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Texas Deputy Killed in Dawn No-Knock Drug Raid

Sorry if I'm less than sympathetic, but a cop knows the risks that come with this job and that is just a choice they make. They should especially know all of what can obviously go wrong with a no-knock raid for some marijuana plants. Stupid, risky move that police department made and unfortunately for them (the officer and the homeowner) it didn't play out too well.

someone has already brought this up but it seems you werent paying much attention

how would you like it, if i was a cop and said "this drug user knows the risks when they are playing with drugs, they are playing russian roulette with their life. pretty stupid of you to take an interest in drugs (not stupid at all in reality), i guess who cares if you overdose, serves you right, i guess lets not set up thoses needle exchanges that could lower the amount of overdoses, its just playing out ;) "

aka druggies are filth because they chose this side, cops are pigs because they chose their side

which side is right? i think its somewhere in between myself
The cop should have knocked before going in. He'd probably still be alive. I very much doubt that his death was premeditated by the shooter.

I can't stand pigs who take a keen interest in any kind of drug-based law enforcement. And I have personal reasons for this, on top of what I read every other day or so about another civilian shot dead - it disgusts me that this sort of nonsense is so tolerated by society, and by fellow cops who routinely bend the truth to keep their teammates from being charged with anything after such an incident occurs. The most common shit I always hear from cops, or their legal representatives defending their actions is that the cop "didn't ask to be there," and that said cop "had a duty to be there."

Regardless, a human life is priceless to someone, somewhere. And by that I mean that - in this case - the cop's family must be devastated. Ironically, the deceased's wife or kids could be so severely affected by this traumatic experience that they may resort to drug use to numb the pain.
bet he gets a minimum 4 life sentences. just so, ya know, if hes a buddhist or something and reincarnates.. he'll still be in jail.
if jail means he might reincarnate as a human and have possibly made a lot less progress on his psyche than his last life, then i agree with u
I've heard now of several cases of cops accosting unsuspecting civilian subjects of investigation, while giving no clear indication to the accostee that they're law enforcement. The civilian then ends up getting charged with assault, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, driving to endanger, eluding the police, or worst of all, murder of an officer of the law, when he does something rash but perfectly understandable from the perspective of someone who's just been surprise attacked by a total stranger for no clear reason. In a couple of these cases I've read, the cops had the wrong suspect, so the crime for which the raid was conducted was never prosecuted, but the charge(s) that came from the civilian's self-defense did stick.

The message these incidents send to the public is, "If a stranger on the street treats you badly, you'd be wise to bow your head and take it without complaint, because you never know when that's someone in an official position, operating, out of professional necessity, incognito. We apologize for the inconvenience, especially if you don't deserve it, but unfortunately we need to do our jobs to keep the public safe, and appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter." The irony of such a message is that it assumes upon utopian-fantasy-novel levels of trust between the government and the governed, and in so doing, actually swells the ranks of the distrustful and disaffected.

Back in the days of Legal Discussion, I once had a heated debate over whether I ought to pull over whenever any rotating or flashing red or blue light comes on inside any vehicle behind me, period. Basically my platform was, if I don't live in a police state that rules by fear, a defense of, "Anyone can mount a flashing red/blue light in/on their car, so I had no way of knowing whether that was really a LEO" should fly in court no problem. If, as many suggested at the time, I'd be lucky to make it alive to my court date if I even tried such a thing, then yes, we definitely live in a police state.
What a waste of time and a life, or two lives as the guy will probably go away for a shit load of time, if not his whole life, or possibly even death penalty?

As mentioned if they had of knocked and announced it was the cops the guy possibly wouldnt have shot the cop and how the fuck is he going to get rid of guns and plants that quick anyway, what a bullshit law that no knock crap is.
Some of the users is this thread are partially to blame why addicts are viewed as sordid creatures similarly to why police are viewed this way by us, you must understand not everyone is like this and even if they are its insanity to spread more violence. An eye for an eye is idiocy. What ground do you gain from being as ignorant or arrogant as others? Your simply degrading yourself that way. If you want to be as animalistic as some police, go right ahead, but you won't find me at your funeral nor will you find me supporting your actions. This article is clear bullshit and the cop is in the wrong, but if you choose to act like his life was completely worthless on all levels then you best not cry like a little girl or expect others too, when someone does wrong by you, or takes your life. By the same consensus that none of you would want your loved ones to spit on your grave and say "Stupid drug addict" someone out there wishes the same for this cop. Were all just gears being moved by the system, like stated if you hate it so much work to reform the system, or I suppose if your stupid enough....you could just try to kill it/everyone involved in it. 8)
If someone breaks into your house, you shoot them. Its really that simple.

The police should have properly indentified themselves as police.

If the police do not make it known they are police and bust into a house, how could they not expect resistance.

I personally would shoot anyone who broke my door down unless they were to annouce themselves as law enforcement. If they were to simply knock on the door and say they were police and present a warrent I would not resist.

I think its a damn shame what happened. The responsibility lays on the person who ordered this raid to go down like this.

If people do not know its the police, they will assume its an intruder who is meaning to harm them.
Everyone who has replied to the OP has a good point IMO.

It is true (is it not?) that if someone trespasses on your property, and proceeds to break in without alerting the owner first, who also happens to be sleeping because it's that time of the night - of course your survival instincts are gonna kick in overtime, and if you happen to carry a loaded weapon and use it on whoever just broke down your door, if they end up dead, I'd think that the homeowner isn't to blame.

Since this cop foolishly decided to do just that (as in, it was his choice not to identify himself and he was not under orders), how can you blame the shooter?

That being said, I still think it's tragic that the cop died. Like it or not, that was somebody's sibling, relative, spouse, father, child, best friend, etc.

The same mentality should apply whenever you read about the cops doing the killing, but it doesn't. Unfortunately, most comments I read are extremely biased; extremely one-sided. If the suspect was killed, usually the collective reaction is one of relief, and satisfaction - which is very disturbing. But when the deceased happens to be part of the team who instigated the raid, it's an outrage. Such a fucked up society.

Now I don't know shit about how they handle such a clusterfuck situation in Texas, but I imagine they'll make the charges stick because of Mr. Magee's priors, and the fact that they found a few plants.

Somewhere in some parallel universe, where Nixon never became POTUS, where there is no DEA, no UN Single Convention on Narcotics, no controlled substances, and Justin Bieber became a mime; this would never have happened.
If I went and kicked in some somebodies door I wouldn't be surprised if they blew my ass away. Why is this a surprise?
I feel worse for the homeowner than anyone else. Someone kicked his door in and he feared for his life.

So he reacted just as anyone would and shot the intruder. He owned his guns legit and was not a violent criminal.

There is no reason he should be charged with anything.
This guy's going down. I think Texas has a law that if you're committing a felony and somebody dies, you're a murderer.
Your right mister #. Texas will probably execute him. I am guessing the chair.

Its still wrong though.
Sorry if I'm less than sympathetic, but a cop knows the risks that come with this job and that is just a choice they make. They should especially know all of what can obviously go wrong with a no-knock raid for some marijuana plants. Stupid, risky move that police department made and unfortunately for them (the officer and the homeowner) it didn't play out too well.

Wait though, lots of things are dangerous in police work. Pulling people over, answering domestic calls etc. Should they they just "know the risks" and not do anything? It is their fault their job is dangerous? What other crimes should they not respond to because they could get shot? Seems to me you could get shot any time in Texas.
Pretend its not drugs, should the guy with the child porn get an extra 30 seconds to destroy his hard drive? Should the fraudster get more time to shred some documents? Those people could also respond to no knock raids with gunfire too. Is it just drug busts that you think people should get warning? I realize he can't flush ten plants but you could get rid of alot of drugs in 45 seconds in say a fireplace.
There is no way you are going to beat the police or US government with your firearm. It will just end up with you dead. Hopefully you didn't do it because some guy on the internet with a neck beard call you a sheeple. You will end up dead if you shoot at the cops and you will not win.
There is no way you are going to beat the police or US government with your firearm. It will just end up with you dead. Hopefully you didn't do it because some guy on the internet with a neck beard call you a sheeple. You will end up dead if you shoot at the cops and you will not win.

But in this case a police officer died. A police officer who could have been catching real criminals is now dead because someone was growing a fucking plant. Does that not sound ridiculous to you?
Got to get those plants, otherwise people will become addicted and start devil worshipping or something.