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Opioids Terrible side effects from opiates that I want to enjoy.

also taking benzodiazepines makes it more comfortable.

Just a word of warning, this can be a fairly dangerous combination if you don't have a fairly high tolerance to both opiates and benzos. It can cause respiratory depression meaning you could stop breathing.
weirdly today, i took promethazine for the first time with pod tea, and ive broken out into severe itches, weird, loratadine worked ok but i wanted something with sedation, might i have an allergic reaction to prometh? im sure i wouldnt as diph etc never had a problem with, although i had something similar on morphine after a few days on it, maybe my body just realses huge amounts of histamines after ive been on them a few days.
morning bell,

There is only one opiate effect not mentioned here. If you unfailingly get these headaches when you do opiates there is an outside chance that the elevated intracranial pressure caused by them (that's why they don't give them to head injury patients) is causing a problem. I would then surely mention it to a doctor just in case this leads them to finding something early. Odds are extremely low that this is the problem, but you never know and finding out early is a really good thing in this case.

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I can not possibly understand why people complain about the itching. Everytime I use to itch on opiates it just increased the euphoria. I'd scratch and get a tingling sensation in my head.

If you don't like the scratches maybe opiates just aren't your thing then.
Adding Diphenhydramine or antihistamines with Opiates is dangerous if the user doesn't have a high tolerance.

The preparations you mentioned are prescribed by a doctor, you are NOT a doctor so don't make the assumption that it's ok for you to recommend it.

In no way or form did he say 'look at me, read my posts cause i'm the only one that's right here' and post count has nothing to do with providing good information, you need to stop being a negative cunt and realize you are not the person who is always right, in fact most of the posts i read from you are horribly wrong.

Also, you aren't even a moderator, and it's funny you try and act like one cause you fail each time.

MAJ.pain and others are right, especially if he/she isn't an occasional user.

antihistamines add barely any resp depression.
I can not possibly understand why people complain about the itching. Everytime I use to itch on opiates it just increased the euphoria. I'd scratch and get a tingling sensation in my head.

If you don't like the scratches maybe opiates just aren't your thing then.

I agree with that completely.....if Im high on opiates and I start feeling itchy...its a GOOOD itchy feeling, because it comes from the opiate euphoria....it just feels nice to know that im itchy because im experiencing pleasure....

its kinda like when you vomit when you shoot up some real good heroin....it FEELS good to vomit cause you know its from the overflow of euphoria.
Opiates do sometimes cause headache. I didn't really notice them so much with regular use (although when in WD sometime I got bad ones) but having taken a break from poppy tea for a long time an returning, I noticed that I did have a mild headache. It doesn't usually bother me because it's just not that severe.

Oh.... and the itchies? I scratched deeply enough to draw blood last night. I didn't recall that effect being so annoying but there was simply no relief. No sooner than I would finish scratching one area raw another place would itch. I'm still itching alot today :\

I drew blood too from itching when I took H. I assume you took H?
How much you take and what route?