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Testing a sample of 2M2B - finding a lab in the Uk to do Atomic spectroscopy


Aug 29, 2013
I've received a batch of 2M2B, an alcohol, that I intend to use along with Kava Kava and Kratom as a substitute for normal alcohol; on different days to avoid addiction. I need to do this as the booze is giving me health issues but I've found that I really do need that happiness factor after a days hard work rather than facing a dry evening. Kratom doesn't really do it, and Kava is still illegal in the UK.

The problem is that the source of the 2M2B, which was the only one I could find that didn't have onerous vetting procedures, is in a far off land and I while it smells right (like camphor/mothballs which I happen to have among my wool clothing), I don't trust it. I couldn't even bring myself to try a single millimeter. In the meantime my pancreas is dissolving, so I need to do something about this pronto.

I presume that what I need is a lab somewhere to do atomic spectroscopy on a sample. Then I can determine the risk of the impurities and decide my mind.

I've even thought that it would be good to set up a little 2M2B business supplying certified 2M2B. But that's just a nice idea for the meantime.

Am I going in the right direction on this? What kind of costs might I expect for this kind of service? And does anyone have a recommendation for a cheap and reliable lab that would do this for me? Is it absorption spectroscopy or some other that I should be looking to get done?

Thanks for any help.and my pancreas will than you also.
Bro I don't think this 2M2B is going to do your pancreas anymore favors than FDA certified alcohol
Bro I don't think this 2M2B is going to do your pancreas anymore favors than FDA certified alcohol

You may be right, and I've had that thought also. But it's worth a try. One can feel the thing so I'll know fairly soon one way or the other.
Where are you located? Energy Control offers free testing if you're anywhere near Spain, and I think there might be an organization in the Netherlands too.
The drug testing service in the Netherlands has been around for ages. It's called DIMS The Drug Information and Monitoring System. You may need to search google pretty hard as I couldn't seem to find their direct website or info but what I did find was a page under the Dutch harm reduction group Unity. It has listed a whole stack of drug testing locations, times and price. It's written in Dutch so use google translate or simply rock up to the address or call the number for info. Here's that link:
