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The 3-FPM Thread v3 - Is it advisable to stick a glass pipette inside my rectum?

Im putting it away for now but I'll keep you posted - first impressions are good but I'll report back after a longer match. I do use it so rarely now that thankfully the novelty's still well in effect, so that's always a factor.

Putting it away?!?! That proves it's shit ;)
hehe im fucking pranged despite only having 3 bumps since my 1st post. It's not easy but I want something to eat, I need a blast of f - pam and I dont want to end up pulling my cock off in the night.
Did any of you 3FPM-connoisseurs try 3FA ? It feels like a cross between 3fpm and amphetamine, ultra potent, ultra painful to snort (awesome endorphine rush, when the pain subsides), potentially pretty neuro- and cardiotoxic but now seemingly (and luckily) unavailable. :p
Almost did a ways back but then customs had something to say about it and the envelope arrived empty and resealed with that horrible green tape. Grrrr.

Seems most of the kiddies these days are wolfing down 3FEA mostly. Reports sound promising (aside from any speculation of neuro and cardio toxicity warnings of course)
I'm sure you would have loved it mate. It was nasty and caustic and had weird physical and mental side effects, but the euphoria and ability to keep you awake for days on end were unsurpassed IME. Although it's still available, it seems to be a poor shadow of its former self. I've just about given up on the stuff now...

PS: I'm sure I would have fuckin loved MDPV as well...

You've never had crystal meth....
I guess meth would be to serotonergic for my taste. Maybe I am erring but affinity tables did not convince me.
Probably the most addictive stuff I ever wound up on. Vaping like a fiend posessed. Would up in hospital with it - literally with it - OD'd an made sure I had half a gram stashed. Insane stuff. Could write some madness on it..
Probably the most addictive stuff I ever wound up on. Vaping like a fiend posessed. Would up in hospital with it - literally with it - OD'd an made sure I had half a gram stashed. Insane stuff. Could write some madness on it..

Blimey! Can you elaborate on that mate? What do you mean by ODing on it? Some people on here have IVd insane doses and I've never heard of an OD as such, though other health problems have been reported...
No, that is true. However, I have seen many reports from people saying that they preferred 3-fpm to methamphetamine.

If people preferred 3FPM to crystal meth then meth would not be the most popular drug in Asia, Australia and NZ
If people preferred 3FPM to crystal meth then meth would not be the most popular drug in Asia, Australia and NZ

Yeah but you also like kangaroos, didgeridoos, putting shrimps on barbies and massaging your prostate with a large plastic implement the size of a baby's arm that takes 4 AA batteries....(ok maybe that last one isn't all Ozzy's and just you personally. :))
Yeah but you also like kangaroos, didgeridoos, putting shrimps on barbies and massaging your prostate with a large plastic implement the size of a baby's arm that takes 4 AA batteries....(ok maybe that last one isn't all Ozzy's and just you personally. :))

You forgot to mention shagging wallabies and blokes called Sheila, dangling corks from hats and aspiring to be the homo-erotic macho fantasy called Cocodile Dundee... ;)
If people preferred 3FPM to crystal meth then meth would not be the most popular drug in Asia, Australia and NZ

That's some extremely flawed reasoning/logic there.

Pleasure and enjoyment is subjective and popularity doesn't equate to preference, I wouldn't imagine even 0.001% of meth users in the southern hemisphere have even tried 3FPM, so it's a moot point really
Blimey! Can you elaborate on that mate? What do you mean by ODing on it? Some people on here have IVd insane doses and I've never heard of an OD as such, though other health problems have been reported...

Sure thing matey, well it wasn't anything dramatic - although could still have left me tatty bread. You know how it's like VETC - it takes a couple of - days - almost, untill you are sheer flying, well I had been taking regular 10day runs hitting the VETC up at 9000 rpm (apologies if this car analogy seems a bit strained! But that really is what I liken it too - once you got maybe 1/3rd - 1/2 a g in you - things just start to get expotentially more interesting....

I was in the ball park of a g a day for up to 14 days straight, very little recovery period, the dirt of the stuff must of been like drain cleaner or something because it burned through my guts Also because I was hittn it so hard eating fell off the agenda so my stomache started eating itself - pain like you n'tbelieve - but a true as the sky is blue the 3-fpm was a pain killer as well.

But I never got so whacked out and hooked on anything like that before or since - maybe the cloesest was feeling obliged to motor through 20g of pre-ban methedrone. But even then, when the wheels came off that there was absolutely no desire to repeat the experience - I actually think that following a huge over binge I quit drone complete a couple of months be fore it was made legal.

This stuff I was making sure I had with me in hospital! And was almost straight back on it after 10days of tests and pertitinitis - where the pin sized holes have been burned through your gut and the Stomach acid (which is fucking dangerous shit) squirts out through the pin holes causing scaring on the abdominal wall - I don't want to get bogged down with specific but - I just can't take that man. It's too addictive and too harmful. I don't think people realise how dangerous this shite and types of shit like it are.

It's like I'm begging a Chinese Chemist for stomache cancer in return for one of the strongest (but ironically subtle) highs around. For years I thought if offered it I would try it. Now I know I wont. Absolutely no desire to track this stuff down.

With regards to consumer, the stuff pure kicked the tits of any Ozzy meth by a country mile - and I had some great meth out there (a lot of dog shit - but the occassional totally pure batch that 3/4 heavy drags had you moving someones house for them as the best thing ever to do while you consisted of pure electricity - actually, incredidibly good meth might come close. But ultimately in terms of getting high it falls way short because after 3 days on Meth your crasing - 3 days on 3-fpm, your just getting warmed up :-/

Either way won't catch me ruining my health and brain with either. Shady shit, and somehow I have a feeling that the chemists aren't going to be publishing anything peer reviewed in the Lancet any time soon... I don't think they give a fk if you live or die. Same with the Chinese fent
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^^^^ Love the username by way mate....."Terry Tinfoil"

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! :)

Bet FUBAR wishes he'd thought of that name...... :) :) :) :)
Bro, the thread is almost 8 years old; did you forget your drinking helmet ⛑️ ?
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