Original Post:
Well I've taken 5-MeO-DiPT all ways but snorting now(and of course I've not plugged it thats just gross).....I've come to the conclusion that IV is the best route for 5-MeO-Dipt. As many of you may have read in the trip reports section some time ago I tried IV 4 mg of 5-MeO-DiPT and had nothing but good things to say about the experience. Well last night I tried intramuscular 4 mg. At first it was not fun at all, but later it started feeling really good. I've come to the conclusion that the reason 5-MeO-DiPT may not feel as good as it has the potential to is the transitions are agrivating. The coming up stages do not feel *good*. IV is the fastest way to reach the peak, and there is less transition time and you will have optimal results. Also the 4 mg dose may be a tad low for you psyconaughts out there, but 4 mg IV/IM route the peak is really mellow and the effects are most greatly felt to the body. Its just a general all around mellow and feel-good trip at 4 mg. Its not "I'm blown away!" its "I feel good." more like a body trip.
Also, the solution I had was around 8 months old and the risk of bacteria was present. So what I did was, noting that the melting point of 5-MeO-DiPT is 180 degress celcious I heated the water and evaporated it in a spoon. I then washed with Isoproply to steralize the solution, evaporated, then put 40 units of distilled water in the solution, filtered, and injected into my shoulder. This method seems to be effective.
[This message has been edited by Deus121 (edited 04 August 2001).]
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