Testim (Testosterone Gel)


May 26, 2004
So I have access to some Testim gel. They are samples from a doctor.

I want to use them to see if they help me build muscle and improve my energy and mood. I have long thought I have suffered from low Testosterone.

anyway, how will this stuff affect me......also is there a market for this stuff? I have easily 100 of these samples tubes.
Useless for building muscle unfortunately.
From what I've read it's only really used in TRT, and even then it's not usually the sole prescription.
Useless for building muscle unfortunately.
From what I've read it's only really used in TRT, and even then it's not usually the sole prescription.

word, think it will atleast boost my energy?
Just to clarify, I meant useless in comparison to the commonly used steroids. Anything prescribed for low T that increases your T levels it will make building muscle marginally easier.

Regarding energy (and other low T symptoms), I couldn't say from experience, but I've heard generally positive things about it from people it's been prescribed to.
I used androgel (similar to testim) for a short period of time. It will take a while to build in your system and is expensive. I'm guessing you have 5g tubes. I've read that, in order to see real results regarding reversing low T symptoms, 10g is pretty standard (of course, listen to your doctor regarding dosage)

Its a pain in the ass because you need to have a pretty standard hygiene routine since you can't shower for roughly two hours after application

As for muscle growth? Maybe very slight and barely noticeable (VERY slight).

Talk to your doctor, get your T levels checked and follow her/his direction

Injectable testosterone is MUCH more cost efficient
Testosterone Gel is terrible. It's notorious for aromitizing and causing bloat, male breat development, and other estrogen related sides. It's also expensive like OverDone said. Not worth it at all.

You have long thought?

I wouldn't use anything until you get a proper hormone profile done and see what the doctor says. Fucking with steroids isn't like fucking around with drugs. You will fuck up your hormone levels.
You could use them... but by the time you'll be recovered after stopping, you will have lost all your gains.
So I have access to some Testim gel. They are samples from a doctor.

I want to use them to see if they help me build muscle and improve my energy and mood. I have long thought I have suffered from low Testosterone.

anyway, how will this stuff affect me......also is there a market for this stuff? I have easily 100 of these samples tubes.

Pop one on the Mrs.....!!!
Testosterone Gel is terrible. It's notorious for aromitizing and causing bloat, male breat development, and other estrogen related sides. It's also expensive like OverDone said. Not worth it at all.

You have long thought?

I wouldn't use anything until you get a proper hormone profile done and see what the doctor says. Fucking with steroids isn't like fucking around with drugs. You will fuck up your hormone levels.

im not looking to start any kind of steroids. I got these samples tubes and figured i would give it a go. I have read that testosterone, at the very least, will boost your mood and energy.

yes i have the 5g tubes. so 10g is pretty standard?

yes i have thought for a long time that my testosterone levels were way low. the reasons for which i thought/think this i will leave out but I also havent had a legit check on it either. the samples i came across were not prescribed for me. the person who got them got a prescription for them and the doctor just gave him two big bags of samples, one of which he gave to me because he knew about my low t concerns.

I am not one to just jump into things, which is why i made this thread. i have not used any yet and don't plan to until 1) i get an idea of how useful or damaging it can be and 2) until i can get into MMT and get my shit together, then i will start to hit the gym
I used androgel (similar to testim) for a short period of time. It will take a while to build in your system and is expensive. I'm guessing you have 5g tubes. I've read that, in order to see real results regarding reversing low T symptoms, 10g is pretty standard (of course, listen to your doctor regarding dosage)

Its a pain in the ass because you need to have a pretty standard hygiene routine since you can't shower for roughly two hours after application

As for muscle growth? Maybe very slight and barely noticeable (VERY slight).

Talk to your doctor, get your T levels checked and follow her/his direction

Injectable testosterone is MUCH more cost efficient

i also used androgel when i was like 21. i remember it making me super aggressive and horny and giving me a good boost in energy

i guess i should get a legit testosterone check before i begin using this stuff. i definitely dont want to put my body at any more risk than it already has.
im not looking to start any kind of steroids. I got these samples tubes and figured i would give it a go. I have read that testosterone, at the very least, will boost your mood and energy.

yes i have the 5g tubes. so 10g is pretty standard?

yes i have thought for a long time that my testosterone levels were way low. the reasons for which i thought/think this i will leave out but I also havent had a legit check on it either. the samples i came across were not prescribed for me. the person who got them got a prescription for them and the doctor just gave him two big bags of samples, one of which he gave to me because he knew about my low t concerns.

I am not one to just jump into things, which is why i made this thread. i have not used any yet and don't plan to until 1) i get an idea of how useful or damaging it can be and 2) until i can get into MMT and get my shit together, then i will start to hit the gym

Just as an FYI - those two bolded sentences you started with directly contradict each other :p
Memphis don't you post In the chi h thread?? Just curious as if so we from the same state. Btw if you want to use it for assisting with opiate induced hypogonadism (that's if this is the case) give it some time depending on your age and you may recover quite a bit and not need exogenous chemicals..
It has its use but frankly be single when using because if you have a good sex life your girl will come into contact with it and then she will need to shave her mustache with you in the morning. But to be really honest it is useful only to really depleted older men. Sero has a point though it can counter the effect of dropped levels from a heavy opiate habit or binge, but again if you're use to needles move to a very low dose of test for your issue: say 100mg a week of test cyp or enan.