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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - First Launch

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^ Thank you very much!

My nose isn't very sensitive(for example, many report burning on 3-FMC, whereas I get none), so I hope I could manage the pain too.

And I am glad to hear that it is really short-acting, because often I don't have enough time in proper setting.

Also, I am wondering if 5-MeO-DMT HCl works when plugged? I can't find much info.
In that case you will be fine with insufflated 5-meo-dmt. :)
As for plugging the HCl, I cant see any reason why it would not work. It will probably come on very fast though, so I would start with a small dose just to gauge the comeup and general manifestation of effects. Please report back if you decide to try this. :)
So i tried snorting 6 mgs of 5-meo-dmt freebase 45 minutes ago and....


This chemical is intense ! Overall I reached about +2.5 on the shulgin scale. Here's my handwritten notes i managed to scrawl

11:05-insufflated 6 mgs in 4 piles, burn slowly builds until it is quite noticeable and sharp. Ouch ! it is manageble though, nothing at all like snorting the 2Cs

11:10-Up and down off the couch, I can feel my blood pressure and heartrate increasing noticeable, but within my comfort zone

11:20-notice some transient nausea whenever I get up and move around, so I go lie down on my couch and two of my cats are wrestiling with each other in the sunshine. I have noticeable euphoria, there is a lot of movement in my visuals field (stucco cieling is movin lots), trails when I move my hands infront of my eyes.

11:25-Nausea is subsiding, I am up and down off the couch many times. I didn't take time to prepare a playlist before hand, but I wish I did, just to see what music sounds like. Oh well, next time.

11:30-I start chatting with some friends on facebook. There is a nice, but quite strong and noticeable energy buzzing in my body, almost feeling like an caffeine overdose by entirely pleasureable. The euphoria from earlier is now a very nice and welcome mood lift. I feel ready to take on anything.

11:45-Pretty much baseline, still feel totally energized. All in all, very impressed.
^ Very nice! good report. Glad to hear you enjoyed the ride. 5-meo-dmt is something special indeed. <3
^^^ Lol, we have equal number of posts. :) Edit: now not:)

As for plugging the HCl, I cant see any reason why it would not work
I found the information that simple tryptamines(DMT, MET) work better with snorting rather than plugging, and also I found that 5-MeO-DMT fb is weaker plugged.

I will definitely try this ROA. :) Also, what about tolerance? Does tolerance to 5-MeO-DMT grow slower than for other tryptamines?

^^ Really nice report! Thank you for posting :)
That was my third time ever ingesting 5-meo-dmt. My first time was last winter, and I was really drunk, and it was a disaster. I don't actually even really count that time as a 5-meo-DMT expereince, it was just me being a fucking moron. I could have really harmed myself. Booze + Strong Psychedlics = BIG NO NO.

My second time was about 5 months ago, I smoked 10 mgs, but that was about 30 minutes after I somked ~30 mgs of n,n-DMT, and although i got a good feeling of what 5-meo-DMT was about, there was noticeable tolerance from smoking n,n-DMT. It was still very nice. I did notice nausea from smoking 5-meo-DMT as well though, only when I got up to move around however. I felt really really emotionally energized that time too.

This third time today has confirmed that 5-meo-DMT is a truly special ally. It was short, intense, and provided a full on trip. Right now, exactly 1 hour after snorting 6 mgs, I am in a fantastic mood, and feel all in all energized in a delightful sort of way. There are no residues to speak of at all, the whole experience was pretty natural feeling I would say.

The burn kind of put me off at first, I remember thinking at the start of the experienment "i don't know if I'm going to snort this again, it's pretty painful", but after the drug had ran it's course, I was impressed enough with the totality of the effects that I would indeed consider this ROA for 5-meo-DMT freebase again.

I must say though 6 mgs was suprisingly intense.
You are right about the simple tryptamines not being efficient for rectal admin. :)

I assume you made the 5-meo-dmt fb into solution before plugging? I guess it will not be much different with the HCl in that case..

IME tolerance does not build as fast as with other tryptamines, especially 4-subs. For example I recently insufflated some material while waiting for aMT effects to manifest. As the aMT started to fade many hours later I insufflated more 5-meo-dmt and it still hit me fairly hard, even with 2mg alprazolam in my system.
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^ Glad to hear about tolerance. It would be great if there were low cross-tolerance. I already tripped this week on 4-HO-MET(3 days ago) and 5-MeO-MET(today), and I will get my package containing 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-DiPT and 2C-T-4 tomorrow. I am very excited to try 5-MeO-DMT! :)
Well, I finally tried 5-MeO-DMT. Today I measured ~7-8 mg of my HCl salt, the powder was clumpy so I had to crush it into finer particles.

T+0:00: The insuflation was only slightly painful, and my heart rate got immediately increased.
T+0:01: I walk around the room few times, feeling slight tension in my body.
T+0:03: I decide to lie down on the bed, the tension makes lying a bit uncomfortable. I turn on my player and start listening to music.
T+0:12: The comeup is slower and less intense than I expected, but I probably reached +2 on the Shulgin scale. No real visuals: slight trails and increase in static, pretty much like other 5-MeO-T's
~T+0:20: I reached plateau. Music sounds more detailed and unusual mental effects becomes more pronounced. I was anxious before experience and hoped that it won't be amplified by this psychedelic. However, 5-MeO-DMT pushed me into completely comfortable and very calm state of mind, which remained for the whole experience.
I didn't really keep track of time for the next 40 minutes. I lie on my bed, stare at the floor and wall , listen to music and try to think about my life and who I am. The effect of 5-MeO-DMT on ego was pronounced: ego is suppressed and distorted pretty much. OEVs are noticebable. At ~T+0:40 my girlfriend lies on the bed near me(she is sober and she have been browsing internet during past hour), we were kissing and fondling each other. Sorry, I am not Alexander neither Ann Shulgin to describe this part of the trip, but sex on 5-MeO-DMT was very magical and awesome. :)
One really interesting: it was soooo difficult to say something to my girlfriend, I mean, there was sort of inner barrier that was hard to get over.
T+0:55: My gf's roommate knocked on the door and I had to put my pants and jeans on very quickly. The effects began to disapper.
T+1:00: I look at the clock. Wow, 1 hour passed and I still not close to baseline, although I am coming down.
T+1:03: I go to the bathroom, feeling that it was one of the most magical trips I ever had(but i must admit I didn't have much trips yet:))
T+1:20: Slight movement in the visual field is present and staring at the tunnel-like picture is very fun:) The drug is still definitely in my system, and this is not afterglow.
T+2:00: Mostly baseline. Afterglow effects were felt for the next 1.5-2 hours.

tl;dr: +2.5 5-MeO-DMT experience.
Nice trip report allium !! I am really looking forward to experimenting with this one again soon.

Does anybody have any 5-meo-dmt combinations that they have tried that they would rate as good experiences, and worth investigating further ??? I've been wondering what adding a smidgeon of 5-meo-dmt to a 4-aco-dmt trip would be like.
Good report allium. :)
It seems comeup and general effects lasted a bit longer for you than myself, but I guess it is not surprising that people metabolize this chem at different rates.

As far as combinations go, I have tried:

4-aco-dmt + 5-meo-dmt - The pleasant and relaxed high of 4-aco-dmt provides a nice base to add 5-meo-dmt. Combining the two certainly raises the intensity of the 4-aco-dmt to a new level - 5-meo-dmt dominates slighly, but there is character of both present.

4-ho-dipt + 5-meo-dmt - I find iprocin to have effects that differs somewhat from other 4-subs - quite strong body energy, noticeable sexual enhancement and more focused mental space. 5-meo-dmt added at the peak of iprocin, provided full immersion into 5-meo-dmt space within 2-3 minutes. Very intense. Once the peak of the 5-meo-dmt faded and reality became present, very strong euphoria and feelings of ecstacy was noted.

Future combos:
4-ho-mipt + 5-meo-dmt
DPT + 5-meo-dmt.

Im sure a 2C could be nice as well, but 5-meo-dmt just feels 'right' with other trypts imo, so Im trying those first before I venture further. Also, a dissociative might be interesting as well. :)
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^ & ^^ Thanks for reading, guys :)

^ 5-MeO-DMT is quite short, so I thought it might worth combining with other tryptamines. So thanks you for the info, it is extremely useful. :)

It seems comeup and general effects lasted a bit longer for you than myself, but I guess it is not surprising that people metabolize this chem at different rates.
Well, maybe, or maybe absorbtion rate is slower. I will crush powder as fine as I can next time.:)

BTW, it is offtopic, but what's your opinion about 4-ho-dipt, is it light tryptamine? How does it compare to 4-ho-mipt? (I haven't tried yet both chemicals, but 4-ho-dipt always seemed interesting to me).
You are probably right. :)
I have not worked with the HCl, but it seems logical that consistency of material will affect the efficacy of absorption.

For you other question - I may be a bit biased here as 4-ho-dipt is one of my favorite tryptamines. For me it is not really a light tryptamine, it can provide a fairly intense experience. What I enjoy most is the body energy and sexual enhancement. It is quite short lasting though, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

As for 4-ho-mipt. I cant really compare it to iprocin, they are very different. 4-ho-mipt is much closer to mushrooms in effects, yet has its own unique characteristics.
Well, I had another experience with 5-MeO-DMT today. I crushed it into quite fine powder.
The comeup was faster, but still gradual and not overwhelming. Trip was less "magic", more visual and synaestetic. I really like the sense of extreme peacefulness that comes with 5-MeO-DMT!
I am comind down right now(T+1:40) and still feeling the effects of chemical, so either I metabolise this substance slower than you, guys, or HCl salt absorbed less quickly.

Overall, I think 5-MeO-DMT is not really great on its own at such doses and this route. I think I will try snorting at least 15-18 mg next time. Then I will try plugging/IMing to see how it will change the experience.

For you other question - I may be a bit biased here as 4-ho-dipt is one of my favorite tryptamines. For me it is not really a light tryptamine, it can provide a fairly intense experience. What I enjoy most is the body energy and sexual enhancement. It is quite short lasting though, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
Well, it seems that it definitely worth trying then! Short duration isn't bad thing for me, actually I would like to have more short-acting psychedelics.
One night i ingested 20 mg of 2c-e and 200 mg methylone. mid way into the experience i decided i really needed an ego shatterer so i grabbed my bag of 5-meo-dmt, weighed out what i thought to be 20 mg to insufflate, but in my intoxicated state forgot to tare the capsule i weighed it in. So i roughly ended up snorting 50-60 mg of it and it was probably the most powerful, intense, freightening experience ive ever had in my life. It felt like my life (ego, identity by personality) got sucked right out of me and then was immersed in some kind of universal domain of pure energy. My lil brother was there at the time and called the ambulance on me cuz i guess i was mumbling incoherent phrases and got underneath a coffee table and stood up breaking the lamp and knocking shit over. I finally started to come down to find myself in an ambulance, probably an hour after initially took the dose. Point is be very careful when it comes to chems like these, have a sitter, never eyeball and always double check your measurements, if not triple check.
yeah, always double and even TRIPLE check measurements. i've inadvertently taken 60mg doses of 2ce this way.. no fun... i can only imagine how scarily intense such a hiccup could be with 5-meo-dmt
higherconciousness;9529543It felt like my life (ego said:
Yup, there's the core 5-meo-dmt experience, a domain of pure energy wherein EVERYTHING is conscious. People think they must have died when this happens because your mind is like NO FUCKING WAY!!! Only way to rationalize the state is "well this must be like what it is like to die because otherwise everything being alive and aware is just otherwise impossible."

Try doing 3g fine ground syrian rue seed, then 10mg 5meodmt dissolved in alcohol orally. Thats really the best and most effective way IMO. Intense but slower comeup than smoke.

So sorry to hear about the ambulance trip.
now that it's been scheduled, I have no idea hwere i'll be able to find any anyway, other than i suppose doing an extraction on some plants.
I'm sure you could find some vendor willing to ship to the US... chances are low a letter with a few grams will be opened by customs, even if it is you will not be charged, they will just destroy it and disallow entry to country.
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