Testosterone Enanthate


Jun 7, 2005
so guys i am here to ask a few questions about this drug

I hear people calling it a bulking steroid , whats the difference between a bulking steroid and a cutting steroid.. and what do people think of this steroid?

what PCT is essential when on a course?
- Arimidex
- Clomid
- Nolvadex / Tamoxifen
- Proviron

when should u be running pct, through your course, after your course. it is quite confusing, so please dont flame me=D only asking questions, not doing anything :)
Test enthanate is just one of the multiple different forms of test. the enanthate part is just the ether (sp)* or molecule attached to it which determines the half-life of the compound. test in general can be used for bulking or cutting due to the fact there are different ethers. enanthate is a longer lasting molecule which only requires to be injeceted every 4-5 days because it has a half life of about 10 days and you want to keep your levels as stable as possible to avoid side effects. But to answer your question it can be used as both... What are your stats weight hight etc... and goals. If you want to pack on 20 solid lbs of muscle just eat everthing in sight while on cycle. if you want t use it as a cutter go on a lean low carb diet eating just fish, eggs, chicken, vegis and a lot of lean protein. its all about diet no matter what you take. You could also throw in some winstrol or anavar to make a great cutting cycle with proper diet
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so guys i am here to ask a few questions about this drug

I hear people calling it a bulking steroid , whats the difference between a bulking steroid and a cutting steroid.. and what do people think of this steroid?

what PCT is essential when on a course?
- Arimidex
- Clomid
- Nolvadex / Tamoxifen
- Proviron

when should u be running pct, through your course, after your course. it is quite confusing, so please dont flame me=D only asking questions, not doing anything :)
Sorry i didnt answer your full question but for post cycle you can use pretty much everything you listed.. not all at once but one or two.. I prefer clomid but that is because i dont have any gyno problems but If your nipples start getting a little sensitive during your cycle or feel like a lump is forming behind, get right on the novadex 20-40mg/day for the rest of your cycle, its good to have on hand no matter what especially if it is your first cycle cuz everyone has different sides and reacts different.. the real shit not the gaspari bs (but it can be used in worst case as an OTC PCT if you cannot get anything else). if you run test E since the half life is ten days you should start your PCT about two 1/2 or 3 weeks after your last injection. i take my clomid a full three weeks after my last shot especially if i ran eq or something with a longer halflife then test e. I start out day one 300mg then 10days of of 100mg and 10 days of 50mg.
yep, good testosterone to start with. For PCT Clomid and Nolvadex are perfect. If you have HCG use it right after last injection for 2 weeks and stop before starting pct.
For post cycle therapy wait 2 weeks after your last shot of test because testosterone enhante have 14-16 days half life. So 2 weeks after last pin start taking nolvadex and clomid. Dose like this: clomid:100/100/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20

That is a good way to come off. Also keep a bottle of arimidex handy during cycle if you start feeling some bitch tits, pop .50mg - 1 mg/ every other day
Source: www.catshit.com

Hope it helps
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I'm sure it would help, if you didn't reply to a 4.5 year old thread :?
yep, good testosterone to start with. For PCT Clomid and Nolvadex are perfect. If you have HCG use it right after last injection for 2 weeks and stop before starting pct. Bullshit..!!
For post cycle therapy wait 2 weeks after your last shot of test because testosterone enhante have 14-16 days half life. Bullshit..!! So 2 weeks after last pin start taking nolvadex and clomid. Dose like this: clomid:100/100 Bullshit..!! /50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/Bullshit..!! 20/20/20/20

That is a good way to come off. Also keep a bottle of arimidex handy during cycle if you start feeling some bitch tits, pop .50mg - 1 mg/ every other day
Source: www.catshit.com

Hope it helps
No it doesn't..!!!
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Genetic Freak do you realise how old the thread is lol...

BTW that post contains a source link.
Never the less, it is not allowed?

Links to stuff like SERMS and AIs I don't mind being posted because it isn't scheduled or controlled. I'm going to edit it out though because the links of the site direct you to dodgy looking off shore pharmacy.
Links to stuff like SERMS and AIs I don't mind being posted because it isn't scheduled or controlled. I'm going to edit it out though because the links of the site direct you to dodgy looking off shore pharmacy.

That's cool I like that. It technically is HR being that you can give a reliable source for ancillaries that you may not be able to get/potential bunk.