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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (2nd edition)

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i placed the blotters against my gums/teeth for 10 min, then swished the hits inside my spit to fully circulate the material for an additional 10 minutes. I ate a small meal about 15min later.

the citrate salt was prepped my combining 38mg of freebase with 15mg of citric acid in about 2ml of sterile water. it didnt dissolve fully, so heat, 30mg more citric acid, and 3ml of high-proof alcohol. i then brought the volume up to 10ml using a bit more water. this gave 3.8mg/mL

Sounds like a pretty messy procedure. Who knows if it was the method you laid the blotter or the citric acid.. Like I said to you on the shroomery.. There's nothing like HPBCD. Find some, it's pretty easy.

I dosed a home made 600ug freebase(complexed) derived blotter last night. Effects were great. Come up felt in less than 10 minutes. 60 mins in was at +++2 and 120 in was at low level 3. Couldn't ask for anything more.
I've used the acetate salt several times and the dosage and timeline is similar. And vinegar is a lot easier to get than HPBCD.

klondike_bar, maybe you have bunk material, unless the heat messed it up somehow. My solution was 14mg of freebase in 20mL distilled water and 8mL of white vinegar (5% acetic acid) for a conc of 0.5mg/mL (my syringe is only accurate to 0.2mL). I didn't have any problem getting it to dissolve when I added the vinegar.
question about 25i "flipping"

Is mixing 25i with a serotonin releasing empathogen (MDMA, bk-MDMA, 5/6-APB) dangerous?
I've mixed 500 mics of 25c with 2 hits of acid and 150 mg of MDMA before and had a really awesome trip.

Just don't go too high with the MDMA as 25i can be quite overstimulating by itself
First post here - got a querie about dose and some information that I think could be useful to a few people :)

Being that 25i is a new chemical and peolpe still dont know about its safety I thought I should provide some information on its interference with medications. I have taken 25i whilst being on the medication Epilim (A common epilepsy and mood stabilising medication) and have had no out of the ordinary effects that I am aware of. Thats my first point, now onto my question about dose.

I read all over the internet about people taking doses of 500ug-1mg and other people saying that anything over 1.5mg would be ridiculous or even dangerous. I personally have exceeded this level (4.5mg bucally in about 3 hours) and I am wondering why everyone is so worried. The tabs were apparently 1mg 25i-NBOMe complexed blotters and I left them in my gum for at least 30 minutes each. Now I dont have a very big history or psychedalics, ive only ever taken a small LSD dose once and 25i a few times. I was tripping balls but I was not overwhelmed and I still knew my ass from my head. Whats the deal, am I naturally immune to this RC or something?

Buccal is just the weakest ROA. If you insufflated a similar amount your ass would most certainly turn into your head.
Buccal complexed with the HPBCD is said to be ~95% efficiancy (estimation I assume).
I've only EVER hear of people overdosing via insufflation ROA.

Making blotter is the way to go.

Some (rather irrational) people would argue don't make blotter, but those folks are only scared that the blotter will end up being sold as LSD. Completely irrational. Whilst there is that risk, it is also evidently much safer to dose and store blotter. It's as simple as that.

HPBCD is easy to find.

I have not read most of the thread, but only a couple pages here and there. I have a few questions concerning this chem and the NBOME series in general.

- What makes it so that this chemical cannot be taken orally? It loses activity in the stomach?

- Do these chems have a distinct taste? What is this taste like?

- Would effects be produced if higher doses were used orally? 5-10mg for example?

- How long do the effects of these chemicals usually last for? What is the general onset time?

- Are they easily stored? Or do they break down easily, losing potency?

- It seems the NBOMEs are becoming more popular. Does anyone believe that we will see a significant increase in various blotters containing NBOMEs making there way into the forefront of psychedelic culture and scenes? Will they replace DOx and 5-meo-amt as primary acid blotter replacements?

- Are many vendors selling this chem on blotters? Or are they being sold primarily as powders / salts?

I'm really interested in this new series of chems, but at the same time I am a bit easy. I may have reason to believe that there is a great circulation of blotters containing these chems in my area. I want to educate myself about them in case I find myself in a position where I am in possession of some mystery blotters. I've heard a few words about it recently in the scene, and so I've become concerned.

If it is true what I've heard, the scene very well could be flooded with NBOME blotters. I gotta go to a couple more parties and grab some stuff to test. If its true there are thousands of these little suckers in circulation, probably more likely tens-of thousands. I could be wrong though... not too sure yet. When I start figuring things out I'll post back.

Added note: I don't mind getting these blotters, and i actually do want them... My only issue is I hate lies and deceit, and I like knowing how much of a chem is in the blotters. A few year back I met a chemist who gave me some 5-meo-amt tabs, all of which had between 2 - 2.5mg. It was good to know the dose, and it made it easier for me to plan how many I would want to eat.

Okay that is all. I appreciate any answers that may come. I would look through the entire thread, but there's like 50 pages at this point. And that's only within the past year. Thanks!
I have not read most of the thread, but only a couple pages here and there. I have a few questions concerning this chem and the NBOME series in general.

- What makes it so that this chemical cannot be taken orally? It loses activity in the stomach?
It's absorbed through your blood stream

- Do these chems have a distinct taste? What is this taste like?
Extremely bitter. You'll definitely know it's not acid (on blotter)

- Would effects be produced if higher doses were used orally? 5-10mg for example?
I am not going to advocate anyon put 5-10mg of 25i-NBOMe into their bodies. Stick with the tried and true forms of administration.

- How long do the effects of these chemicals usually last for? What is the general onset time?
If blotter is complexed, the onset will be 20 minutes or so. The duration depends on your dosage but for your average trip, 4 hours. A little less than real LSD.

- Are they easily stored? Or do they break down easily, losing potency?
From what I read they can store just as long as any other drug.

- It seems the NBOMEs are becoming more popular. Does anyone believe that we will see a significant increase in various blotters containing NBOMEs making there way into the forefront of psychedelic culture and scenes? Will they replace DOx and 5-meo-amt as primary acid blotter replacements?
Hopefully they will replace DOx and 5-meo-amt as 25i is simply better. You'll know you have 25i-NBOMe if the tabs are extremely bitter and/or if your tongue goes numb after 15 minutes.

- Are many vendors selling this chem on blotters? Or are they being sold primarily as powders / salts?
Yes, many vendors sell on blotter but they're expensive compared to buying powder and laying them yourself.
- How long do the effects of these chemicals usually last for? What is the general onset time?
If blotter is complexed, the onset will be 20 minutes or so. The duration depends on your dosage but for your average trip, 4 hours. A little less than real LSD.

This is definitely not true man, from personal experience and pretty much reading every report, I've never encountered someone having a 4 hour trip from buccal/sublingual administration, DEFINITELY haven't seen this as the "average" trip duration. I'd say 6-10 hours is more accurate... it definitely does not end quicker than mushrooms.
I read all over the internet about people taking doses of 500ug-1mg and other people saying that anything over 1.5mg would be ridiculous or even dangerous. I personally have exceeded this level (4.5mg bucally in about 3 hours) and I am wondering why everyone is so worried. The tabs were apparently 1mg 25i-NBOMe complexed blotters and I left them in my gum for at least 30 minutes each. Now I dont have a very big history or psychedalics, ive only ever taken a small LSD dose once and 25i a few times. I was tripping balls but I was not overwhelmed and I still knew my ass from my head. Whats the deal, am I naturally immune to this RC or something?

Read this thread started by JasperTheReckless who had a devastating overdose on 4.5mg 25i-NBOMe. Don't assume that just because you had a successful experience with this dose that others will.

What everyone must take in to consideration is that varying ROAs, complexing methods, and molecular forms (salt or freebase) will greatly effect the final bioavailability and thus potency. How do you know that the variables involved in your experiement allowed the greatest bioavailability. It is quite likely that the absorption of your dose could have been greatly inhibited by many factors compared to others administering the same dose, including oral hygeine, how long you held it in your mouth, whether it was freebase or HCL, whether it was complexed with HPBCD etc. JasperTheReckless was hospitalized from a 4.5mg insufflated dose of 25i-NBOMe.

It seems that the NBOMes actually have a very small margin between recreational and toxic doses, much smaller than most other psychedelics. Given the enourmous amount of variables invoved (including even things such as body weight and personal sensitivity) and the slim therapeatic dosage margin, it is best that people do not assume that such doses are safe for everyone (and therefore advertise such doses as safe) just because they had a successful experience. On the contrary. A couple of years of colective experience tells us that the preparation and administration of NBOMes should be treated with much greater care than other psychedelics compounds, and you should take overdose reports seriously. If you are attempting to go higher in your dose, you should titrate upwards slowly.
What's the bodyload like on this chem? I'm mainly concerned with nausea.
This is definitely not true man, from personal experience and pretty much reading every report, I've never encountered someone having a 4 hour trip from buccal/sublingual administration, DEFINITELY haven't seen this as the "average" trip duration. I'd say 6-10 hours is more accurate... it definitely does not end quicker than mushrooms.

I'm just speaking from personal experience.
This drug is nice because it's really visual while being really clearheaded, but the ROA is really sketchy and if you don't have complexed blotters the buccal method is pretty iffy.

Oh yes, it did happen


good vibes. highly recommended. any fun street names for this particular combo? my brains too fried to think of any cool ones at the moment
What's the bodyload like on this chem? I'm mainly concerned with nausea.

Personally I had a few episodes of nausea. On three occasions I dry heaved. The episodes were short lived but still, present.
Thanks for answering my questions dextrous and IamMe. It is appreciated.

I have one other question. Does the chemical act similar to 2cI, or does it take on its own character?
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