this in real life with your friends. Your sanity is worth a jillion times more then, just another trip.

Then again it's all based on dosage, purity, body chemistry/composition, experience with psychedelics, personal opinions/tastes, and personal/unique reactions in each individual.

If I was to talk about the whole spectrum of DOM though, I'd say, dose low...wait at least 5 hours before dosing another SMALL dose..trust me on this. Better safe then sorry.

Good luck, be safe, and good speed.
Yep, DOM is no joke at all. It may be the most powerful and reality-bending mind space I've been in. It also exposes dark corners very strongly, at least at my 13mg dose (a high one to be sure). Talk about a roller coaster! I agree with Dexter that at higher doses there is a very strong amphetamine component. Although I didn't find it uncomfortable necessarily, it led a very manic and sometimes frantic edge to the trip which caused some of the trip to be white-knuckled. Overall it was a great trip, but it's ther first time a psychedelic has really shaken me up in many months. This one is far, far more speedy than DOC. DOC is actually damn calm for its intensity. DOM is not! However, my 7mg dose last time was quite calm and zen-like.
It’s nice to hear that DOM is around.
I tried this only once many years ago. I suppose the dose was 5, 10 mg, this was in 1970 (San Francisco). I loved it' All I remember is how wonderfully visual it was.
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^^ Nice post. And yes, I found that DOM has tremendous capacity for producing ego loss. Strong, strong ego loss. It's not gentle by any means, but I was less emotionally attached to my ego than with most psychedelics, a characteristic which I've found in common with some other DOXs.

EDIT: I Big and Dandified this thread. Contributions, please!
If you want a sort of comparison of where you end up with DOM, compare thr 4-halogen 2C compounds (2C-C/B/I) with the 4-alkyl 2C compounds (2C-D/E/P). Now take the intensity if 2C-B up to that of DOB and apply that same sort of increase in intensity to say 2C-E (I know it should be 2C-D, but that is unusually benign in comparison with DOM) and you''ve got an approx idea of what sort of beast you're dealing with. Don't be fooled by how easy it is to handle a 3mg dose of DOM as like with 2C-E, beyond thet point there's an exponential increse ib intesity vs dose/

Xorkoth, I don't know how you dealt with 13mg; the energy that I'd need to release from that would require me to run around like the Tazmainian devil from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but on speed! If you don't find a way to release the nervous energy, it turns on you and can make going up extremely uncomfortable, both mentally & physically.

While it's possible to have an utterly serene plateau on DOM, I've never heard fom anybody who's had anything but a 'driven' onset & climb to the plateau. One other thing, antipsychotics such as chlorpromazine are effective in negating DOM unlike what some people think. This urban myth started due to people misidentifying PCP for DOM in the late 60's/early 70's; PCP does not respond well to phenothiazines, in fact it increases the anticholinergic/sense of unreality effects.
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Can anyone report on what feel are the qualitive differences between DOM and the other common dox's (DOI, DOC or DOB?)

A quick reply is that DOM (& I imagine DOET and DOPR) have more of a 'shaking you loose from reality' feel to them. DOM in the climb to the plateau stage imparts much more physical energy and a subsequent need to do something with it than DOC/B/I.

The other things are more akin to the differences between the 4-halo 2C-x's and the 4-alkyl 2C-x's.

Somebody else might be able to put it into better words than I can at the moment as I'm quite tired at the moment
DOM is a strong stimulant. It's much more psychological than DOC and DOI, at least (haven't tried DOB or the others), and like F&B said, it seems to remove you from reality quite effectively. I find that DOM sneaks into my brain and without realizing it I'll go somewhere else entirely, not becoming aware that I'm hallucinating until after I come out of it. DOM's visuals are also thicker and more profound than the others I've tried. It definitely creates a very strong "visual soup" effect. DOM feels more transparent on my body than DOC and especially DOI. it produces a lot of amphetamine stimulation but there is very little actual body load. The long plateau stage is very pleasant.

Basically, DOM is much more psychedelic. A +4 exprience would be very possible with it, whereas DOC and DOI, I've found, aren't quite at the same level.

fastandbulbous said:
Xorkoth, I don't know how you dealt with 13mg; the energy that I'd need to release from that would require me to run around like the Tazmainian devil from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but on speed! If you don't find a way to release the nervous energy, it turns on you and can make going up extremely uncomfortable, both mentally & physically.

Well, I had a difficult time here and there, definitely. I was releasing my energy through rapid leg movements and by focusing on expelling it from my solar plexus, which produced euphoria. I was also totally removed my reality for hours... my memories of that period of time involve dark forest, lots of swirling images, and death/evil imagery. Yet I wasn't scared of it. The trip was incredibly symbolic.

The other reason I could handle it is because I've been tripping more often than I should, and I have tolerance. My next experience will be without tolerance at 10mg, I think. I may divide into two trips at 5mg each, but I really enjoy verys trong DOX trips.
When I was tripping as frequently as you are (perhaps less often even), I'd say it took the better part of a year before I lost all my tolerance. It is the psychological adjustment to the psychedelic state that is more of an issue IMO, rather than just the physical tolerance. That is always gone in a few days or so. But when you experience something like that so often, you get really accustomed to it. I'd bet serious money if you stopped totally for 6 months or so and ate that same amount you'd get slapped around.

Think about smoking pot... and how it probably totally wrecked you when you started. Now, you can probably carry on like normal while high as fuck.

My very frequent use of psychs was limited to mushrooms for the most part, but it got to where I could eat 4-5 grams of very good mushrooms and almost carry on like normal. A year later, I had a very hard time operating on 2g of the same.

I know thats not DOM-related, but important to mention nevertheless I think.
I agree with every word. A few years ago, I was tripping at least once a week. These past three years, it has been three times a year at most. There is DEFINITELY a huge difference in the impact from even very familiar substances.

fizzacyst said:
When I was tripping as frequently as you are (perhaps less often even), I'd say it took the better part of a year before I lost all my tolerance. It is the psychological adjustment to the psychedelic state that is more of an issue IMO, rather than just the physical tolerance. That is always gone in a few days or so. But when you experience something like that so often, you get really accustomed to it. I'd bet serious money if you stopped totally for 6 months or so and ate that same amount you'd get slapped around.

Think about smoking pot... and how it probably totally wrecked you when you started. Now, you can probably carry on like normal while high as fuck.

My very frequent use of psychs was limited to mushrooms for the most part, but it got to where I could eat 4-5 grams of very good mushrooms and almost carry on like normal. A year later, I had a very hard time operating on 2g of the same.

I know thats not DOM-related, but important to mention nevertheless I think.
In any event, Xorkoth, MGS, and F&B are my psychedelic heroes. Great stuff, Xor, now I'm gonna spend the next 6 mo. trying to track down "The Racer's Edge."
They should make a TV show about us. "Psychedelic Heros" Kind of like Heros, but with more of a circus-like atmosphere and tittys. ANd baby ducks, because they are so cute.
Xorkoth said:
DOM is a strong stimulant. It's much more psychological than DOC and DOI, at least (haven't tried DOB or the others), and like F&B said, it seems to remove you from reality quite effectively. I find that DOM sneaks into my brain and without realizing it I'll go somewhere else entirely, not becoming aware that I'm hallucinating until after I come out of it. DOM's visuals are also thicker and more profound than the others I've tried. It definitely creates a very strong "visual soup" effect. DOM feels more transparent on my body than DOC and especially DOI. it produces a lot of amphetamine stimulation but there is very little actual body load. The long plateau stage is very pleasant.

Basically, DOM is much more psychedelic. A +4 exprience would be very possible with it, whereas DOC and DOI, I've found, aren't quite at the same level.

Well, I had a difficult time here and there, definitely. I was releasing my energy through rapid leg movements and by focusing on expelling it from my solar plexus, which produced euphoria. I was also totally removed my reality for hours... my memories of that period of time involve dark forest, lots of swirling images, and death/evil imagery. Yet I wasn't scared of it. The trip was incredibly symbolic.

The other reason I could handle it is because I've been tripping more often than I should, and I have tolerance. My next experience will be without tolerance at 10mg, I think. I may divide into two trips at 5mg each, but I really enjoy verys trong DOX trips.

I don't know, if you replaced "DOM" with "LSD" in this description I wouldn't have noticed the difference personally.

But yeah, as I said before, I never had any desire to try DOx things, but DOM is the exception simply because 2C-D and TMA-2 are my favourite phenethylamines...

p.s. Did you find that DOM made you feel particularly kinky? =D (those who read the first half of PiHKAL know what I'm refering to ;))
Actually, DOM is more similar to LSD than anything else I've tried. Moreso than DOC, for sure.

Kinky? No, not in the slightest. I was too busy phasing out of existence and being assaulted by death imagery. But in the right setting I think I could have been made to feel sexual. The chemical did not seem to affect my body's functioning at all. Many phenethylamines cause me to be pretty much physically unable to have sex, but DOM was an exception. Also, to be fair, tripping usually makes sex about the farthest thing from my mind.
It gets old fast. Wait until you have a good half-dozen teens a week emailing you saying how your reports have changed their lives, and influenced them to seek obscure drugs to take them...because you wrote a report and they want to emulate it. It then becomes somewhat creepy.
Heh, well, I'll enjoy it while I can.

Actually, when I joined here I PMed you like that. Except I'm pretty sure I didn't get all weird about it. =D
morninggloryseed said:
They should make a TV show about us. "Psychedelic Heros" Kind of like Heros, but with more of a circus-like atmosphere and tittys. ANd baby ducks, because they are so cute.

And babyduck, cause it tastes like grape soda and gets you fuckn' smashed!

What are we talking about?
It's much more psychological
Agreed !
Nearest DOxx I ever had that was anywhere like LSD, and that's not saying it is, but it is IMO the best and only DOxx I'd ever try again !

I think I could have been made to feel sexual.

We were bigtime!

tripping usually makes sex about the farthest thing from my mind.

Hmmm not usually that way for me !

There is DEFINITELY a huge difference in the impact from even very familiar substances.

Yeah a month off recently made me realise just how desensitised/tolerant I had become to many psychedelics!