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THC-O Megathread

At least you get good cheap k
Well, we get cheap k 😂
No sometimes it is good. But we almost never see the likes of actual pharma vials, infact in my 15+ years of doing k I've only ever had 2 vials and I've done kilos and kilos of the stuff and sold even more than I've done before I was busted and had to stop.
Lots of people used to say they have 'lquid' but its just home made - crystals dissolved in water, unknown mg/ml, unknown sterility, quality/purity, even unknown isomer, etc.

Can't believe UK is the ONLY place haha, typical...
I hate this place.
Gofundme to go live with @nznity in peru so I can get vials of K cheap OTC and grams of Peruvian coke for probably less than a £5 ? 😂
I thought about buying some of the THC-O oil and making edibles but i hear it lasts for 12 hours when taken orally. I'm not even a cannabis fan but i am curious.
I thought about buying some of the THC-O oil and making edibles but i hear it lasts for 12 hours when taken orally. I'm not even a cannabis fan but i am curious.
If you want, on wednesday you can ask me questions about how it goes, i'll be the super weed guinea pig :)
I could ask my sister to post on here too after she tries it, i'm sure she'd be willing to write a experience report of answer questions or something in return for free super thc
If i ask my brother, his answer will almost certainly be either why? or, I don't care about that.
My dad will say i'm obsessed with trying drugs, and give me a worried look, and then smoke more of the super thc. lol

I'm almost always down for being high for 12+ hours at a time, I do san pedro on a regular basis, so I'm pretty used to extended psychedelic highs.
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Well, we get cheap k 😂
No sometimes it is good. But we almost never see the likes of actual pharma vials, infact in my 15+ years of doing k I've only ever had 2 vials and I've done kilos and kilos of the stuff and sold even more than I've done before I was busted and had to stop.
Lots of people used to say they have 'lquid' but its just home made - crystals dissolved in water, unknown mg/ml, unknown sterility, quality/purity, even unknown isomer, etc.

Can't believe UK is the ONLY place haha, typical...
I hate this place.
Gofundme to go live with @nznity in peru so I can get vials of K cheap OTC and grams of Peruvian coke for probably less than a £5 ? 😂
4 Quid for a half a gram/10ml vial 😂😂😂
If you want, on wednesday you can ask me questions about how it goes, i'll be the super weed guinea pig :)
I could ask my sister to post on here too after she tries it, i'm sure she'd be willing to write a experience report of answer questions or something in return for free super thc
If i ask my brother, his answer will almost certainly be either why? or, I don't care about that.
My dad will say i'm obsessed with trying drugs, and give me a worried look, and then smoke more of the super thc. lol

I'm almost always down for being high for 12+ hours at a time, I do san pedro on a regular basis, so I'm pretty used to extended psychedelic highs.
San Pedro whispered to me...We are all One....🍀☮️
I'm never doing it again tho, tastes gross and I wouldn't say it's recreational or euphoric at all but a utterly mystical and intense experience
I'm never doing it again tho, tastes gross and I wouldn't say it's recreational or euphoric at all but a utterly mystical and intense experience
It was the first psychedelic's i ever took, I took 3 feet of tricoreus ( I know the spellings wrong) brigdessi with 200-300 mg dxm, I realized all plants and animals are conscious and equally important as humans. were all connected, and death is a beautiful adventure.
Though i find it to be recreational and highly euphoric, I do mix other drugs with it.

The fractals are so overwelmingly beautiful, and I get to feel emotion and empathy when I take it. I feel human

I get cravings for psychedelic's too if I don't take them for a while, about as bad as opiate cravings.
It was the first psychedelic's i ever took, I took 3 feet of tricoreus ( I know the spellings wrong) brigdessi with 200-300 mg dxm, I realized all plants and animals are conscious and equally important as humans. were all connected, and death is a beautiful adventure.
Though i find it to be recreational and highly euphoric, I do mix other drugs with it.

The fractals are so overwelmingly beautiful, and I get to feel emotion and empathy when I take it. I feel human

I get cravings for psychedelic's too if I don't take them for a while, about as bad as opiate cravings.
Lols, too intense for my taste but that moment when your ego dissolves and you melt with the universe feels actually great.
Last time I took it was in 2013 and I think that 14hr experience was enough for a lifetime. I'm preparing myself for a 250-300ug acid trip tho.
Psychs=love 😊
I've only seen K once on the street 10 years ago here, The only other time I've gotten to use it is when the EMS people shot 100 mg(my estimation based on the face that I K holed almost immediately) of it into my but cheeks because I was having a depressive episode and said I was allergic to anti psychotics. It wasn't to treat the depression though, It was to incapacitate me so they could strap me down in the hospital. I felt WAY better depression wise when It wore off and for like a week after. I told them how much it helped and asked if they could shoot me up again at some point, they said no. It's fucked how expensive ketamine treatment is, up to 600 dollars per infusion :(

I'd love to buy a gram in injectable vials, I could just do it myself.
i hear it lasts for 12 hours when taken orally.
Something like that.

I'd say vaping 5-6hrs
Oral 8-12 hrs

Seems to be about 50% longer duration than d9

My first oral dose I decided to take a nap at 1pm and ended up sleeping 12 hours extremely deep and restful sleep

it can be more sedating than edible d9, just FYI, but not an overwhelming tiredness
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I thought about buying some of the THC-O oil and making edibles but i hear it lasts for 12 hours when taken orally. I'm not even a cannabis fan but i am curious.
I recently met some real connoisseurs who know somebody who grows their own righteously outdoors in small amounts. And despite it being a sativa I was laughing with the rest of them and having a great time. I asked him if it was indica and they said no it was a sativa and called it "happy buds"

I couldn't believe it but I smoked three big hits. It wasn't super strong and you could tell it was grown outdoors because it wasn't covered with huge resin sacs, it tasted better, had long stems and looked more like normal green bud w brown hairs and a light dusting of crystals. Maybe I sound silly because I don't know what all the terminology, because like you I'm not a head anymore and haven't been for years decades even. But I absolutely love this and I got a big bud of it maybe three and a half inches long and almost 2 in wide with an absurdly long stem for like a Jackson which would probably cost 4 times as much at a dispensary.

If you could get it at a dispensary. Because they'd probably turn their noses up at the fact that it was grown outdoors w/ I'm guessing no more than 15% THC

Here's a pic I'd be proud to send to High Times back in the day. It's obviously brighter because I took it with the Flash but mostly just had to correct contrast and brightness

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My cartridge just got here, #snafu of the forest I think it's laced with coconut oil like you said, It's thicker than olive oil for sure, I'll be trying it Wednesday, my brother isn't interested in it because I said you can't smoke it
Hey guys, does the whole "you shouldnt smoke it" apply to regular delta 8 too? when my dad hits delta 8, he coughs ALOT, but he is taking big hits, I've been smoking delta 8 for months now, am I doing damage to my lungs?