i discovered that 4-pro-dipt isn't water soluable at all
i discovered that 4-pro-dipt isn't water soluable at all
Well... you took a very high dose along with oxiracetam. -racetams are known to produce wild effects when combined with psychedelics... including great potentiation (one of the most publicized examples was my 2C-E trip which I'm glad to have had as it was a true +4 but it was only 18mg, and I was pretty sure my soul was dying. Whereas 18mg normally is strong but totally manageable. They weren't even comparable in effects profile or strength).
Did you work up to that at all? Did you try 40-50mg without oxiracetam first? I mean, what you did just sounds completely reckless, which it was unless you slowly worked up to that level of usage.
Plus, 40-50mg? Does that mean you didn't weigh it out?
But on topic, I'd like to taste 4-Pro-DMT rather than the dipt..
It seems that 4-ho and 4-AcO are very similar to each other, but there's hardly been anyone who's tried both 4-Pro and 4-HO/AcO (that has written a comparison at least). I would bet that the effects are at least similar. I would also bet that if you liked 4-Pro, you'd also like 4-AcO/HO.
If you get the 4-HO/AcO version, make sure to post a comparison between the two!
Edit: Can you tell us how long your trip on 4-Pro usually lasts? There seems to be conflicting information about that. Thanks!