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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - First Launch

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swilow said:
^Howdy there, welcome to Bluelight :) I don't actually have anything useful to say, but I am going to merge this with the Big and Dandy 5-Meo-DMT thread. Peace! :)

Thanks. I posted here first thing but after no response I tried its own thread. I agree this post belongs here it's just that I was hoping for some feed back.
It's very strange that you wouldn't feel anything at all. I've used 5-MeO-DMT over a dozen times, and have always had success simply dumping 5-20mg of crystals in an old metal pipe and lapping at the 5-MeO directly with a Bic lighter flame. It might waste some material and reduce the experience, but it's never not worked at all. 5-MeO is pretty vigorous in its attempts to avoid heat. Do a quick "necessary but not sufficient" test with foil and a lighter. If you don't see the 5-MeO very visibly crawling away from the hottest part of the foil you probably received something else--which seems likely (IME it's crystalline and doesn't smell "sweet," unlike your description.) If it does crawl away, it could be 5-MeO or another chem with that property. I suppose its possible you're just not using enough, but that's hard to do with 5-MeO.
I never tried smoking it out of a pipe in fear I may incinerate the powder into nothing. Does it decompose at high temperatures?
don't put the flame too close and there won't be any problems
Hyped said:
I acquired about a gram of 5-meo-dmt in freebase form. It's off white and has a very fine powder texture to it. Looks like protein powder. No visible crystalline structure to it with the naked eye. It's smoke has a very pleasant sweet smell.

Here is where the issue comes up. Smoking it doesn't produce anything at all. I am going to go on record here and state that I have never smoked this material before nor have I seen anyone smoke this material before. So is it possible that if your technique is wrong that you will feel absolutely nothing?

AHA! Due to dmt-nexus being down I find myself here now, hello fellow psychonauts!

Now: I have just acquired 250 mg of 5meo also and it did NOTHING for me! And lordy, I went through about 100mg last night trying. I used a glass ball pipe as for regular dmt, but got squat.

Did you buy your 5meo online from ... ? Your description is the same as mine, and this was my supplier. It came quickly, but so far thats about all I can say about it :p

I was not expecting a powder so fine, its almost like baking poweder, i was expecting something more akin to regular spice, ie fluffy. I also was shocked to find something that tasted more crap than regular dmt. Needless to say I'm both dissapointed and pissed.

Anyhow... to those who've tried good stuff, what does 5meo look/taste/smell like? Also, do we have to take mulitple long-tokes just like with dmt? because i was under the impression 5meo required less effort to achieve lift off.
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^ Sounds like what you got is bunk. I definitely don't think it should be the consistency of baking powder, rather more crystally. And it smells even better than DMT, IMO, like very fine grape incense.

Plus, with a website address like what you mentioned (that may be edited out by a moderator), it HAS to be bunk. Nobody legitimate would be that blatant.
hahahha, that website address is freakin awesome...there's noway that place is legit
Dunno i figure if you're selling legit or not it's the same punishment if you're charged... plus why not sell it when i know a lot of guys here who've bought 5meo from online in canada just like this website... plus the stuff from that website basically does smell like grape definitely.. perhaps i didn't hold it in long enough or perhaps it's just a failed batch?
You should edit out that address btw even if it is not a legit seller.. it's against the rules.
No source discussion, even if it's a bunk source. =D

Sorry guys, it sounds like you've been had in my opinion. 5-MeO-DMT should not present any problems when it comes to getting an effect. I've also never heard of it in such a consistency... it tends to be crystally.
spacetimetraveller said:
I looked around and found the guy listed all over the place on international supplier sites
That might be more of a suggestion that he is not legitimate. Anyway, source discussion isn't allowed here, as has been mentioned. Look hard enough and you may find other places where you can check the legitimacy of sources, albeit not with 100% reliability.
spacetimetraveller said:
AHA! Due to dmt-nexus being down I find myself here now, hello fellow psychonauts!

Now: I have just acquired 250 mg of 5meo also and it did NOTHING for me! And lordy, I went through about 100mg last night trying. I used a glass ball pipe as for regular dmt, but got squat.

Did you buy your 5meo online from ... ? Your description is the same as mine, and this was my supplier. It came quickly, but so far thats about all I can say about it :p

I was not expecting a powder so fine, its almost like baking poweder, i was expecting something more akin to regular spice, ie fluffy. I also was shocked to find something that tasted more crap than regular dmt. Needless to say I'm both dissapointed and pissed.

Anyhow... to those who've tried good stuff, what does 5meo look/taste/smell like? Also, do we have to take mulitple long-tokes just like with dmt? because i was under the impression 5meo required less effort to achieve lift off.

Yes something is not right. The powder is very fine. It matches no reference pictures that I could find of legitimate 5-MeO-DMT. Even with horrible technique something should have been felt that gave that "oh my" reaction to indicate a powerful presence. However no such result transpired. The smell of this product is very pleasant and this keeps you wondering.
i realise this is definate bad practice but i eyeballed and snorted a line of 5meo last night. the line was 1cm in length by about 3mm. what do you think the dose i took was?? im guessing it was around 5-8mg. the effects really chilled me out and my whole body was tingling, i preceded to do another line that was about 6mm by 3mm. went to bed and that caused me to feel like was morphing into my bed. i was always aware of what was happening, i think it was almost at breakthrough point as it felt alot like i was on the verge of a ketamine k-hole.

my question is really, what dose do you think i actually had??
How much would you recommend for a first time 5-MeO-DMT trip?

I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of 4-5 mg. I haven't smoked DMT before or any other "kick you in the face" psychedelic; just long acting ones. I want to have an effect, but I don't want a full breakthrough. Would 4-5 mg be sufficient for this purpose?
with 5 meo dmt lower doses tend to be uncomfortable physically and mentally.

id recomend going for a breakthrough dose. anywhere from 8-14mg i believe.

though IME 5 meo dmt was always completely terrifying except when mixed with MDxx, in which case it is pure bliss.
I have not yet tried 5-MeO-DMT, but I have heard from pretty much everyone that you should either break through or don't use it, because sub-breakthrough doses are terrifying and unpleasant. If you break through, it will be terrifying for a few moments and then you break through the ego and into universal love.
Xorkoth said:
I have not yet tried 5-MeO-DMT, but I have heard from pretty much everyone that you should either break through or don't use it, because sub-breakthrough doses are terrifying and unpleasant. If you break through, it will be terrifying for a few moments and then you break through the ego and into universal love.

So 8 mg is recommended?
I think lower doses can be extremely rewarding. I still recommend people go for a breakthrough with 5-meo-DMT, since the breakthrough experience is in a sense what its all about (IT! IT! ya know!? :D)...however, recently I smoked low amounts of it while dancing to some good music and it provides the most awesome body buzz and conceptual/perceptual shift...a lot like smoking a DMT without many visuals. Not scary at all...just pure tryptamine goodness.

Everything is plastic. Nothing is static. Truth is in constant flux.

Well worth experimenting with.
you can try lower doses to check if you're not over sensitive, but as people have said, you should expect to find it uncomfortable at sub-breakthrough doses (because of the anxiety of not knowing where you're going), until you actually breakthrough. then it won't feel uncomfortable anymore at sub-breakthrough doses)

depending on how you usually react to drugs, you may miss the breakthrough by a bit if you go for 8mg
if you're confident, go straight to 10mg
What's the preferred smoking method? What's a "DMT pipe" that MGS mentioned?
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