  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the 2014/2015 nfl thread v. R U RDY 4 SUM FOOTBAW?

Considering nobody in the NFL was able to do it before then and nobody has done it since, yeah?

4 consecutive conference championships is harder to accomplish than 1 Superbowl win, without a doubt.
You'd think that, but if you actually played in the NFL you might not. Nobody outside of Western New York could know what those 4 years were really like around Buffalo for fans and players. It makes all this talk about how "passionate" Seahawks fans are nowadays laughable. Buffalo invented the real hardcore football fan in the early 90s. Buffalo fans were called the 12th man decades before Seattle fans were.

If you watch the documentary "Almost a Dynasty" every former Bills player from that team says they wouldn't trade those 4 years for 1 Superbowl win. I believe them.
The Bills are the only team in NFL history to win 4 consecutive AFC Championships.
that was 20 years ago, gm.

when i talk about that the pats have achieved, you always brush it off - talking about the future, what's to come not what's happened. you can't have your cake and eat it :)

the deflating football thing is bullshit. some simpering, pussified little bitch of a reporter in indy pulled that out of there ass and cited an "on-field official."

the standards of journalism allow one to commit libel without repurcusion as long as they cite a "source" because they're not supposed to reveal their sources.
When have I brushed off the Patriots' accomplishments? Me constantly saying they have probably the greatest QB and HC tandem of all time and currently have the longest and most dominant dynasty in the history of the NFL is brushing them off?
^ i'm talking about your constant "the patriots era is over, the sun is rising on the bills" talk.



Well, will be within the next couple years. I can say that with confidence because Brady can't play forever and he's really the only thing keeping the dynasty alive.
swf = The Patriots clock is ticking and that means good things for my team.

i guarantee the bills will not have found a solution at quarterback by the time brady retires, and jimmy g will be better than whoever they have when he takes over. you will be hating the patriots for a lot longer.
lmao there is zero basis in anything you just said. Nobody here would ever take a "guarantee" of 3-4 years into the future even remotely seriously.

The fact of the matter is that no matter who the Patriots get to QB after Brady, there's basically zero chance that they'll be as good as they were when he was QB. There's literally nobody they can get that will make them that good again. If you think they're somehow going to luck into another 15 year franchise QB before everyone else in the division you're delusional. They don't have any better chance at that than anyone else. And sorry but Jimmy will NEVER be half the QB Brady is.
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lmao there is zero basis in anything you just said. Nobody here would ever take a "guarantee" of 3-4 years into the future even remotely seriously.

no one took your non-guarantees seriously. so i made a bogus guarantee to you.

but remove the "guarantee" part and i truly believe the bills will at best be the new cincinatti bengals (barely get into the playoffs and lose the first game.)
At this point I value what you truly believe about as much as I value what DWE truly believes when it comes to football.
^i feel the same way about you (in regards to football). you're delusional if you think the bills are going anywhere.
Without Tom Brady the Bills have hands down a better roster than the Patriots right now. So to say you can guarantee the Patriots will still dominate the AFCE once he retires is crazy. The Patriots will he lucky to beat out EITHER the Bills or the dolphins let alone both of them.