I've never plugged 2C-P (or any drug), I didn't really know that was a thing honestly until I came here. I don't see any of my friends being interested in that, it'll have to be something I try myself, hehe.
Unfortunately, I can't compare P to any DOx psychedelic because I don't really have much experience with them. The first time I ever thought I was doing LSD, it turned out to be DOC (I think that's what I was told, definitely DOsomething), and I had a very visual, 12ish hour trip, but this was years ago and I can't remember it well enough to compare it to 2C-P. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the "seriousness" of the trip, but I guess I remember that there was never really a super-giggly part of the trip. My friend and I mostly just listened to music, and that shit was deep. So yeah, I guess I could say that that trip was much more serious than all of my 2C-P trips. Interesting, I've never thought of a trip as being serious. Thank you for that.
I can definitely agree with 2C-P being "fuzzy", especially compared to LSD. On LSD, I can stare at something that's naturally curly and watch it just curl and curl into oblivion, while I've come to find that eating a higher dose of 2C-P won't send you into fractal freedom, it'll just make your vision blurrier.
Unfortunately, I've never been able to be confronted with my own reality, or any of those deep, transcendent things that happen to people on psychedelics, no matter how many I eat. Psychedelics just don't really mess with me mentally, I don't even like to eat mushrooms anymore simply because I have to eat such a large amount for anything substantial to happen visually. I have tried dosing myself into a vortex to achieve states like this, but it just doesn't happen. This is one of the reasons I tried 2C-P so much, because of its high potency. Now I'm just uber-fried from the psychedelics. I one day hope to reach that state! I have actually been buying L from my only good source every time it comes around, even though I don't eat it. I'm waiting for the right day, then maybe I'll have enough to reach a state like that. Or, maybe I'm just young, naive, and approaching it all the wrong way. I'll find out eventually!
Yeah, they're slowly making them illegal as time goes by. When my 2C-P connect got his first batch and started selling it, it was still legal. Now it's not, which really sucks for him.