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Tell Me the Coolest Thing You Know About LSD

hard receptor binding is consistent with tolerance, and supports the fact that microdosing is possible at a much higher frequency than larger doses.

i.e. if you bind to a majority of LSD receptors, then, until they are replaced, you can bind with little or nothing,
but if you just take out a few (by using a lighter dose), then you can go at it again in a short time - eg. next day or 2nd day following..

Also receptors in different parts of the brain may bind faster than others and so the quality of trips can reflect that when you next dose, and those receptors are not available but others are:

In that way a series of trips may start off visual, then go to mental, then go to physical until all the receptors are regenerated and you can begin the cycle.
So you can put a LSD crystal between a glass and a piezo-tweeter and make the ultimate hippie "LED" that bring light to your music ?
And nobody tested that ? :D
Also receptors in different parts of the brain may bind faster than others and so the quality of trips can reflect that when you next dose, and those receptors are not available but others are:

In that way a series of trips may start off visual, then go to mental, then go to physical until all the receptors are regenerated and you can begin the cycle.
I had never thought of this, amazing. It makes sense and could explain allot for me and my lysergamide use. Now that I think of what you're saying, I do experience this as well.
LSD usually means LSD-25, but there are also LSD-6, LSD-42, LSD-49 and everything in betwixt. . .
I've heard this before, what's the difference? The position at which some group is attached?
no this guy is just talking shit trying to sound smart. LSD-25 is the 25th in the series of lsyeric acid derivates albert hoffman made with diethylmade. Only sandoz would know from his old papers what his earlier series are. This is a common way of naming your things in chemical research
As above! LSD is only LSD-25. Hofmann was studying a series of lysergic acid derivatives (LSx-1 to LSx-24 before it, one can imagine) the 25th of which had a diethylamide moiety, thus LSD-25, which is what is called a trivial name, and a German one at that. (It also explains why the 25 was eventually dropped from usage, since it's rather meaningless outside of the specific context from which it emerged). It's in TiHKAL. The other ones are not necessarily psychoactive, and I'm not sure if the entire list exists somewhere.

In rats, LSD's effects come in phases where when tested thirty minutes after injection other psychedelic drugs such as psilocin, mescaline, and DOI substitute for LSD, but when tested at ninety minutes after injection other psychedelics no longer substitute, but dopamine receptor agonists do. [1][2] Additionally, during this second phase, only in older but not younger rats, over one year of age, the dissociative drugs PCP, ketamine, and MK-801 all fully substitute for LSD. [3]

In rats, LSD's effects come in phases where when tested thirty minutes after injection other psychedelic drugs such as psilocin, mescaline, and DOI substitute for LSD, but when tested at ninety minutes after injection other psychedelics no longer substitute, but dopamine receptor agonists do. [1][2] Additionally, during this second phase, only in older but not younger rats, over one year of age, the dissociative drugs PCP, ketamine, and MK-801 all fully substitute for LSD. [3]
Your post triggered my memory:
LSD is the only psychedelic documented to lower Prolactine levels thanks to its D2 receptors agonism.
I presume at least some of the analogues available today might share this trait.
All Phenethylamine Psychdelics elevate Prolactine levels.

This is one of the reasons LSD does not interfere with orgasms and erections like the other psychedelics can, Prolactin is a hormone that reduces sex drive and dopamine levels, and it is released right after orgasms, it is the reason why it's difficult if not impossible to get an erection immediately after an orgasm.

It is true that LSD has been shown to lower prolactin via D2 receptor activation in rats, but it should be noted that a much more recent study in humans actually showed LSD to significantly increase prolactin levels at a dosage of 200 µg.

They claimed that "LSD inhibited prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cells and decreased plasma levels of prolactin in rats. This led to the suggestion that LSD acts as a dopamine D2 receptor agonist in the pituitary. However, the present study in humans found that LSD increased the plasma levels of prolactin and cortisol, which are both markers of serotonergic activity. Our findings suggest that the serotonergic stimulant effects of LSD on prolactin regulation usurp any dopamine D2 receptor-mediated inhibition in humans at the dose used in the present study."

It is true that LSD has been shown to lower prolactin via D2 receptor activation in rats, but it should be noted that a much more recent study in humans actually showed LSD to significantly increase prolactin levels at a dosage of 200 µg.

They claimed that "LSD inhibited prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cells and decreased plasma levels of prolactin in rats. This led to the suggestion that LSD acts as a dopamine D2 receptor agonist in the pituitary. However, the present study in humans found that LSD increased the plasma levels of prolactin and cortisol, which are both markers of serotonergic activity. Our findings suggest that the serotonergic stimulant effects of LSD on prolactin regulation usurp any dopamine D2 receptor-mediated inhibition in humans at the dose used in the present study."

I stand corrected, thanks. I checked and all recent research points to the serotoninergic activity overpowering the D2 activity in live humans.
LSD seems to come in several different packages, shapes, shades, tastes, and forms.

Gotta love microscopic hallucinogens. :D
My mum took it 8 times, half microdot each time, so about 130-150 ug most likely. This was back in the day when micro dots were notoriously strong and half was more than enough for an intense trip for most.

My dad was apparently a total hippie acid head who took LSD every day and was the real part in every regard so I have gathered. He died of suicide when I was only 3 so I know very little of him in general, both he and and my mum were heroin addicts for some years but my mum completely stopped all drugs the moment she became pregnant.

Just a few little facts about some of the lives that LSD has touched.
And You logic with dosage and math is?...

Microdots are an easy 1,000+ micrograms a pill/pop.

For crying out loud, this guy just shared a cool story - one that involved the admission of his father killing himself. It's hardly good form to bicker aboit dosages in this context.

Regardless, ive personally had microdots that were less than 300ug each.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for LSD, sincerely, but you gotta have some tact man.

Otherwise, really enjoying everyone's posts so far. Anyone have anything further on pharmacology? What about synthesis? Is there really a difference in subjective effects depending on the precursors used?

And what about quality? Are needlepoint, silver, and fluff real things? Or are they the equivalent of Triple stack/heroin based MDMA tablets?
For crying out loud, this guy just shared a cool story - one that involved the admission of his father killing himself. It's hardly good form to bicker aboit dosages in this context.

Regardless, ive personally had microdots that were less than 300ug each.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for LSD, sincerely, but you gotta have some tact man.

Otherwise, really enjoying everyone's posts so far. Anyone have anything further on pharmacology? What about synthesis? Is there really a difference in subjective effects depending on the precursors used?

And what about quality? Are needlepoint, silver, and fluff real things? Or are they the equivalent of Triple stack/heroin based MDMA tablets?
Purity makes a huge difference in the effects of LSD. Needlepoint and white fluff quality will have no confusion at all during any stage of the LSD experince even at doses around 500 ug or body load. While more trash LSD will make you really confused on the come up give you terrible naseusa and make you take anywhere between 1 - 5 huge shits. Synthesis is usually done on a large scale by teams of dedicated older chemists for the dn etc. More smaller countries have dedicated phd chemists cooking it up in small less than 1000 dose batches in universities since no one notices. Then you have some hippies with enough dedication managing to pull it off. Most precursors start with the same main pure things different novel techinques depending on their location. The trash LSD comes from idiots thinking they can make it from ergot fungus with zero purification then they dont even run chromographty to purify it leading to at least 5 products in that crystal that will fucking ruin your trip with confusion and body load.