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Harm Reduction The Big, Bad, Guide to Boofing


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
Thank you @saybecks for making this concise guide to boofing! I thought we likely don't have enough around that are written so well, so I thought I would post it in OD and put it in the directory here.


Materials Needed:

- an oral syringe (preferably 5 mL or smaller), can be bought at a pharmacy or from 1-800-petmeds (do NOT use sharps!)
- a bottlecap to mix your solution in

How to boof:

1. Using a mg (that's 0.001 g) scale, measure out how much you want to intake.
2. Dissolve your substance in **1.5-4 mL** of water or other solvent (propylene glycol, for example, dissolves etizolam) in a bottle cap.
3. Draw your solution up into your oral syringe.
4. Lay down in the recovery position (see picture below), with your dominant hand up and holding your syringe. Using your pointer and thumb, hold the syringe about **one inch away** from the hole that the solution will come out of.
5. Insert the syringe until you feel your fingers touching your skin (no more than **1 inch** deep) and slowly push your solution in. You should be able to feel the solution, but if you feel it dribbling out slowly go a bit deeper until you no longer feel it coming out.
6. Wait a few seconds before getting up. If you felt the liquid, but didn't feel it come out, then you did it correctly! Congratulations!

Safety Information & Fun Facts:

- Always check rectal dosing information if this is your first time boofing your substance of choice. Sometimes boofing is much more bioavailable than other ROAs (but sometimes it is not at all a viable method due to low bioavailability—usually water solubility is a good predictor of bioavailability). Start small!
- Do not boof anything that is extremely basic or acidic (e.g. phenibut HCl is NOT boofable).
- Sanitize your oral syringe post-administration.
- If you don't feel effects right away, that is okay! Wait at least 30-45 minutes before determining you need to do more.
- The reason you don't want to go more than one inch deep is because anything past about an inch will be transported to the hepatic system, where it will likely be metabolized first.


Written by Becks