Test kits for T?


Mar 18, 2009
Are there any testing kits on the market to know if the injectable you've obtained is testosterone vs. something else?

I know with HCG you can use home pregnancy tests. I'm wondering if there's something equivalent for T.
I absolutely recommend jano as well.
However it is expensive.
One can try verifying via bloodwork as well. A somewhat reliable way is this:
(Test dose in MG) x 4= low end of total test
(test dose in MG) x 5= high end of total test
If your total test comes back within that range, generally you can say it's good to go and dosed accurately. This may be skewed with heavy esters slightly, however it seems to work decently well for myself and some people I've recommended it along with "guessing people's dose" when looking at blood work.
(disclaimer: this won't work if other compounds that can show up as testosterone are in your system)
I absolutely recommend jano as well.
However it is expensive.
One can try verifying via bloodwork as well. A somewhat reliable way is this:
(Test dose in MG) x 4= low end of total test
(test dose in MG) x 5= high end of total test
If your total test comes back within that range, generally you can say it's good to go and dosed accurately. This may be skewed with heavy esters slightly, however it seems to work decently well for myself and some people I've recommended it along with "guessing people's dose" when looking at blood work.
(disclaimer: this won't work if other compounds that can show up as testosterone are in your system)

A question if I may.?
The dose of testosterone in mg, is that the actual amount of testosterone after the ester has been removed.?
A question if I may.?
The dose of testosterone in mg, is that the actual amount of testosterone after the ester has been removed.?
I'd convert to equivalent moles of T, the esters aren't going to be bioactive.
I'd convert to equivalent moles of T, the esters aren't going to be bioactive.

That was my initial thought, but some calculations work on total mg content, and don't account for removal of ester weight.
I was hoping Serotonin101 could clarify..??
A question if I may.?
The dose of testosterone in mg, is that the actual amount of testosterone after the ester has been removed.?
I've done it only with medium Ester length like enanthate and cyp. Active test sans Ester I'm sure would be pretty close, and would equalize everything as then no Ester weight would have to be factored in. I'll see if I can think of something in the morning that will work