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The Big & Dandy 2C-X Comparison Thread


Jul 26, 2007
This thread is for discussing all 2C-X and how they compare

[original post:]

I'm leaning toward 2C-I from some of the reports I've read. I'm very experienced with Psychedelics. I want to try these!

what are favorites betwwen 2C-I, 2C-E, and 2C-C ?
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If you haven't delved too deep into other psychedelics, then the halogenated 2Cs are considered pretty light. And of the other commercially available ones, the shorter the chain in the four position, the lighter the trip is considered.
I'd suggest 2c-b. In my experiences, it poses the least threat to you emotions and has the best visuals. You can control it very well (unless you really take too much) and it feels the most natural of any of the 2c-x's that I've tried (all others really feel synthetic).

2c-i is a bit harder on the body, and can send one into emotional panic, like a bad LSD experience. Some people love it, but it's more of an aquired comfort IMO. I have enjoyed it, but not until my 3rd time using it.

2c-e would be my suggestion amongst these 3. It felt like a more gentle version of 2c-i to me, though I might just have been in a better setting when I used it (and I had a smaller dose). I was able to control it (unlike 2c-i) and used it to effectively highten music and such.

I've never used 2c-c, nor know anybody personally who has. It's the rarest of the ones you've listed here, and you probably want to start with something a bit more popular. If for nothing else, so that you're comforted by the quantity of good experiences listed.

I would say NOT to do any of the 2c-t-x's. Those tend to be the worst of the 2c-x family.

Also, be cautioned that innate tolerance to 2c-x drugs varies widely between people. I'd say the varience is much wider than with LSD or psilocybin. So start low and work your way up. I love 2c-b and all, but I definately started way too high - it being my first 2c-x drug.
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I think 2C-C would be the best to start with as it is a very calm psychedelic. Its not exactly intense and it can just give you a sense of what the 2C-x family has to offer.

As for a favorite of the ones you posted above, 2C-E would be my pick, however 2C-C is still my choice for a first timer.
you compare a full-blown psychedelic like 2C-E with a feel-hardly-anything-at-all compound like 2C-C?

What's so full blown about 2C-E? Apart from the nausea it gives all the effects I've got from it even with moderately largeish doses have been quite mild, just as any other 2C.
2c-b, 2c-i, 2c-c, 2c-t-7 are more easy for a first time than 2c-e.
And visuals part is nicer too.

It depends what you're looking for indeed...
What's so full blown about 2C-E? Apart from the nausea it gives all the effects I've got from it even with moderately largeish doses have been quite mild, just as any other 2C.
Have you read any trip reports? Other people have had different experiences. Or are you saying that just because it was mild for you it will be mild for everybody?

Personally, I prefer 2C-I of the three, but I agree with the posters above who said that it can be a bit uncomfortable physically, and is somewhat of an acquired taste for some people. 2C-C is supposedly the mildest of these 3 both physically and mentally, but I experienced even nastier nausea with it than 2C-E can give me. Go figure.
Out of the ones listed there I'd go for either 2C-I or 2C-C.

Would probably pick 2C-C as I found 2C-I to be pretty stimulating and not that comfortable physically (even when plugged).

You can eliminate any nausea by plugging the 2C-xs I've found, although a ginger root extract prior to dropping 2C-C orally works as well IME.

If you can get a chance I'd look into 2C-B :)
Strange how some circles can have different experiences than majority of the rest of the world. 2C-E has been likened a lot to LSD in terms of intensity and capacity for destruction of the ego; it has been said to be the most similar 2C-x to LSD, and it has been my experience as well. Perhaps the product you got was not very pure and thus less potent?

Either way, I wouldn't go suggesting 2C-E as a good introductory 2C-x, even if it was mild for me and my friends for some reason. General consensus says that it is anything but mild at higher dosages.
I would suggest 2c-i. Out of the 2C's that I've done it can be considered "mild" in a reasonable dose and it didn't give me many stomach issues. Just start out with a small dose of whichever 2C you choose so you can get a feel for them before you dive off the deep end.
^ I find 2C-I actually pretty annoyingly stimulating at low doses. Once you get the dose high enough, the psychedelic effects start to kick in and stimulation fades to the background. 15 mg should be decent enough dose for most people, although some people I have given it to are content with 10 mg, so YMMV.
I would LOVE to get a chance to try 2C-B. Unfortunately, this compound is very scarce. I'm still hopeful that it will find its way to my synapses one day though.
Yeah I would love to try 2CB but I missed that boat and no one I have ever come across can get it. One time I bought some "Nexus" that ended up being tabs of MDMA. At least I tried.
Strange how some circles can have different experiences than majority of the rest of the world.

Probably because different groups of friends get different batches of the chemicals. That fact about the 2c-x drugs is probably just going to get stronger as people turn from getting them from online sources/quasi-pharmeceutical companies to getting them from personal dealers/clandestine cooks. Which leaves me feeling a bit unnerved, again, because I see tolerances to these drugs to be all over the place for people.

2C-E has been likened a lot to LSD in terms of intensity and capacity for destruction of the ego; it has been said to be the most similar 2C-x to LSD, and it has been my experience as well. Perhaps the product you got was not very pure and thus less potent?

I really need to try a higher dose of 2c-e, because I didn't really lose control of the trip at all. To me, 2c-i was the only 2c-x that felt like LSD. Both because it was the only 2c-i that I lost control of (er, minus my accidental double-dose of 2c-b which I don't really count), and also because of how hard it was on the body (I find LSD to be hard on my body, harder than what the average user seems to say).

As for 2c-b, I find it odd that people think this is hard to find. I've always had the easiest time finding this, as compared to the other 2c-x drugs. I was under the impression that it was easiest to synthesize? In Australia, it's everywhere. Both sold as 2c-b and I'd say 95% of the "trippy" E pills that are not pipes are 2c-b.

To the OP, can you fill us in on what psychedelics you have taken before? Have you had LSD? If you've never really tripped beyond ++, then I'd go with 2c-c or 2c-b. If you're more experienced and know how to react if you feel threatened by a trip, then I'd consider 2c-e or 2c-i.
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guys its getting more common! I am seeing it at almost every single psyparty I go to. Its usually sold in 20mg doses for 6-12 dollars a dose.
Perhaps in the US, but not where I live unfortunately. I have a lot of friends involved in the psytrance community around here, and none of them have ever got their hands on 2C-B.

As for 2c-b, I find it odd that people think this is hard to find. I've always had the easiest time finding this, as compared to the other 2c-x drugs. I was under the impression that it was easiest to synthesize? In Australia, it's everywhere. Both sold as 2c-b and I'd say 95% of the "trippy" E pills that are not pipes are 2c-b.
Unfortunately, where I live (Estonia), 2C-x (or any other psychedelics besides LSD and mushrooms for that matter) hardly ever find their way to the streets, so we have to rely on alternate sources, and 2C-B has always been difficult to find via those routes due to it's legal status most everywhere in the world.
You make it sound like Estonia was some sort of a third world country... Which it is not. We certainly do have plenty of drugs on the market here, it's just that no-one seems to have had the idea to start marketing "research chemicals" for some reason... Which is probably for the better anyway as far as I'm concerned.
i was actually under the impression that a good number of research chemicals actually come from estonia due to differences in drug laws.