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The Big and Dandy 4-AcO-DMT Thread

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Numbness and tingling are subjective effects experienced with mushrooms and is not necessarily a sign of toxicity. Most the effects from the 4-sub-Ts are psychosomatic I guess.
Numb is not really the word, I felt more like gumby, there was some numbnes (due to not moving?) but I think I was just dissociated (I proberbly should not have been walking around).
Dose was 40mg then 20mg at 1 hour.

It seems reckless to me, but I am reckless. It was a very positive experience.
fille d'argent said:
Hello :) I have several questions!

In a dream, I obtained some of this particular chemical, 4-aco-dmt. I have reasonably mild experience with psychadelics and drugs in general, and I am definitely looking forward to research with this one. However, I take some prescription meds and I am just wondering what sort of dose I might start with. I'm female (130 pounds) and take an SSRI and Buspirone (buspar). I was thinking 5 mg as a starting dose -- just in case it's 1. Not the substance that I expect (unlikely!), 2. Stronger than anticipated, due to my other meds, or 3. Not fun.

So I guess I'm asking what sort of recommendations you guys have for a newbie to this RC and its effects.

(The last time I researched an RC it was 5-meo-mipt, about 3 weeks ago, and instead of a mild short trip as the previous several experiences with this substance, it was 14+ hours of active crazy, awake until 12 noon the next day, fun, but annoying madness. I was not pleased, so this time I want to be more careful).

I do have a 0.001 g scale, and I use liquid measurement anyway for precision purposes...

And my final question: How stoning is this substance? (Will I be able to walk, basically?)

Love and hugs :)


To answer your question, I would not recommend taking psychedelic drugs on your current medications.

Use your best judgement and decide if its a good idea to go off these meds for a week or so, then decide what dose would be best for you.

if i leave it in original form in a glass jar in the dark, in room temp, how long do you think itll last? cause i have a gram of it, and i obviously wont be using it all within a month or two.
^hard to say for sure, but definitely not as long as if the glass itself was dark and the it was stored in the fridge or freezer. I am assuming you have the fumarate which should be fairly stable. As 4-AcO-DMT could possibly degrade to something scheduled I think extra care was taken to ensure its stability. I would *guess* at least a year at room temperature.
I had some 4acoDMT fumerate salt stored in a ziplock, not totally away from light, and at room temperature for most of a year... zero noticeable degradation.

I suspect these samples will last 10 years in such conditions, easily. In a freezer, probably as close to "forever" as really matters.
I'd say its exactly as potent. 10, 15, or 20mg of either one will take me to a similar level of intensity.

But 4acoDMT is a smoother ride.
I found it to be similar to mushrooms regarding the depth, and in many other aspects.
Only difference I notice is a really nice body buzz that I've never gotten off shrooms, once from only 13mg i had a great body high so nice it could only be compared to mdma

also grey_area, don't notice any sparkle? but we could have to different definitions of the same word.
I find it less spiritual than mushrooms, and less raging and complete, but still quite spiritual and very psychedelic. Less mental loops. 4-AcO-DMT is much friendlier than mushrooms (for me and many others anyway), and has quite a few unique properties IMO. It's less ego-crushing but can crush the ego at higher doses.

Also, my 4-AcO-DMT is not pure white, but slightly, slightly tan. It's the fumarate. It clumps and doesn't particularly sparkle, but is a very fine, soft powder. Individual crystals are impossible to see with the naked eye.

I've also gotten wonderful body buzzes comparable to the first few times I did MDMA, but with less euphoria. But still one of the most euphoric substances I've used, and definitely the most consistently and steadily euphoric tryptamine I've used.
Xorkoth you just wrote a lot of things I was going to write.... I'll write them anyway :p

My Psilacetin is also slightly tan, and a fumerate salt. I'd be surprised if anyone had 4acoDMT that was not a fumerate salt at the moment. Fumerate salts are wonderfully stable, IMO they should be the norm.

As for 4acoDMT being less "spiritual" than mushrooms.... I give that a big *maybe*. Its certainly true that many people find the destruction of the ego to be a spiritual experience, and mushrooms are surely more prone to cause this. Also the sensation of having eaten something natural, from the earth, and then experiencing such awesome effects can be seen as spiritual.

4acoDMT is certainly more malleable than mushrooms. Make no mistake this one can take you just as far down the rabbit hole as a fat dose of shrooms. But I think most people will find this one gives you a bit more awareness of the ego-destroying process (it's not as confusing while it occurs) to the point that you may even have the choice to cross over or not.

Mushrooms can toss weird vibes at you from all directions, causing a roller-coaster of an emotional trip. I find on Psilacetin its much easier to steer the trip in the direction you'd like it to go.... for example, a state of pure ecstasy.

The body buzz is fantastic, fluid, warm, and at a comfortable frequency that doesn't act perpendicularly to your natural human frequency. As such it doesn't provide uncomfortable stimulation, jitters, or the sensation of a "dirty buzz".

Doses around 6mg to 12mg have been used in situations where people might want to use MDMA... such as a concert or relatively social occasion, with fantastic results. Given the psychological toxicity of MDMA I find these doses particularly useful.

I too have found this material to be very consistant, in terms of effects acheived at specific doses and also the postive nature of the experience.

And the visuals are absolutely breathtaking, especially when you consider that you can actually view them in a relaxed lucid state as opposed to a tense and nervous state :)
Mushrooms were going to be my next thing to study but this stuff has me very interested there are a few things I don’t like about mushrooms that this doesn’t seem to have. I have had a couple of profound shroom experiences and it has always made me feel like there is some thing for me to see out there around that corner. It would be nice to have the shroom experience that was measurable and consistent. Very interesting.
My feline came upon two small capsules and was told they had 4-aco-dmt and 5-meo-mipt inside, but wasn't told which was which. both are fine sparkley powder. one tan one white. any help?
sorry if it seems redundant but my kitty needs to make sure she knows for sure.
grey_area said:
My feline came upon two small capsules and was told they had 4-aco-dmt and 5-meo-mipt inside, but wasn't told which was which. both are fine sparkley powder. one tan one white. any help?
sorry if it seems redundant but my kitty needs to make sure she knows for sure.

Is that a foxy way for speaking of your girlfriend? Either way, contact www.onlineidentify.com and you just hold the powder up to your camera, and they can identify it based on GCMS performed on the light the powders reflect. Similar to how they identify what stars are made of.
Sorry, but have a question. Is 4-aco-dmt the acetylated version of 4-ho-dmt? It would be called acetylpsilocin, as opposed to psilocin, right?
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