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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread: 3-MeO 4 Leaf Clover

^The reason I don't use any other drugs while using 3meo, I drink beer sometimes to ease sleeping. I can sleep high though.. :D

I noticed that if I even vaporize weed with 3meo it becomes just hedonistic disso fun very fast.

This is incredibly fascinating, thanks for that. It says he's hard-pressed to come up with a practical use for them, and of course I don't really understand the properties of this thing at all, but it seems that it's a perpetual motion machine basically. I guess it depends on how quickly it moves though. But if quickly enough, it seems like you could somehow use arrays or structures of them to produce perpetual energy?
No you have to keep putting in energy via a laser. There is noch such thing as a Perpetuum Mobile
Oh I thought it was saying that it has a structure that fluctuates across time in a pattern, like it has a 4-dimensional structure instead of just 3-dimensional. Which I took to mean that it sort of dances without any input. The discovery of perpetual motion structures.
Well one of the article xammy posted suggested that, but since this is not allowed by the laws of physics, I searched for another source more credible.

Enough offtopic though imo ^^
Has anyone successfully vaporized this? I dont know what salt form I have butbits white, fluffy, and hypomanic.
Still feeling quite flat days after use.

It's interesting, it quite feels the opposite to me. During the high I feel active, creative and electric. But when the effects fade, the next days, I'm quite optimistic and happy. It reminds me a little bit of the K / MXE afterglow.

At the beginning, before I found my sweet spot with this drug (1-2mg snorted), I even preferred the afterglow to the effects themselves!
^^ Yeah I have the same experience. Same low dose too.
I haven't tried to make a solution with 3-meo-pcp, I'm interested in how doses like 100-500µg would work. Anyone tried?
I have snorted a tiny little bit, I have a tiny, tiny spoon that weighs out to right around 2mg, which I use to dose most of the time, but I divided that into 4 piles and just did one, so estimated around 500ug. I felt it, it was very mild, and I ended up doing the rest of my 2mg dose.
Yea I am thinking how doses so low that you don't even notice them could help in depression.
Curious on anyone that has any experience with 3meo and MDMA/Apbs Not stacked but staggard, ie taking APB on the tail of 3 meo or taking 3meo on the comedown of APB.

There are a very small number of reports that seem to say doing this is ok. but I am curious to know if anyone on here has experience.
I've done it staggered both ways and found no reason to suspect danger. 3-meo on the tail end of huge night on 6-apb sure as hell made the comedown mind bending though. While easing the negative effects of the comedown it also made things 10x more strung out in a way. Although the shit ton of good weed probably played a big part of that too...
I've done it staggered both ways and found no reason to suspect danger. 3-meo on the tail end of huge night on 6-apb sure as hell made the comedown mind bending though. While easing the negative effects of the comedown it also made things 10x more strung out in a way. Although the shit ton of good weed probably played a big part of that too...

isn't the main negative effect of a comedown the strung out feeling? what comedown effects did the 3meo help attenuate?

I'm more curious about the mdma on the tail end of 3meo. As after mdma and the like, I am to spent to do more drugs except downers. was the roll any different doing it like this?
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Expect to go though a wormhole with this combo. Mdma and 3-meo-pcp is a direct course for the event horizon. Buckle up.
I think MDMA on the tail end of 3 meo pcp would be fun. You are still kinda disso'd, stimulated, energized, and heeeeeerrrrrrrssss MDMA. What do you mean by tail end? As in T+Xhours dosing schedule.

MDMA/mxe/ket combine wonderfully simulataneously btw (best to add a high dose tryp/phen to take advantage of the situation)

What type of situation/etc are you trying to time this combo for?
I think I have mixed 3-MeO-PCP with almost every drug (MDMA, 4-FA, mephedrone, alcohol, heroin, weed, amphetamine, cocaine, tripts, phens...) without any strange reactions or negative side effects. Of course, the dose of 3-Meo-PCP I usually take is very low (1-2 mg snorted), so this might not hold for higher doses.

I just feel it polishes and smooths the crazy spikes of the other drug. Makes the experience more controlled, less anxious, more euphoric, more "intelligent" and less inebriating. It might be merely due to the positive psychological effects of 3-MeO-PCP, that make me feel more confident and comfortable, or it might be a true neurochemical synergy. I can't tell.

I also find it very soothing during the comedown of stimulants / empathogens. It just adds a kick of optimism and makes the end much nicer.

I also wonder, being this drug a NMDA antagonist, whether it has any effect in reducing or controlling the tolerance of other substances. I personally don't feel like my tolerance to other substances has decreased, but neither can I say it has increased.
The compound that makes ketamine such a good AD seems to be hydroxylated norketamine, for PCP to turn into PCA (basically nordeschloroketamine) it is only one of many routes of metabolism, and then it's not even hydroxylated yet. And think of the timelines of PCP / 3-MeO metabolism.

Of course there are enough reports of feeling magical or transformed or just plain hypomanic with 3-MeO, but do people also report chronic relief from anti-depression that persists when even the long legged dissociation has worn away? These things are not related and it does not appear that the same sort of mechanisms are responsible at all either.

If you want an anti-depressant like this just micro-dose ketamine. Maybe MXE had the signs but that is already speculation.

Do not use the pleasant feeling from this drug to justify it as a therapy
I think this drug actually can be used therapeutically, but not in the same way as Ketamine is used in clinical trials. Which to be honest, I wouldn't even call therapeutic, more just band-aid-ish. There's no anti-depressant effect on a chemical effect as far as I can tell like with K, and MXE did in fact have it for me as well. I think this is more useful in regards to breaking old habits, starting anew, having the confidence and enthusiasm to really push forward, and that being what causes a therapeutic and lasting change.
I think this drug actually can be used therapeutically, but not in the same way as Ketamine is used in clinical trials. Which to be honest, I wouldn't even call therapeutic, more just band-aid-ish. There's no anti-depressant effect on a chemical effect as far as I can tell like with K, and MXE did in fact have it for me as well. I think this is more useful in regards to breaking old habits, starting anew, having the confidence and enthusiasm to really push forward, and that being what causes a therapeutic and lasting change.

Yes I can see this more efficient in therapeutic environment than MDMA. It really deletes fear in such a way I never thought could be possible.