Test and your body fat


Mar 13, 2012
Never ran a cycle. When I last bulked I ate around 3000-3500 calories and gained a good amount of muscle and fat in 6 months relative to where I was at before.

My question to you guys is, if any of you have noticed you can eat the same or even more calories when you are on test and will your body put on the same amount of fat and just build muscle quicker? Or does it use those extra calories for more lean gains. I know this will all be personal and I realize some of you blast and cruise so it might be difficult to estimate what your body did natural, but for anyone that can remember or has recently done a cycle and noticed.

I'm planning for a test e cycle later this year and I already know naturally my body will not use 3000 calories a day without putting on a good amount of fat so I'm trying to figure out what I will need, I might just have to guess and check when it comes around but am curious.
Shit man, for me - test and other juice just makes me grow. Grow everything that is, water, fat & muscle. The cleaner my diet the less of the first 2 I see. I try to keep my diet as lean & clean as possible, but when running heavy test & other bloat giving gear - I still gain crap weight
So far I'm eating a bit above maintenance and I've gained a bit of Weight but I don't care about the scale, I care about how my lifts are and what I see in the mirror which is loads of improvement..
Protein synthesis increases on Test, so yes, your additional calories will result in a considerably higher muscle vs fat ratio. That's kind of the entire raison d'etre behind steroid use in the first place ;-)